
  • 网络organic heat carrier
  1. 介绍YGL-1200MA型有机热载体锅炉的开发研制过程以及该锅炉的结构特点。

    The paper introduces the development , research and manufacturing of the YGL-1200MA type organic heat carrier boiler .

  2. 文章着重对有机热载体锅炉结构型式的选择、受热面的布置,以及工艺流程等作了阐述。

    This article tells how to select the structure of organic heat carrier boiler , arrange the heated surface and prepare precess flow .

  3. 介绍了PET装置中的有机热载体加热炉的结构及运行情况。

    The structure and working conditions of organic heat carrier furnace in PET plant were introduced .

  4. 基于VF的燃煤有机热载体炉热力计算软件的编制

    Preparation of the Thermodynamic Calculation Software for Coal-burning Organic Heat Transfer Material Heater Based on VF

  5. 有机热载体加热炉安装质量的控制

    Discussion of Install Quantity Control on Organic Heat Transfer Material Heater

  6. 余热有机热载体加热炉在炭素生产中的应用

    Application of waste heat organic heat carrier heating furnace in carbon production

  7. 大容量燃煤有机热载体锅炉的结构设计与探讨

    Design and Discussion on the Large Capacity Coal-fired Heat Transfer Material Heater

  8. 有机热载体加热工艺在沥青拌合场中的应用

    Application of Heating Technology of Organism with Heat to Bitumen Mixing Plant

  9. 一起有机热载体锅炉炉膛爆炸事故分析及思考

    The Analysis and Consider to Organic Hot Carrier Boiler Hearth Blast Accident

  10. 浅议有机热载体炉设计制造中的几个问题

    Common Problem of Design and Produce of Organic Heat Transfer Material Heater

  11. 有机热载体就地闪蒸气相加热系统探讨

    Discussion on the organic heat carrier on-the-spot flash gas phase heating system

  12. 有机热载体炉设计中常见问题的探讨

    Discussing Common Problem of Design of Organic Heat Carrier Boiler

  13. 有机热载体炉安装使用应注意的问题

    Problems Needed to be Noticed in Installation of Organic Hot Medium Oven

  14. 有机热载体炉安全附件的安装

    Installation of Safety Accessories for Organic Heat Carrier Heaters

  15. 有机热载体炉膨胀系统的改进

    Renovation of Expansion System in Heat Organic Carrier Furnace

  16. 有机热载体炉技术及其进展

    Technologies & Advances in Organic Heat Transfer Material Heater

  17. 有机热载体炉常见事故产生的原因及对策

    Analysis of The Reasons for Common Accidents and Countermeasures

  18. 安全性是盘管式有机热载体炉运行的关键问题。

    Dry ice cleaning on organic heat carrier furnace ;

  19. 燃烧砂光粉的有机热载体锅炉的设计

    Designing of the Sanding-powder-fired Organic Heat Transfer Medium Boiler

  20. 有机热载体加热系统中膨胀管管径确定方法的探讨

    The Diameter Determination of Expansion Tube in Organic Heat Transfer Material Heating System

  21. 螺纹管空气预热器在有机热载体炉上的应用及其设计

    Application and Design of Threaded Pipe Air Preheater in Organic Heat Transfer Material Heaters

  22. 有机热载体炉循环泵工艺参数的确定

    Ascertainment on Technological Parameter of the Circulation Pump in Organic Heat Transfer Material Heater

  23. 利用雷诺数判定盘管式有机热载体炉运行安全的理论分析

    Theoretic Analysis on the Operating Safety of Organic Heat Medium Boiler with Renold Number

  24. 有机热载体炉辐射管泄漏原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis and Preventions for Leakage of Radiating Tubes of Organic Heat Transfer Material Heaters

  25. 有机热载体炉大气污染物的适用排放标准

    On the Applicable Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Organic Heat Transfer Material Heaters

  26. GB/T17410-1998有机热载体炉

    Ohmic heating carrier Organic heat transfer material heaters

  27. 燃油有机热载体锅炉的结构与系统设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of the Structure and System of Oil-fired Organic Heat Transfer Material Heaters

  28. 热管技术在有机热载体锅炉烟气余热回收上的应用

    Application of Heat Pipe Technology for Waste Heat Recovery in Organic Heat Transfer Material Boiler

  29. 有机热载体在四辊压延机上的应用和计算

    The Application and Calculation of the Organic Heat Carrrier to 4 Roller Steel Rolling Mill

  30. 有机热载体炉供热系统中储油槽的作用及其设计

    Action and Design for Oil Storaging Tank Based on Organic Heat-conveying Furnace in Heat-supplying System