
jī qì zhǐ lìnɡ
  • machine instruction
  1. 大家都知道,不可能“半途”中断一条机器指令。

    As you know a single machine instruction cannot be interrupted " mid-stream " .

  2. 如前所述,无争用锁定操作涉及了一些设置和一个原子机器指令。

    As we described earlier , an uncontested lock operation involves some setup and an atomic machine instruction .

  3. 很快有了汇编语言,它将1和0抽象成基本的机器指令,例如用值Y加载寄存器X。

    Quickly came assembly language , which abstracted away the ones and zeros to provide rudimentary machine instructions such as load register X with value Y.

  4. Java编译器把Java源代码转换成可移植的JVM字节码,所谓字节码指的是JVM的“虚拟机器指令”。

    The Java compiler converts Java source code into portable JVM bytecodes , which are " virtual machine instructions " for the JVM .

  5. XML是一种通用数据表达法。在使用不同程序语言编写的程序和执行不同的机器指令之间,可以使用XML作为交换媒介。

    XML is a common data representation that can be used as the medium of exchange between programs that are written in different programming languages and execute different kinds of machine instructions .

  6. 由于硬件平台的不同,一个高效的模拟器可以采用即时编译器(Just-In-TimeCompiler)技术,即时的把源机器指令编译成目标机器指令运行。

    JIT ( Just-In-Time ) compiler is widely adapted to speed-up emulation , which compiles the instruction of the source platform into target instruction on-the-fly .

  7. 在加载更多的程序集并转化IL为机器指令时,CLR的加载器有一点额外的工作要完成,那就是调整函数入口地址。

    The CLR loader has a little more work to do to load many assemblies and turn IL into machine instructions , particularly resolving function addresses .

  8. 我们采用Hoare风格的推导方式,使用高阶逻辑来同时描述机器指令的操作语义和所需要的安全策略。

    Our proof framework supports Hoare-logic style reasoning . In addition , we use high-order logic to describe both operational semantics and safety policy .

  9. 系统采用仿真宏代替Linux内核使用的sti,cli,iret等机器指令,使得实时内核捕获中断,禁止了Linux内核关硬件中断的操作;

    The stimulation orders replace the machine orders used in inner Linux core such as sti , cli , iret etc. The result is that the real time core supervises the interruption , and prohibits the operation of Linux core about the hardware interruption .

  10. 即使是硬件中断也不会破坏机器指令的完整性。

    Even hardware interrupts will respect the atomicity of machine instructions .

  11. 为了把两个数相加,计算机需要四条机器指令。

    A computer needs four machine-level instructions to add two numbers ;

  12. 汇编语言程序设计员为每条机器指令写一条助记符指令。

    An assembler language programmer writes one mnemonic instruction for each machine-level instruction .

  13. 基本上在汇编和机器指令之间存在一对一的映射。

    Essentially , there is a one-to-one mapping between assembly and machine instructions .

  14. 解锁操作涉及一个原子机器指令。

    An unlock operation involves an atomic machine operation .

  15. 编译程序和解释程序两者都产生机器指令,但过程是不同的。

    Both compilers and interpreters generate machine-level instructions , but the process is different .

  16. 一个微指令序列。微程序主要用于实现一些机器指令。

    A sequence of microinstructions . Microprograms are mainly used to implement machine instructions .

  17. 对于汇编程序,每一个源语句都转换成一条机器指令。

    With an assembler , each source statement is converted to a single machine-level instruction .

  18. 接受命令并将该命令解释为机器指令的程序。

    A software program that accepts a command and interprets that command into machine instructions .

  19. 在一对多关系中,一个语句会展开为多条汇编或机器指令。

    In a one-to-many relationship , a single statement expands into multiple assembly language or machine instructions .

  20. 它包括三个部分:机器指令的描述,机器指令描述的预处理器和模式匹配算法。

    It is composed of three parts : machine description , machine description processor and pattern matching algorithm .

  21. 但对于编译程序,一个源语句可以转换任意数目的机器指令。

    With a compiler , a given source statement may be converted to any number of machine-level instructions .

  22. Z80-CPU的指令系统,公开发表的机器指令共有696条。

    In the instuction set of Z80 & CPU 696 items of the machine code have been made public .

  23. 对机器指令进行语义抽象以产生中间代码表示是反编译程序的一个关键环节。

    Abstracting the semantics of the machine instructions to generate an intermediate code representation is key for a decompiler .

  24. 根据棉袜花型和机器指令特点,设计数据的无损压缩算法。

    According to cotton socks pattern type and characteristics of the machine instruction , research the lossless data compression algorithms .

  25. 汇编语言:一种编程语言,每一条助记符源语句都对应一条机器指令。

    Assembler : A progamming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine - level instruction .

  26. 一个能把人可读的汇编语言程序转换到处理器可理解和运行的机器指令的软件开发工具。

    A software development tool that translates human-readable assembly language programs into machine-language instructions that the processor can understandand execute .

  27. 编写机器指令,测试、调试及集成程序。文件化整个系统及开发数据控制程序。

    Write machine instructions , test , debug , and assemble program . Document overall system and develop data control procedures .

  28. 本文给出了一个带有实际线路和机器指令程序的,由8085单板微处理机控制实现的10路10比特A/D转换器。

    In this paper a 10 channel 10 bit A / D converter based on a single board com-purer SDK-85 is presented .

  29. 一种基本单位或基础单位,常常指机器指令的最低一级或语言翻译的最低的单位。

    A basic or fundamental unit , often referring to the lowest of a machine instruction or lowest unit of language translation .

  30. 某些机器指令助记符的操作域数目跟编译器里要求的数目不匹配。

    Description The number of operands given to some machine instruction mnemonic does not match the number of operands required by that instruction .