
shǔ guāng
  • dawn;twilight;first light;aurora;the first light of day;first light of morning;morning twilight
曙光 [shǔ guāng]
  • [morning twilight] 破晓时的阳光,比喻已经在望的光明前景

  • 胜利的曙光

  • 我们大家看到,在许多国家里已经显露出国际无产阶级社会主义革命的曙光。--《在马克思恩格斯纪念碑揭幕典礼上的讲话》

曙光[shǔ guāng]
  1. 瓦格纳:20世纪音乐的曙光

    Wagner : The First Light of Morning in the 20 th Century Music

  2. 1971年Folkman教授首次提出肿瘤血管生成依赖学说,提出血管生成不仅在肿瘤的生长过程中必需,而且在肿瘤的侵袭和转移阶段也发挥作用,抗血管生成疗法成为肿瘤治疗领域的一线曙光。

    1971 the professor Folkman firstly proposed the theory of tumor depending on angiogenesis . He proposed that the angiogenesis was essential not only in tumor growth , but also in tumor invasion and metastasis . Antiangiogenesis become the first light of morning in tumor therapy .

  3. 他正为看到一线成功的曙光而欢欣鼓舞。

    He is celebrating his first glimmer of success .

  4. 就快看见希望的曙光了。

    There are glimmers of hope on the horizon .

  5. 和平的曙光已经出现,但战争的危险依然存在。

    The dawn of peace has appeared , but the danger of war still remains .

  6. 黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。

    The first signs of the dawn appear on the horizon .

  7. 曙光照临大地。

    The early sun bathes the land in light .

  8. 东方露出了曙光。

    Dawn is beginning to show in the east .

  9. 每天清晨,曙光初照,公园里便有人打太极拳。

    Every morning , in the first glimmer of dawn , some people are seen practising Taijiquan in the park .

  10. 然而,现在这种激烈的竟争环境已经开始露出了一线曙光:美国人现在开始意识到了工作对自己的影响,而雇主也在探索如何减少压力和过度劳累所带来的负面影响。

    Glimmers of hope , however , are beginning to emerge in this bruising environment : Americans are becoming aware of the toll their jobs take on them , and employers are exploring ways to alleviate the harmful effects of stress and overwork .

  11. 威伯很喜欢这时的谷仓——一切都那么静谧,安详,只等曙光的来临。

    Wilbur loved the barn when it was like this -- calm and quiet , waiting for light .

  12. 并行ART算法在曙光一号上的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of a parallel art algorithm on Dawning 1

  13. 抗VEGF药物为角膜新生血管患者带来了新的曙光。

    Anti-VEGF drugs to bring a new dawn for corneal neovascularization .

  14. 如今基于XML的Web服务、语义网技术的出现为我们带来了曙光,基于语义的Web服务集成平台能使我们的软件以松耦合、简单和平台无关的方式与客户的软件集成。

    Web services based on semantic made our software execute other services with looser coupling , simple and are independent of platform .

  15. AD转基因鼠的诞生为AD发病机制及治疗的研究带来了新的曙光。

    The establishment of AD transgenic mouse models brought new strategy for studies of pathogenesis and treatment of AD.

  16. 总是死气沉沉的波特酒(portwine)行业最近的动态让我眼前一亮,看到了历史学家在葡萄酒行业里的曙光。

    Recent activity in the usually sleepy port wine trade has opened my eyes to the opportunities for historians in the world of wine .

  17. 基于曙光-2000的MPI循环并行方法

    Parallel Loop for MPI Based on Dawning - 2000

  18. 希望的曙光&工业以太网数据交换标准OPCDX

    The dawn of hope & Data exchange standard for industrial Ethernet OPC DX

  19. 研究了设施栽培条件下曙光油桃根系的碳氮物质代谢、POD和SOD活性的动态变化。

    Dynamics of physiological and biochemical metabolism of nectarine roots were studied with Shuguang nectarine variety grown under protected cultivation conditions .

  20. 本文设计并实现了曙光服务器聚集应用管理系统DSC。

    In this dissertation , the design and implementation of application-management software for Dawning Server Consolidation ( DSC ) are presented .

  21. 基于曙光4000A的BLAST并行算法

    Exploiting Parallelization of BLAST on Dawning 4000A

  22. 为了更好的满足我中心科学可视化方面的需求,我们以中心现有的曙光PC集群为平台,开发了自己的大屏幕立体拼接显示系统。

    In order to provide a better display platform for our research of scientific visualization , we develop our own stereo tiled display system based on our Dawning PC cluster .

  23. 美国大型企业集团通用电气(ge)的一位高管表示,通用已经看到全球经济的第一缕“曙光”。

    General Electric has started to see the first " glimmers of hope " in the world economy , according to a senior executive at the US conglomerate .

  24. 嵌入式系统在曙光4000A机群监控中的应用

    The Application f Embedded System in Dawning 4000A Large Scale Monitor System

  25. 曙光1000A上消息传递与共享存储的比较

    Message-Passing Versus Shared Memory on Dawning 1000A

  26. 沐浴着第一缕金色曙光的XX正向经济强市、文化大市、中等城市昂首腾飞。

    XX , the city greeting the first golden sunshine , is striding forward toward the goal of being a medium sized city with strong economy and rich culture .

  27. 曙光并行文件系统DPFS的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Dawning Parallel File System

  28. 基于曙光1000A的并行查询核心系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation Techniques of the Parallel Query Kernel System Based on Dawning 1000A Parallel Computer System

  29. 祖玛在世界艾滋病日发表的演说中提及“新时代的曙光”的来临。在艾滋病问题上,他的态度与前任塔博·姆贝基相比截然不同,后者曾质疑HIV病毒与艾滋病之间的联系。

    On World AIDS Day , Zuma spoke of " the dawn of a new era " in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor , Thabo Mbeki , who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS .

  30. 因而采取有效措施,适时适度清除不需要的,处于持续激活状态的PMN对于控制炎症反应的发展和转归至关重要,将会给SIRS、ALI和ARDS的治疗带来新的曙光。

    So to remove the unwanted , excessively activated PMNs is key to dominate the development and prognosis of inflammation , which will throw light on the therapy of SIRS , ALI and ARDS .