
  • 网络minimum investment
  1. 最低投资额为5000美元或者其他等值货币。

    The minimum investment is $ 5,000 or the currency equivalent .

  2. 不同种类基金设有不同最低投资额。

    Minimum investment amount varies for different funds .

  3. 虽然目前恩颐投资旗下都是大型基金,但公司也已开始关注小公司:推出的一个种子项目NEASeed最低投资额仅为50000美元,希望能投资于创业初期的消费者互联网公司。

    Although NEA 's funds are huge , the company has also gone small , launching a seed program , NEA Seed , that can invest as little as $ 50,000 in hopes of getting in early with consumer Internet companies .

  4. 最低投资额视乎个别基金而定。

    Minimum investment requirement varies by fund .

  5. 外商在合资或独资企业中最低投资额是多少?

    What are the regulations on foreign investor 's proportion in a jointly invested or solely foreign-funded enterprise ?

  6. 政府债券的最低投资额是1000元,而国库券的最低投资额是1万元。

    The minimum investment for government bonds is S $ 1,000 and treasury bills is S $ 10,0000 .

  7. 每项基金的最低投资额仅为港币两万元,敝行将代您办理一切买卖及信托手续。

    As long as you invest twenty thousand dollars or more in each fund , our bank can execute the buying , holding and selling of all your investment for you .