
  • 网络Effective Decision Making;effective decision
  1. 在部门内部用DEA找出有效决策单元后,与标杆单元结合,再用DEA比较,选出有效决策单元。

    The primarily determined effective decision making units are combined with benchmarking units , and then the final effective decision making units are obtained by comparing more departments with DEA .

  2. 具有不可控因素的非有效决策单元的修正方法

    An adjustment method of the non effective decision making units with non control factors

  3. DEA弱有效决策单元判断及排序的新方法

    New Methods for Identifying and Ranking Weakly Efficient DMUs in DEA

  4. C波段单片有源环行器基本单元的研究DEA有效决策单元的判定及应用

    The Research of C Band Monolithic Active Circulator Basic Units Judgement and Application of Effective Decision-making Units in DEA

  5. DEA有效决策单元的实际有效率

    Probability of Actual Efficiency of the DEA Efficient Dmus

  6. DEA有效决策单元的判定及应用

    Judgement and Application of Effective Decision-making Units in DEA

  7. DEA有效决策单元集合的结构

    The Structure on the DMU Set of DEA Efficiency

  8. 此外,本文用很简单的方法证明了C ̄2R模型DEA有效决策单元的存在性。

    The existence of DEA efficient decision-making units for C  ̄ 2 R model is proved by a very simple way .

  9. 与之相应,出现了一些新的项目风险模型和风险管理软件,用于支持重大RD项目风险管理的有效决策。

    Accordingly , there are some new risk models and risk management softwares to supports effective decision-making of risk management in critical RD project .

  10. 针对C2R模型下DEA有效决策单元多重性问题,给出C2R模型一种新的线性等价形式。

    This paper gives a new linear equivalent form of C ~ 2R-model for the multiple solutions problems of C ~ 2R-model .

  11. 此模型不仅克服了传统DEA模型的局限性,而且在决策单元相对效率评价和非有效决策单元改进方面能以考虑决策者偏好的投入、产出整体最优来优化各决策单元的投入和产出。

    This model not only overcame limiting of traditional DEA model , but also , in the aspects of making policy unit opposite efficiency evaluation and not efficiency evaluation , consider decision maker hobby of devotion and produce .

  12. 在优势集性质基础上我们进一步定义了C2RM模型下DEA有效决策单元的实际有效率,并给出了所有决策单元的一种排序,最后举例予以说明。

    We also define the actual efficiency ratio of DEA efficient decision unit within the C ~ 2RM model , and eventually get a kind of taxis for all decision unit s. In the end we give an example to illustrate it .

  13. 区分有效决策单元的数据包络分析方法

    Data envelopment analysis method for contrasting the efficient decision making units

  14. 有效决策是建立在数据和信息分析的基础上。

    Effective decisions are based o the analysis of data and information .

  15. 公众参与的有效决策模型在城市交通政策制定中的应用

    Application of Effective Decision-Making Model with Public Participation in Making-Out Urban Traffic Policy

  16. 有效决策的增式生成算法

    Algorithm for Incremental Generation about Effective Decisions

  17. 本文对数据包络分析方法的有效决策单元作了灵敏度分析。

    This paper deals with the sensitivity analysis of efficient decision making units in Data Envelopment Analysis Method .

  18. 下级之间的这种紧张状态,影响了危机时期的有效决策。

    The tension between the subordinates comes at the cost of effective decision-making in time of crisis , he says .

  19. 供应链绩效评估体系的建立,能够对供应链管理的实施进行严格的核算和评估,指导管理者有效决策。

    The building of supply chain performance evaluation system can strictly asses and evaluate supply chain management , and direct manager to make decisions .

  20. 最后文中在对数据的比较分析中提出了非有效决策单元或弱有效决策单元应改进的方向和程度,以期为代建制的实施提供相应的理论依据。

    Finally , this article points out the improved direction and extent of the non-effective or weak decision-making unit , with a view to provide the corresponding theoretical basis .

  21. 管理者怎样将在当今世界中制定出有效决策的知指导方法与决策制定的理性和有限理性相结合?他们能将其结合吗?解释说明。

    How can managers blend the guidelines for making effective decisions in today 's world with the rationality and bounded rationality models of decision making , or can they ? Explain .

  22. 高校档案是彰显学校特色、领导有效决策、师生从事教育科研必不可少的信息资源。

    The file of high school is information resources to embody the special features of high school , the valid decision of leadership and the education research of teachers and the students .

  23. 通过投影分析,指出了非有效决策单元效率有待改进的方向,提出了提高股权融资效率的途径。

    At the same time this paper finds the improving directions , of the inefficient decision making units by projection analysis , and raises the way to increasing efficiency of equity financing .

  24. 公司僵局是指公司在运营过程中由于股东之间的利益冲突导致无法形成有效决策,从而使得公司无法正常运营甚至陷于瘫痪的状态。

    Corporation deadlock means the company management cannot make perfect decision due to the benefits conflict between shareholders . This can endanger the whole normal function , or even bring the cooperation into paralysis .

  25. 下属隐性信息的获取是确保上级决策者有效决策的一个重要基础,现有的研究未能解决隐性信息获取的效率与预算平衡的两难问题。

    To obtain the hidden information from subordinate is a base for higher level authorities to make decision , researches have been done so far cannot solve the dilemma between efficiency and budget balance .

  26. 企业集团内部联结纽带的合作经济学解释和与企业集团内部组织结构相对应的有效决策权分配。

    ( ii ) cooperative economic interpretation about the ties of linkage and unity within the enterprise groups and ( iii ) efficient decision-authority allocation corresponding with the organizational structure within the enterprise groups .

  27. 在作好了评价方法与评价工具这两项准备之后,作者便利用层次分析法这一针对多层次、多目标规划决策问题的有效决策方法开始构造高校人文社会科学研究竞争力评价指标体系。

    After preparing the evaluation methodology and tools , the author constructed an evaluation indicator system of social sciences and humanities research competitiveness among Chinese universities with the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) .

  28. 同时为航空公司的服务质量评价工作提供了有效决策辅助工具,有利于航空公司及时发现自身的服务质量问题以进行改善,具有实践意义。

    At the same time , it provides efficient tools for evaluation of service quality . It also helps the airlines find their problems and correct it at once , which has practical significance .

  29. 接着根据模糊集理论建立模糊评价模型,此模型是对受多种影响因子的事物做出全面评价的一种有效决策方法。

    On the basis of fuzzy gather theory , the model of multi-fuzzy comprehensive assessment is constructed . The fuzzy comprehensive assessment to suffering impact factors is a method of effective policy decision of full assessment .

  30. 对于将来的研究,我们应采用更适合于我国市场实情的检验方法,深入探讨上市公司的会计应计信息问题,以正确引导投资者的有效决策,进而促进我国证券市场的稳定、健康发展。

    Our future research should adopt testing method of more suitable for our country , deeper research in the accruals , which leading investor make effective decision , promoting the steady and healthy development of our stock market .