
qǔ qí
  • cookie;Cookies;Butter Cookie
  1. 那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。

    That was Nicholas 's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie .

  2. 一个小男孩正站在凳子上,伸手够一个曲奇罐子,凳子眼看就要歪了。

    A young boy is standing on a stool , reaching for a cookie jar , and the stool is about to tip

  3. 曲奇烤时会略微变平。

    The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking .

  4. 只剩下五块曲奇了。

    There are only five cookies left .

  5. 曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。

    Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade .

  6. 将曲奇饼干存放于密封罐中。

    Store the cookies in an airtight tin .

  7. 那名小男孩很淘气,他在沃尔玛超市里打开了两包曲奇饼干。

    The little boy was so naughty that he opened two packages of cookies at Walmart .

  8. 曲奇饼干(主要口味有新鲜,可可,奶酪,巧克力CHIP)

    Cookies ( fresh , cocoa , milk flan , chocolate chip flavor )

  9. Porter宝贝,那些曲奇很烫。

    Porter , honey , those cookies are hot .

  10. 她说接下来我们要做曲奇,Clifford可以在旁边看着。

    She says we 'll make cookies next and Clifford can watch .

  11. “曲奇怪”以往最爱唱“C代表曲奇饼”,现在,这句歌词将改成“只是偶尔吃曲奇饼”。

    As part of the project , Cookie Monster , who used to sing that " C is for cookie ", will be telling viewers that biscuits are occasional treats .

  12. 采用全质构分析法(TPA)对软曲奇出炉后的质地变化进行了分析。

    The texture changes of soft cookie after baking were analyzed by the method of texture profile analysis ( TPA ) .

  13. 近期,美国境内多人食用雀巢TollHouse生曲奇后染病。雀巢美国分公司于上周五(6月19日)自动召回所有TollHouse冷冻曲奇产品。

    Nestle USA on Friday voluntarily recalled its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products after a number of illnesses were reported by those who ate the dough raw .

  14. 咬上一口Tate'sBakeShop的巧克力曲奇,你会很快意识到黄油就是这家烘焙店的“秘密”武器。

    Bite into a Tate 's Bake Shop chocolate chip cookie and you 'll quickly realize that butter is the not-so-secret ingredient .

  15. 或者ChipsAhoy(巧克力曲奇饼干罐),我们买…

    or Chips Ahoy , we got ...

  16. 雀巢公司表示,目前(美国)食品及药物管理局(FDA)和疾病控制中心(CDC)正在对此进行调查。有报告称食用TollHouse曲奇可能会导致感染大肠杆菌。

    The company said the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control are investigating reported E.coli illnesses that might be related eating the dough .

  17. 虽说雀巢TollHouse生曲奇中的鸡蛋预先经过了高温杀菌,但其他材料同样有可能含有病原体或细菌。因此,公司在产品标签上也明文警告消费者不要直接生吃。

    The eggs in Nestle Toll House ` s dough are pasteurized . But other ingredients could contain pathogens or bacteria , and the company warns in product labels not to eat the dough raw .

  18. 参照以往的战果,2004年,特丽莎•海茵茨•克里的南瓜香料曲奇不敌劳拉•布什的燕麦巧克力饼,abercrombiefrance。

    In2004 , Teresa Heinz Kerry 's pumpkin spice cookies failed to beat off the competition from Laura Bush 's oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies .

  19. 著名烘焙师、食谱作者冯美基(MayFung)曾是电视台主管,她在九龙开设的一口曲奇旗舰店很受欢迎。去年她在湾仔中心地带开设了分店,满足港人对烘焙食物的渴望。

    Last year , the TV executive-turned-celebrity baker and cookbook author May Fung planted an outpost of her hugely popular Kowloon flagship in the heart of Wanchai to feed Hong Kong Island 's baked-goods-hungry crowd .

  20. 噢上帝你刚按了StanLee家的门铃我们在StanLee的家我们将和StanLee一起喝牛奶吃曲奇

    Oh , Lord , you just rang Stan Lee 's doorbell . At Stan Lee 's house . We 're about to go in and have milk and cookies with Stan Lee .

  21. 鉴于以上情况,FDA建议消费者扔掉家中所有的雀巢TollHouse预制冷冻曲奇,并要求食品零售商、餐馆和其他食品经销部门不得出售上述产品。

    The FDA advised consumers to throw away any prepackaged , refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their homes . Retailers , restauranteurs and employees at other food-service operations should also not sell or serve any of the products .

  22. 一位行人从身穿绿色逸林酒店(DoubleTree)T恤的女士手中接过一块曲奇,欢呼道。

    Squeals a pedestrian , to no one in particular , after receiving one from a woman in a green Doubletree T-shirt .

  23. 为了让你的曲奇与众不同,你是否曾付出过很大努力呢?

    Q.Did you work hard to make your cookie stand out ?

  24. 不过,我更喜欢不加鸡蛋的曲奇的味道和质感。

    Yet I preferred the eggless cookie 's taste and texture .

  25. 用曲奇成型刀(一种饼切)切成或圆或方形状。

    Cut with a cookie cutter into round or square shapes .

  26. 我的丈夫生前可喜欢吃我做的燕麦提子曲奇

    Well , my husband loved my oatmeal-raisin cookies so much .

  27. 你可以随便吃你的曲奇,亚历山德拉

    You can have your cookie if you like , Alexandra .

  28. 家传户晓的卡通片《芝麻街》中的“曲奇怪”正在减肥。

    Seasame Street favourite Cookie Monster is going on a diet .

  29. 而且曲奇可以说是面团的附带产品。

    And the cookies are almost a side-benefit of the dough .

  30. 它将清洁曲奇档案,将从未使用过。

    It will clean cookie files that will be never used .