
  • 网络Journal Name;Journal;Journal Title
  1. 本研究应用自行开发的《期刊资源分析数据库》,将手工方式收集的国内发行的医学期刊版权页中的相关数据,以及利用期刊名称检索到的电子期刊网站的相关数据进行整理;

    The journal resources database developed by myself is used to analyze the data which collects by hand in medical journal 's copyright page in China , and analyze the medical journals information which comes from Chinese websites .

  2. 从考证杂志与期刊名称的来由,分析两者的关系,并通过讨论现代期刊的表现特征,给出两者的定义,以澄清学科的概念混淆。

    To define definition of magazine and periodical through demonstration for its characteristics .

  3. 用于识别期刊名称的专用5字符识别码。

    A specialized 5 character identification for periodical titles .

  4. 科技期刊书脊名称亟待规范

    Spine titles of sci-tech periodicals need to be standardized

  5. 农业期刊农药名称使用情况分析

    Analysis on the usage of names of agricultural chemicals in periodicals of agricultural science and technology

  6. 期刊、杂志、新闻文献?作者(年代),文章名称,期刊名称,期别,页别。格式:作者姓名,篇名,刊名,刊物的卷号和期号,年分,文章的起止页码。

    Format : Author 's last name , given name . Article Title . Journal Title , Volume number ( Issue / Issue number ), year : page number .