
  • 网络BENEVE
  1. 本易语言源码例程属于易语言高级教程。

    The routines are easy to easy language source language and advanced tutorials .

  2. 本易语言例程源码提供了时钟、闹钟和定时关机功能。

    Routine source of the easy language to provide a clock , alarm clock and sleep timer functions .

  3. 这套工具将包括一台视力检测仪、镜片样品和一本易用的手册。

    The toolkit will have a sight-testing machine , sample glasses and a handbook that is easy to use .

  4. 是多因素促成的上胃肠道动力障碍、与酸相关的慢性病。本症易反复发作。

    GERD is a chronic relapsing disease caused by upper gastrointestinal tract motility disfunction .

  5. 结果:本组易患因素以下肢深静脉血栓为首位。

    Results : Of the predisposing factors , deep venous thrombosis in lower limbs was the most important .

  6. 因为湿性黏滞,留恋不去,故本病易反复发作,难以根治。

    The disease is hard to be cured just because of damp pathogen being sticky and stagnant in nature .

  7. 结论:本病易误诊,早期诊断、综合治疗将有利于其预后。

    Conclusion : This disease is easy to misdiagnose . Early diagnosis and comprehensive therapy will make contribution to better prognosis .

  8. 其中以嘉靖陆氏家刻本最为全面,而《四库全书》本以易见而较为流行。

    Among these , the home one is most comprehensive , and The Si Ku Quan Shu edition is popular for its easy to obtain .

  9. 加勒特•奥利弗亲自撰写了许多章节,并把其他专家的文字汇集成了一本有趣易用的啤酒指南。他十分了解这个行当。

    Garrett Oliver , who wrote many of the sections himself and assembled the rest into a guide that 's fun and easy to handle , knows his business .

  10. 应用本理论易得一维积分表达的系统响应的概率特性,如联合概率密度函数及稳定期望穿阈率。

    The proposed procedure yields simple expression in terms of one dimensional integral for determining desired probability characteristics of the system response , such as moments and mean out-crossing rate .

  11. 在食管造影上本病不易与食管癌或食管平滑肌瘤鉴别;胸部CT在诊断上有重要意义。

    It was very difficult to differentiate ESTB from esophageal carcinoma or leiomyoma on esophagography ; the chest CT was of great value for the differentiation .

  12. 结论:新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病与ACE基因多态性有关联,D等位基因可能为本病的易感基因。

    Conclusion The significant association between the ACE genotype and HIE of newborn is found , D allele gene may be the susceptible gene of HIE .

  13. 结果表明,本病的易感基因与HLA-DQ基因存在连锁关系。

    The results of identical HLA haplotype and Lods analysis showed that there was a linkage between the susceptible gene of the disease and HLA DQ haplotype .

  14. 首先,到达比萨斜塔本就不易,要从罗马(Rome)坐三个多小时的火车到佛罗伦萨(Florence),然后再坐一个小时才能到达目的地。

    First , there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa , which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence .

  15. 我们早已了解,生活本就不易。

    Life is not easy , we all know that already .

  16. 生活本就不易,尤其是当你计划追求重要的人生目标。

    Life is not easy , especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile .

  17. 扮演伟大的思想家,对每一个演员而言都是挑战,因为想要理解他们的思想本就不易。

    To play a great thinker is challenging for any actor , as their subjects ' minds are hard to penetrate .

  18. 本实用新型易操作,实用性强,是提供制鞋行业一种固胶效果佳的回旋式加硫机。

    The utility model has the advantage of easy operation and is a rotary machine for feeding sulphur with good gum solidifying effect in shoe making industry .

  19. 吾师还强调本病级易发展成胃癌,为胃癌的癌前病变阶段,应及早发现并治疗,提高患者的生活质量。

    My teacher also stressed the disease of the stomach , grade easy development into the pre-cancerous for gastric cancer , early detection and stage should cure , raise the quality of life of the patients .

  20. 本案被告易某趁仓库管理员不在,叫上四个工友帮忙将被害人仓库里的电缆线剥皮取丝卖钱,后被公司老板当场抓获。

    In this case defendant Yi takes advantage of the warehouse administrator is not in Company , called on the four workers to stripping the cable wire in victims ' warehouse for take make money , after was arrested by the company boss .

  21. 不同年龄和品种的猪对本病均易感,其中两周龄以内的仔猪死亡率可达l00%,死亡原因通常为脱水和电解质紊乱。

    There are no differences among ages and strains of swine in susceptibility to the disease , the mortality of piglets aging less than 2 weeks can be high up to 100 % . Generally , the causes of death are dehydration and disorder of metabolism of electrolyte .

  22. 总理贾斯廷·特鲁多表示,这将帮助本次危机中易受伤害的人群。

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says this will help vulnerable people during this crisis .

  23. 本实用新型具有易清洁、使用方便的优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of easy cleaning and the convenient operation .

  24. 结果本工艺简单,易操作,质控方法简便,重现性好,临床疗效试验组优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The experimental group was better than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 本实用新型不易泄漏安全性好、强度高。

    The corrugated pipe has the advantages of uneasy leakage , good security and high strength .

  26. 绵羊为本病的主要易感动物,牛、山羊和许多野生反刍动物也感染此病,但通常表现为亚临床症状或无临床症状。

    BTV infection of cattle , goats and most wild ruminant species is typically asymptomatic or subclinical .

  27. 此外,本系统界面简洁易用,具有一定的研究和实用价值。

    In addition , the system interface is simple to use , with research and practical value .

  28. 本系统具有简单易用、运行稳定、成本低廉的优点。

    The system has many advantages , such as simple of structure , easy-to-use , stable operation and low cost .

  29. 本实用新型不易在管壁上积灰、积垢,并具有传热效率高等特点。

    The utility model can not deposit ash or dust on the pipe wall easily , with the advantages of high heat efficiency , etc.

  30. 本研究假设信息易获得性正向影响搜寻努力,但是数据分析的结果是易获得性对搜寻努力有显著的负向影响。

    The test results suggest that : ( 1 ) Unexpectedly , perceived accessibility of information has a significant negative effect on the amount of online search effort .