
  • 网络lowest quotation;Best Offer
  1. 请回信提供下列货物的最低报价。

    Your lowest quotation is requested , by return , for the undermentioned goods .

  2. 那是我圆的最低报价,没有克没有及再让了。

    This is our lowest quotation . I 'm afraid we can 't go any further .

  3. 对其登记的aim证券,不少于最低报价规模。

    In not less than the minimum quote size in each aim security in which it is registered .

  4. 点击“CompareNow”(开始比较),就会显示出众多零售商关于该商品的最低报价(含税和运费)。

    Clicking the " Compare Now " button shows the bottom line pricing of the product ( including tax and shipping costs ) for various retailers .

  5. Cazenove+Loyd旅行社行程(历时八个晚上)的最低报价是5200英镑/人(前提是凑够10人旅游团队),其中在巴厘岛的安曼努沙酒店住一晚,在阿曼瓦那住两晚,在Amandira游艇上住5个晚上。

    An eight-night trip with Cazenove + Loyd , staying one night at the Amanusa in Bali , two at Amanwana and five aboard the Amandira , costs from 5200 per person ( based on a group of 10 people ) .

  6. 我们想要你方冻兔最低报价。

    We are desirous of your lowest quotations for frozen rabbit .

  7. 我方希望你们能够给我们自行车的最低报价。

    We hope to get your best offer for bicycles .

  8. 我们想要贵公司头发吹风机的最低报价。

    Please find the attached information and our best offer for our products .

  9. 最低报价,算上他已经蹲的一共六个月

    Best offer -- six months , plus the time he 's done ,

  10. 企业实际最低报价应该采用边际成本。

    In fact , the least bidding price will be marginal costs correspondingly .

  11. 然后我将有高级品质给你我们的最低报价,好吗?

    Then I will give you our best offer with high quality , ok ?

  12. 我们想得到你的最低报价,按西班牙巴塞罗那的到岸价。

    I 'd like to have your lowest quotations , CIF Barcelona , Spain .

  13. 有时候拍卖师会限定最低报价增幅,从而使下一次竞价必须高于当前的最高价格。

    Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid .

  14. 这是我们能做到的最低报价,您会承认,在我们的竞争者中没有一家能提供与我们一样的报价。

    This is the most favorable of offer we can make and you will agree that none of our competitors can equal these terms .

  15. 我方已给出最低报价,因此很遗憾不能再降价。

    What we have quoted is really the lowest , and as such we regret being in no position to reduce our price any further .

  16. 密封投标是一个竞争性采购方式,期望从所有报价中选择最低报价而获得最大受益的方法。

    Sealed bidding is a competitive procurement method used when the best value is expected to result from a selection of the lowest evaluated priced offer .

  17. 此外,还在计算分配方案的利润分布过程中考虑了最低报价对风险的规避作用,使得决策结果更加准确。

    Furthermore , in the process of calculating the total profit , the effect of avoiding risk by the lowest bidding in each market is considered , which makes the decision result more precise .

  18. 10家公司投标承建这座大坝,政府可能会接受最低的报价。

    Ten firms have tendered for the building of the dam , and the government will probably accept the lowest offer .

  19. 请对该商品报最低价格报价。何日才是向报界透露大选日期的最佳时刻呢?

    Please quote us your lowest price for the goods . When is the best time to release the date of the election to the newspaper ?

  20. 公路工程项目最低成本与投标报价

    The Bottom Price and Tender Offer of Highway Engineering Project

  21. 承包商理解雇主不一定必须接受收到的对该工程的最低的或任何报价。

    The Contractor understands that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any offer received for the Works .

  22. 定盘价将于香港时间每日上午11点计算,计算方法是剔除最高及最低的两个报价,再取上述银行报价的平均值。

    The fixing will be calculated each day at 11 am Hong Kong time by averaging the rates provided by the banks , after excluding the highest and lowest two quotes .

  23. 请报温哥华到岸价的最低价格。请对该商品报最低价格报价。

    I 'd like to have your lowest quotations , C.I.F. Vancouver . Please quote us your lowest price for the goods .

  24. 这是我的最低价格,再要求降价我就没法签合同了。坦率地说,这的确是我们的最低报价了,任何还价都无法考虑。

    This is my rock bottom price . Anything lower than this and I will not be able to sign the contract . To speak frankly , this is the very lowest quotation of ours and we are unable to entertain any counter - offer .