
  1. 临床症状逐渐缓解,未闻及明显颈部血管杂音。

    Their clinical symptoms were relieved , no audible vascular murmur .

  2. 看见潜在的威胁而未闻到气味表示风险很低。

    Seeing a potential threat without its smell means that risk is low .

  3. 未闻西风响我却已热泪盈眶。

    I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes .

  4. 各拼膜听诊民未闻及病理性杂音;

    Puts together the membrane auscultation people not to hear respectively and the pathological static ;

  5. 具体详细考证汉代州司法职能方面的文章却未闻之。

    Specific and detailed research articles on the ZHOU judicial functions have not been heard of .

  6. 只要是他们未闻未见的事物,他们都会围着你不停的追问。

    No as long as they do not hear things around you they will not stop asking .

  7. 这是一种他生平从未闻到过的香味,但我希望你是闻到过的。

    It was one he had never smelled in his life before , but I hope you have .

  8. 41例胎儿均不伴有先天性心血管畸形或其它畸形,出生后听诊均未闻及明显心脏杂音或心律不齐。

    All 41 fetuses had normal cardiovascular structures . No heart murmurs or arrhythmias were detected by postnatal auscultation .

  9. 此举或勉能为之:虽叙国征召预备队之报道未得证实,亦未闻叙军正告有报复之诺。

    That attempt may be working : despite unconfirmed reports that Syria was calling up its reserves , no firm promise of military retaliation has come .

  10. 他们说虽然附上了回信的信封,他们却只字未闻,或至多收到一张不冷不热的便条,宣布他们申请的那个职位已有人填补了。

    They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all , or at best , an impersonal note ① is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled .