
yǒu xiào jù lí
  • Effective distance;range coverage
  1. 本论文包括600米有效距离无线射频通信以及2~10米的有线RS-232串行通信。

    In this paper , it includes the wireless RF communication of 600 meters effective range and the RS-232 wire serial communication of 2 to 10 meters range .

  2. 对流层和电离层延迟是目前影响GPS定位精度进一步提高的主要误差,也是影响RTK定位精度和有效距离的主要误差。

    Nowadays troposphere and ionosphere delay is the main error to impact the GPS positioning accuracy to further improves , but it is also the main error to affect the RTK positioning accuracy and effective distance .

  3. 鼠标的遥控有效距离可达20m以上,打破了当前市场上一般无线鼠标只有1.5m有效距离的限制,增强了多媒体教室的人机交互性能。

    The remote control effectual distance is more than 20 m as the mouse in present market has only ( 1.5 m ) remote control effectual distance . So such mouse can improve the mutual performance between human and machine .

  4. 雷达观测空中飞行昆虫的有效距离

    The measurement of available distance observing airbone insect by a radar

  5. 货物列车制动有效距离的一种简化算法

    A simplified calculation method of effective braking distance of freight trains

  6. 他们可以设置在打击潜在敌人的有效距离内。

    They can be set up within striking distance of potential enemies .

  7. 但障碍物会影响摇控器的有效距离。

    However , obstacles will affect the valid distance of remote controlling .

  8. 使用闪光灯时最常犯的错误就是拍摄对象处于有效距离之外。

    The number one flash mistake is taking pictures beyond the flash 's range .

  9. 这架望远镜的有效距离多大?

    What is the range of this telescope ?

  10. 鱼雷有效距离指示仪

    Torpedo effective range indicator

  11. 旋转射流驱散上隅角瓦斯有效距离的热成像研究

    Study on thermal-image technology of effective distance for rotary jet flow to dilute gas in face upper corner

  12. 确保友邻部队清楚空中打击的目标。有效距离通常为500米。

    Ensure that friendly forces are clear of the target being attacked . 500 meters worth of distance is usually sufficient .

  13. 如果下大雨,便不应进行拆卸工作,否则会增加发生山泥倾卸的机会及扩大受山泥倾卸影响的有效距离。

    Initiation shall not be carried out if heavy rain has occurred , as this tends to increase the likelihood and effect distance of landslides .

  14. 同样,对于威力较低的武器来说,有效距离要小些,云的上升速度也同样小些。

    Similarly for a weapon of lower energy , the effective distance is less , but so also is the rate of ascent of the cloud .

  15. 超宽带信号传播的主要用途是进行室内短距离高速率数据传输,其有效距离通常不会超过10米,这是因为其发射功率会受到一定的限制。

    UWB is mainly in indoor condition use as high speed data transmission , and its transmit space of availability commonly in 10 meters because of the limited in the send power .

  16. 但因发射功率受到限制,使其传播的有效距离一般在10米范围之内,其主要用途为室内短距离高速率数据传输。

    And its available transmission area is confined in the range less than 10 meters due to the limitation of the transmission power . Therefore it is mainly used for indoor speed data transmission .

  17. 作为亲历者,作为影像工作者,他能够与外在景观形成一个有效距离,以影像的方式思考社会文化问题。

    As someone who experiences the events and as a photographer , he is able to keep a valuable distance with the external world , he uses his camera to reflect on social and cultural issues .

  18. 若数据采集器与数据集中器之间超过载波通信的有效距离时,通信就不能够成功,对此本课题提出了虚拟中继的解决办法。

    If the distance between the data collection organ and data convergence organ exceeds the effective distance of the carrier communication , the communication will not be succeed , withal the thesis brings forward the resolve way of " dummy relay " .

  19. 通过数值仿真分析了以往研究存在差异的主要原因,重点研究了天线和人体头部模型间的有效距离、手机的不同放置位置及仿真结果归一化处理对研究结果的影响。

    The factors which cause variation of the results in previous research as are evaluated by Numerical simulation . We focus on the effects from different relative positions of mobile phones , the effective distance between the antennas and the human head , normalization of numerical simulation .

  20. 为了分析光纤组束激光对可见光硅CCD的有效干扰距离,对组束激光功率及可见光CCD的饱和阈值进行了分析。

    To analyze the effective jamming distance of combined fiber laser to visible light silicon CCD , the power of combined laser and saturation threshold of visible light silicon CCD are discussed .

  21. 分析了低压电源浪涌保护器(SPD)与被保护设备的距离及不同类型负载和不同电缆长度对保护效果的影响,给出了SPD的有效保护距离。

    The influence of the distance between surge protection device ( SPD ) and protected equipment is analyzed in this paper .

  22. 它的有效控制距离不低于30M可以用来进行汽车模型、舰船模型、家用电器等的遥控。

    The effective control of it from no less than30M can be used for car models , model ships , home appliances , such as the remote control .

  23. FRET的能量转移效率是两个荧光基团间距离的函数,并对此距离十分敏感,它的有效响应距离一般在1~10nm之间,因而可被用于测定原子间及分子间的距离。

    Its effective response distance is between 1 ~ 10 nm , thus it can be used to measure the distance between atoms or molecules .

  24. 设计的终端电平判决器及光发射机光学透镜,可将基于小功率(300mW)LED的可见光识别(VLID)有效传输距离拓展至3米。

    The effective range of visible light identification based on low power LED ( 300 mW ) can be extended to 3 meters using the designed visible light transmitter optical lens and the terminal electrical-level judger .

  25. 克拉玛依农田防护林带的有效防护距离与面积研究

    Efficient Protection Distance and Area of Farmland Protective Forest in Karamay

  26. 低压浪涌保护器的有效保护距离

    Analysis of the Effective Protection Distance of Low-Voltage SPD to Equipment

  27. 因此,此算法是一种快速而有效的距离算法。

    So , it is a fast and efficient distance algorithm .

  28. 天然气井酸处理有效作用距离计算

    Calculation of Effectively Acting Distance of Acidizing Treatment in a Gas Well

  29. 优秀男女排球运动员有效防守距离分析

    Analysis of Effective Defence Distance or Elite Male and Female Volleyball Players

  30. 复合驱过程中化学剂损失与超低界面张力有效作用距离

    Chemical agent loss and effective distance of ultra low IFT in ASP flooding