
  • 网络server system;Client-Server system;windows server
  1. 基于标记的缓存协作分布式Web服务器系统

    A Distributed Web Server System Based on Cooperative Cache Using Tag

  2. 新型嵌入式Web服务器系统的设计与研究

    Design and Research of a New Kind of Embedded Web Server

  3. 多Web服务器系统的建模、分析与控制

    Modeling 、 analysis and control of multiple web server system

  4. 作为一个基于文本的标准,XML非常适于在客户机和服务器系统之间交换数据。

    As a text-based standard , XML is well-suited for exchanging data between client and server systems .

  5. Web集群技术解决了Web服务器系统容量问题,其核心思想是负载均衡策略和算法。

    The capacity problem of web server can be solved by web cluster technology . The key point is load balancing strategy and algorithm .

  6. 客户机/服务器系统缓冲区容量的Petri网分析

    Petri nets analysis for client / server network system

  7. 在VB中采用ODBC开发客户/服务器系统

    Developing Client / Server Application System by Using ODBC in VB

  8. CIMS环境中信息管理客户机/服务器系统

    Information Management of Client / Server System in CIMS Environment

  9. 以客户/服务器系统为例,说明基于UML的分布式软件体系结构中部件交互模式的复用技术。

    The reusable design of component interconnection patterns for distributed software architecture based on UML is addressed specifically .

  10. 构建高负载Mysql数据库服务器系统

    Constructing server system with high capacity Mysql data base

  11. 基于Darwin的集群流媒体服务器系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Streaming Media Server Based on Darwin

  12. 以无线电监测系统为开发平台,开发了基于Linux的无线电检测系统服务器系统。

    The paper designs the wireless electronic detection system server on the basis of Linux for the platform of the wireless electronic detection system .

  13. 然后,可以通过在lpar2rrd服务器系统上运行的Web服务器(HTTP)访问这些图。

    The graphs are then accessible via a Web server ( HTTP ) running on the lpar2rrd server system .

  14. 临时限速服务器系统TSRS(TemporarySpeedRestrictionServer)是客运专线列车运行控制系统的重要设备之一。

    Temporary Speed Restriction Server ( TSRS ) is one of the most important devices in train control system of Passenger Dedicated Lines .

  15. IBM大型机作为一种大型商用服务器系统,是目前企业级数据集中处理的主要平台。

    IBM Mainframe is one of the biggest commercial server systems which are used for data concentration processing of enterprise since the introduction in 1964 .

  16. 对网络中WWW、MAIL等服务器系统及关键主机系统进行主动监管。

    Positively supervising all servers such as www servers and mail servers and all other key hosts in the system .

  17. 利用IP转发技术,在不需增加特殊网络设备的条件下,用软件方法在集群服务器系统中实现网络服务的负载均衡。

    Without additional special network devices , the load balance of network services in the cluster server is in this way implemented by software methods through IP dispatching .

  18. 针对SIP协议不具备处理中间实体故障的能力,本系统在设计时借鉴了分布式Web服务器系统的冗余设计方法,采用了负载平衡技术。

    Because SIP is lack of capability of finding fault , the design of this system uses me redundancy design of distributed Web server for reference and adopts load - balancing technology .

  19. 分布式Web服务器系统(DWSS)是提高网络服务性能的一种前沿方式。

    Distributed Web server system ( DWSS ) improves Web serves ' ability in a way of using multi-servers .

  20. Web服务器系统作为核心设施,必须同样具备建立和支持QoS的机制与策略,对不同的用户或HTTP请求提供区分服务和性能保证。

    The Web server systems as core establishment must have the mechanisms and strategies to set up and sustain QoS , provide service differentiation and performance assurance to different users or HTTP request .

  21. 设计以关系模型为基础的多维计算的有效表达方式,和OLAP服务器系统中相应的计算引擎,成为OLAP研究的一项重点。

    One of the emphases in OLAP research is designing an effective method to express multi-dimensional computations and the engine to accomplish this sort of computations .

  22. 应用需求和计算机技术的发展使网络化存储系统成为网络服务器系统中IO子系统研究的热点。

    With the increasing requirements of applications and developments in computer science , research on networking storage system ( NSS ) becomes hot spot of I ?

  23. RPC运行时库使用这些信息联系服务器系统上的本地端点映射数据库,了解服务器进程在哪个端点上监听到达的RPC。

    With this information , the RPC runtime library contacts the local endpoint map database on the server system to know the endpoint on which the server process is listening for incoming RPCs .

  24. 在一个客户端/服务器系统中,传统上RPC就是在一台机器上的应用程序调用的过程,它通过网络到达某个RPC服务器,在那里真正地实现被调用的过程。

    A client / server system , RPCs have traditionally been procedures called in a program on one machine that go over the network to some RPC server that actually implements the called procedure .

  25. 根据SIP协议的原理,以及在即时消息和存在方面对SIP的扩展的实现机理,提出了一个存在服务模型,并在此基础之上构建了一个健壮、安全、灵活的企业级存在服务器系统。

    Based on the principle of the SIP and the realization mechanism of expansion of SIP in the field of instant messaging and presence , one model of presence is proposed constructing a robust , secure , open enterprise system on foundation of this .

  26. 介绍了在网络环境下安全传输文件全文信息的设计和实现思想,特别通过以Delphi为开发环境的瘦客户/胖服务器系统为例,介绍其使用方法。

    This paper introduces the methods of designing and implementing the transmission of file content through network in security way , in particular , it provides a thin client / fat server application system developed by Delphi as an example to show how to make use of the methods .

  27. 将恢复系统根目录切换为sysroot,以便您可以访问问题服务器系统的根文件系统。

    Switch your rescue system root to your sysroot so that you can access the root file system of the problem server system .

  28. 媒体数据管理系统MMCSS是保证流媒体服务器系统动态伸缩性的基础,它负责管理系统中媒体数据的定位和分布存储,为上层应用提供媒体文件的读取与写入服务;

    MMCSS is the base of dynamic clustered structure , and it manages the placement of multimedia data so that applications can read and write them very easy ;

  29. 采用推拉技术防止垃圾邮件的电子邮件服务器系统模型

    A system model of anti-spam E-mail server based on pull-push technologies

  30. 集群服务器系统前端接口子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Front End Subsystem in Cluster Server System