
  • 网络colored noise;color noise;colored-noise
  1. 有色噪声条件下的实用Kalman滤波方法研究

    Analysis of Kalman Filtering Method Under Colored Noise

  2. 含有有色噪声的自适应Kalman滤波

    An adaptive Kalman filter for colored noise

  3. 有色噪声中非线性动态系统的BP网络辨识

    Identification of Non-Linear Dynamic Systems in Coloured Noise Using Neural Networks

  4. 讨论了一种基于正弦信号扩阶互相关矩阵的MUSIC算法及其在非高斯有色噪声下的性能。

    Extended-order cross-correlation matrix based MUSIC method and its performance in non-Gaussian and color noise are discussed .

  5. 一种新的有色噪声背景下chirp信号参数估计方法

    A New Method for Chirp Signal Parameter Estimation in Colored Noise

  6. 有色噪声背景下多径信号的二维DOA和极化参数同时估计算法

    Algorithm for Estimating 2-D direction of arrival and polarization of multiple signals in colored noise

  7. 动态定位有色噪声影响函数&以一阶AR模型为例

    Influence Functions of Colored Noises on Kinematic Positioning & Taking the AR Model of First Class As an Example

  8. 为了克服扩展卡尔曼(Kalman)滤波算法对噪声统计特性的约束,针对磁强计量测噪声为有色噪声伴常值干扰的特性,提出了一种基于扩维Kalman滤波算法的地磁导航算法。

    In order to overcome the noise restriction of the extend Kalman filtering , an augmented navigation algorithm is established .

  9. 在有色噪声背景下Chirp信号参数与时延估计方法研究

    Study on Methods of Parameter and Time Delay Estimation of Chirp Signals in Colored Noise

  10. 带MA有色噪声系统Wiener滤波器

    Wiener filters for systems with MA coloured noises

  11. 将未知阻力视为有色噪声,并作为系统未知输入,设计扩展状态的Kalman滤波结构。

    An expanded structure of Kalman filter is designed with unknown input when the unmeasured resistance is regarded as colors noise .

  12. 基于ANFIS的有色噪声抵消技术

    A Technology of Canceling Colored Noise Based on ANFIS

  13. 研究了基于Kalman滤波理论的有色噪声滤波,探讨了其在序列图像背景重建中的应用。

    The problem of the colored noise filtering based on Kalman filter theory is studied and a method for rebuilding background image is discussed .

  14. 有色噪声下基于Unscented粒子滤波的语音增强方法

    Speech enhancement based unscented particle filter with non-gaussian noises

  15. GPS数据的噪声一般都不为高斯白噪声,在模糊度固定的基础上,本文讨论了有色噪声最小二乘估计,如此可削弱有色噪声的影响。

    For noises of GPS data always are not Gaussian noises , the least square is used to weaken the influence of colored noises on the base of ambiguities fixed .

  16. 研究了有色噪声干扰的双输入多率系统方程误差类模型的参数辨识问题。考虑噪声模型分别为MA模型和AR模型。

    When the noise models are MA and AR , respectively , we study identification methods for two-input multirate equation error models with the colored noises .

  17. 为了克服有色噪声的影响,在辨识过程中用IV(InstrumentalVariable)法估计出模型的参数。

    In order to avoid influence of colour noise , in identification process , parameters of the model will be estimated by use of IV method .

  18. 基于Burg算法与卡尔曼滤波的有色噪声状态估计

    State Estimation with Colored Noise Based on Burg Algorithm and Kalman Filter

  19. 该方法分析了辐射图像背景噪声的特征,在合理假设其为一阶Gaussian有色噪声的基础上改写了图像的观测方程;

    The method first analyzes the characteristics of the background noise in the radiation images , and then assumes first-order Gaussian color noise to define the equivalent observation equation .

  20. 本文利用在语音处理中广泛应用的线性预测隐Markov模型,提出了一种新颖的高斯有色噪声白化方法。

    In this paper , we propose a novel whitening approach for Gaussian colored noise using the linear predictive hidden Markov model which has been widely applied to speech processing .

  21. 并根据该模型利用特殊的四阶累积量切片分析了加性高斯有色噪声中二维谐波频率估计及联合Hamilton四元数和超复数在二维谐波频率估计中的应用前景。

    The corresponding four order cumulant was defined to restrain the additive Gauss noise and the frequency was extracted using the properties of Hamilton quaternion and hypercomplex .

  22. 将有色噪声转化为白噪声,然后利用高分辨率的二维ESPRIT方法估计信号频率。

    We use the two dimensional matrix pencil method or Esprit method to get the high resolution estimation of the frequencies .

  23. 全面考虑了权P(z~(-1)),Q(z~(-1))和滤波多项式T(z~(-1))的作用,能控制存在有色噪声和前馈干扰的复杂过程。

    It has considered the function of the weighted P ( z-1 ) , Q ( x-1 ) and the filter polynomial T ( z-1 ) . It can control the complicated plant with the colour noise and feedforward .

  24. 有色噪声下基于Wishart随机矩阵的贝叶斯时变信道估计

    Wishart random matrix based Bayesian estimation for time-varying channel in the color noise

  25. 有色噪声中信号的GLRT检测算法研究

    Detection of Signal with Unknown Parameter in Colored Noise

  26. 仿真结果表明,相比基于四阶累积量切片的MUSIC方法,所提出的方法在高斯白噪声和有色噪声中,有效提高了低信噪比情况下的方位估计精度,降低了目标的分辨门限。

    Computer simulation results show that compared with the 4th order cumulant slice MUSIC , the new estimator improves the estimating precision of DOA in low SNR and depresses the resolution threshold effectively in white spatial Gaussian noise and colored spatial Gaussian noise .

  27. 算法按照虚拟的白噪声模型进行递推估计,解决了观测为有色噪声的SLAM系统问题。

    Filtering estimation is realized by the virtual white Gaussian noise model and the problems of SLAM system are resolved when the observation variables are colored noise .

  28. 本文分别针对具有不同结构特性的噪声环境下的DOA估计进行研究,主要的工作和贡献如下:1.介绍了一些已有色噪声下DOA估计的处理方法。

    The main work and contributions of the dissertation are in the several aspects as follows : 1 . Some methods for DOA estimation in colored noise field have been introduced .

  29. 该方法直接从GPS接收机输出的定位结果入手,将各种误差因素的影响等效为输出定位结果的总误差,视为有色噪声,建立线性卡尔曼滤波模型对位置和速度信息进行估计。

    On the basis of the thought that the various errors caused by different error sources can be equivalent to the total error of positioning results from the GPS receiver , a linear Kalman filtering model to estimate position and velocities is built .

  30. 在低频较宽的频段内,与通常所推测的Gaussian分布不同,无论是有色噪声还是白噪声,都服从Nakagami-m分布。

    At lower frequencies and a broad band , both the white noise and colored noise follow the Nakagami-m distribution which is different with the commonly assumed Gaussian noise .