
  • 网络server room
  1. Martine,机器的两个小帮手看来是要往服务器机房去。要我去抓他们吗,先生?

    Martine , two of the machine 's little helpers appear to be heading to the server room . Should I retrieve them , sir ?

  2. 我们得到服务器机房去。

    And we need to get into the server room .

  3. 这个优惠可对任何达拉斯独立服务器机房。

    This is valid for all Dallas virtual private servers .

  4. 我现在就去服务器机房

    I 'm heading to the server room now .

  5. 我们只需通过服务器机房的生物手掌扫描仪。

    We just need to get past the server room 's biometric palm scanner .

  6. 内部服务器机房空气稀薄

    Internal servers are air gapped ,

  7. 你们去服务器机房黑进系统,稳定市场。黑?

    You 're going to the server room to hack the system and stabilize the market . Hack ?

  8. 你我进入服务器机房去黑进系统,稳定市场。

    You and I are going to the server room to hack the system and stabilize the market .

  9. 我们要一起去服务器机房黑进系统。然后我们一起去机械室保障撤离路线。

    We 're going to the server room to hack the system together.Then we move as a team to the mechanical room to secure our escape route .

  10. 虽然这似乎是为服务器机房添加新设备的理想时机,但是您还有大量的工作要做。

    And while this may seem like a good time to get a few new toys for the server room , you have a lot of work ahead .

  11. 我们一起去服务器机房黑进系统。然后我们一起去到机械室保障撤离路线。

    We 're going to the server room to hack the system together.Then we move , as a team , to the mechanical room to secure our escape route .

  12. 本章重点在于IT部门如何管理和维护IT办公室、服务器机房和如何操作和纪录必要的IT工作。

    IT Maintenance-this document is focused on how IT Department will manage and maintain the IT Department office , IT Server Room and how to operate and record essential IT things .

  13. 该公司提供其产品的服务器机房和数据中心,电信,洁净室,技术室,办公室和手术,饮食及酒店,商店和住宅。

    The company offers its products for server rooms and data centers , telecommunications , clean rooms , technology rooms , offices and surgeries , restaurants and hotels , shops , and homes .

  14. 即便这位新管理员真的领悟了这个问题(或者即使我们向他交接了这方面的文档,这是我们应该做的!),他还是会冲出服务器机房,充满恐惧地尖叫。

    And if the new admin ever did figure it out ( or even if we had documented it for him , as we should !), he might still dash out of the server room screaming in fear .

  15. NT服务器在机房管理中的应用

    Application of NT Server to the Management of the Computer Laboratory

  16. IDC是提供承载业务的服务器的机房,是提供上述服务的基础,IDC业务收入是未来通信运营商的重要利润增长点。

    IDC is a service server room , is the foundation to provide these services , IDC business income is an important profit growth point of future communication operators .

  17. 显然,这些服务将负责满足硬件和服务器的机房需求。

    They will , obviously , take care of hardware and server room needs .

  18. 利用代理服务器实现计算机机房与Internet网的连接

    Implementation of Connection between the Computer Room and Internet with Microsoft Proxy Server

  19. 国内的数据中心在服务形式上,大体上还是延续从前的服务器托管和机房租用模式,由用户选择服务平台,它们只负责提供场所和管理服务。

    In the service model , domestic IDC providers are only responsible for offering place and management service , users choose business platform .

  20. 对机房管理软件实现技术进行了分析,介绍了一种基于客户机/服务器模式下的机房管理软件的实现技术。

    The paper analysies a typical computer lab manage system and introduces a system based on Client / Server model .