
  1. 我国森林资源短缺,木材供给严重依赖进口。

    China is short of forest resources , so timber supplies severely depend on imports .

  2. 2010年中国木材供给和需求的灰色模型动态预测与分析

    Dynamic forecasting for china 's timber supply and demand till 2010 by grey model and its analysis

  3. 人工林在木材供给、生态保护、环境安全等方面具有十分重要的地位,发挥着巨大的作用;

    China 's forest plantation has an extremely important status and immense effect on timber supply , ecological protection , environment safety , etc ;

  4. 木材供给支持着全球经济的发展,就像当今的石油一样,整个新英格兰境内,最高最粗壮的树都被做上了记号,他们将被用来建造英国船只。

    Timber fuels the global economy ... much like oil does today . Across New England , marks identify the tallest , strongest trees selected by the crown for British ships .

  5. 我国林业产业面临困境,林产品供需矛盾突出,木材供给成为林产品发展的瓶颈。

    The conflict of wood-product supplies and demands is the plight of the forestry industries of our country , and the timbers ' supply has been the bottleneck of development of wood-product industry .

  6. 看来,除用各种措施增加国内木材供给外,从国外进口木材是当前解决供需矛盾的主要方式。

    It appears that in addition to a variety of measures to increase domestic supply of timber , importing timber from abroad to resolve the current imbalance between supply and demand is the main mode .

  7. 其次,通过对浙江木业的木材供给、需求进行深入具体的分析,指出了浙江木业利用国际木材资源的必要性。

    Secondly , the demands and supply of timber in Zhejiang timber industry has been specifically and thoroughly analysed , then the necessity of using international timber resources for Zhejiang timber industry has been pointed out .

  8. 通过分析我国木材供给的现状和平原商品林业建设存在的问题,从而探索出江西平原商品林的政策设计。

    This paper analyses the supplying condition of woods in our country and the meeting problems of the plain commodity forestry construction in Jingxi , explores the policy design of the plain commodity forestry to promote the de-velopment of the plain commodity forestry .

  9. 中国木材市场供给结构分析

    Supply Structure Analysis for Timber Market in China

  10. 对资源供给因子的分析主要是从木材原料供给和资金筹集两各方面展开。

    The factor of supply of resources the main raw materials supply and fund raising .

  11. 最后,针对我国木材市场供给结构的现状,对其进行了发展趋势分析。

    In the end , according to present status of supply structure of timber market in China , further development trend was analyzed .

  12. 如何发展农区林业、改善生态环境、提高木材的供给已引起专家学者、政府官员及社会各界的广泛关注。

    How to expand forestry in rural areas , improve the ecological environment , and increase the supply of timber have caused the wide concern by experts , government officers and the entire society as well .

  13. 依据产业国际竞争力理论,分别从木材资源供给、市场需求数量及质量、产业组织竞争、相关产业发展和产业政策等五个方面,对木材产业安全进行了具体评价;

    And then , according to theory of international competitiveness , this paper makes a concrete analysis on China 's timber industry safety from aspects of timber resource supply , demand quantity and quality , industrial organization competition , development of relative industry and industry policy separately .

  14. 农区林权模糊、农户组织化程度低的现状下,要建立木材需求与供给的有机联系尚有很多问题需要探索。

    Under the conditions of ambiguous forest rights and low degree of organization of farm household , there is a lot to explore to build a link between timber demand and supply .

  15. 俄罗斯全国森林资源的生态环境没有遭到破坏,不仅能保证现在和将来国家对木材需求的供给,而且还可扩大木材出口。

    The Russian national ecological environment of forestry resources remain intact . It can not only supply the needs of timber for the state at present and in the future , but can also be expanded for timber exports .

  16. 通过分析国内木材资源与国际木材资源供给,得出了中国木材产业资源基础薄弱的结论;

    Through the analysis of domestic and international timber supply , this paper gets the conclusion of weak resource base of China 's timber industry .

  17. 应拓宽木材供应渠道,增加木材自我供给率,建立境外森林资源合作开发基地,建立中国木材产业安全预警机制。

    China should broaden the channels for wood supply , increase the timber self-sufficiency and develop outside the forest resource base ; security early warning mechanism should be established . 4 .

  18. 木材需求的增长态势强劲,而国内木材供给却无法满足国民经济基本需要,且供需缺口进一步拉大。

    The strong demand of timber grows rapidly in China , while the domestic timber supply can not meet the basic needs of national economy , and the gap between supply and demand will be further widen .

  19. 缓解木材供需矛盾的基本思路是增加农区木材的供给。

    The idea of alleviating the contradiction between timber supply and demand is to increase timber supply .

  20. 本文以马克思主义的再生产理论为指导,从供给与需求辩证统一的角度,探讨了木材供求平衡分析的基本理论和方法。提出了木材总供给、总需求的概念;

    Guided by the Marxist theory of reproduction , this paper studies the balance of total supply and demand of timber according to the dialectical unity of supply and demand .

  21. 从我国造纸工业发展的需要和森林资源发展状况,分析我国木材造纸原料的需求与供应潜力,提出了更好解决木材造纸原料有效供给的措施。

    Based on the paper industry development plan and the forest resources of the country , demand and supply potential of wood raw material for China 's paper industry are discussed , the measurements for wood raw material effective supply are suggested .

  22. 近年来,我国森林资源总量虽然逐年增加,但大径级可采优质木材却在不断减少,天然林保护工程等重点生态工程的实施,使得国内木材资源的供给压力集中到了人工林。

    In recent years , in spite of the increasing amount of forest resources , the high quality wood with large diameter grade is decreased . Implementation of natural forest protection project has concentrated the wood resources supply pressure on planted forest .