
jī qì shì jué
  • machine vision;computer vision
  1. 基于DSP平台的机器视觉系统优化研究

    Study on Machine Vision System Based on DSP

  2. 基于PWM的LED机器视觉光源技术的研究

    Research on Machine Vision of LED Light Source Technology Based on Pulse Width Modulation

  3. 基于DSP的机器视觉系统设计

    DSP-based Machine Vision System Design

  4. 很多企业急需能够实现在线检测的基于机器视觉的PCB缺陷检测系统。

    Many enterprises need to achieve on-line detection based on machine vision of PCB defects detection system .

  5. 稻种图像分析研究是实现稻种质量机器视觉检验的基础,为此开发了基于Matlab平台的稻种图像分析系统。

    Image analysis of rice seeds should be addressed before an automatic inspecting system can be developed . Such analysis based on Matlab platform was attempted .

  6. CCD摄像机广泛应用于电视导引头、安全监控、医学摄像、工业控制、机器视觉应用和科学图像领域。

    CCD cameras are widely used in TV seeker , security monitoring , medical photography , industrial control , machine vision applications and scientific image fields .

  7. 即以嵌入式ARM处理器为核心,结合机器视觉导航和雷达测距技术,尝试研究建立嵌入式智能测距防撞系统。

    In embedded ARM processor as the core , combining machine vision navigation and radar technology , try to study and establish the range of embedded system of intelligent distance bull .

  8. 本文主要工作和成果可概括为以下几个方面:q针对高速抓取需求和控制系统硬件环境,确定了机器视觉系统模式。

    The following work has been completed : q Aimed at the application demand and the control environment of the manipulator , the running mode of the vision system is settled .

  9. 三维物体表面轮廓测量技术在高速在线检测、质量控制、机器视觉、反求工程、CAD/CAM以及医疗诊断等领域的应用日益广泛。

    The application of 3D object surface measurement is more and more important in the domain of industrial inspection , quality controlling , machine vision , CAD / CAM , and medical science , etc.

  10. 随着DSP处理能力的不断增强以及图像处理算法的日益完善,开发基于机器视觉的嵌入式实时系统成为目前图像处理领域一项重要分支。

    With the ever strengthening processing ability of DSP and the ever perfecting of image processing algorithms , the development of real-time embedded system based on machine vision becomes an important branch of image processing .

  11. 面向TFT-LCD制程的Mura缺陷机器视觉检测方法研究

    Study on the Methods of Machine Vision Inspection for the Mura Defect of TFT-LCD Process

  12. 本课题旨在将机器视觉技术结合机械制造技术和数控加工技术应用于PCB制造机器的设计研发之中,从而可以提高PCB的加工效率和精度,降低生产成本。

    This thesis targets to discuss an application of combination with machine visual technology , machinery technology and NC technology in the R & D of machine for PCB manufacture .

  13. 针对传统PC机器视觉系统的结构复杂,尺寸较大不便于装卸等问题,本文提出了一种基于CMOS与DSP的以太网智能相机平台。

    An ethernet smart camera platform based on CMOS and DSP is presented in this dissertation against the difficult in loading and unloading , complex structure and larger size of the traditional PC machine vision systems .

  14. 在研制检测集成电路芯片的机器视觉系统中,研究运用Mahalanobis距离方法,对摄取的芯片图像进行图象分割。

    In a IC chip inspecting machine vision system , we used Mahalanobis distance method to segment the captured chip image .

  15. 应用IMAQVision工具包在LabVIEW虚拟仪器平台上开发了识别活塞表面字符的机器视觉系统。

    Machine vision system to recognize characters of piston surface is developed in LabVIEW ( a virtual instrument platform ) with IMAQ Vision toolset .

  16. 文章在分析机器视觉系统应用的基础上,利用CCD摄像头、图像采集卡,运动控制卡,运动平台,计算机等组成在线轴承尺寸检测系统。

    Based on the appliance analyse of the machine vision system , using CCD camera , image collection clip , movement control clip , movement platform , computer and so on , This paper composes a machine vision system for bearing-measurement .

  17. 从机器视觉和感知科学角度看,图像处理是一种由2D图像(或者图像序列)重建3D世界中几何关系、拓扑结构、模式和动力学行为的基本工具。

    From the machine vision and cognitive science , image processing is a basic tool used to reconstruct the geometrical relationship , topology structure , patterns and dynamics of the three-dimensional ( 3-D ) world from two-dimensional ( 2-D ) images or image sequences .

  18. LED具有环保、寿命长、低功耗等特性,近年来在机器视觉领域快速地应用和发展,LED驱动电路的研究和设计也成为关注的焦点。

    In recent years , LED is developing and applying in Machine visual field quickly , because of its characteristics of environmental protection , long life and low power consumption , and the research and the design on LED driver circuit has also become the focus of attention .

  19. 本文主要工作和成果可以概括为以下几个方面:针对ENT医疗机器人手术前,末端工具定位的要求和控制系统硬件环境,确定了机器视觉系统模式。

    The following work has been completed : Aimed at the requirement of the end tools and the hardware circumstance of the control system , the running model of the robot is settled .

  20. 该系统采用机器视觉技术,利用面阵CCD摄像机获取图像,通过数字图像处理技术,提出了一种适于在生产线上实时检测药柱平均内外径的方法。

    The system adopts machine vision technology , uses area CCD camera to attain images . With digital image processing technology , a method measuring the average inner and outer diameters of cartridge case is proposed , which can apply in the production line to realize real-time measurement .

  21. 介绍了红外背景杂波的基本概念及机器视觉系统中的两类红外背景杂波量化方式:基于背景功率谱密度(PSD)分布模型和基于小波变换。

    The basic principle and quantitative characterization approaches of infrared background clutter are presented in this paper . The focus is put on the two classical metrics used in machine vision systems : background power spectral density ( PSD ) distribution model and wavelet .

  22. 以机器视觉系统为基础,利用计算机图像处理技术,对预处理后的边缘图像,采用基于点Hough变换的圆形图像亚像素检测算法,实现了轴承内径的亚像素在线检测。

    Based on machine vision system , an algorithm for circle subpixel edge detecting based on point Hough transform is adopted for the pre-processed edge image , by virtue of computer image processing technology . And a subpixel detection technology for the bore diameter of bearings is realized successfully on-line .

  23. 准三维机器视觉快捷制衣量体系统的研究

    Research on semi-3D machine vision high-speed measurement system for making clothes

  24. 目的机器视觉研究及其在皮肤症状识别中的应用

    Research on Purposive Vision and Its Application in Skin Symptom Recognition

  25. 双目立体机器视觉检测系统及其应用

    Design and Application of Vision Measurement System Based on Binocular Stereo

  26. 机器视觉对准系统的研究及相关技术的开发

    Research on Machine Vision Alignment System and Development of Related Technology

  27. 机器视觉田间植物检测与识别技术

    The Technique of Detecting and Identifying Field Plants by Machine Vision

  28. 机器视觉心理与分辨率锥体的应用

    Psychology of Machine Vision and the Application of the Resolution Cone

  29. 基于机器视觉技术的公路路产赔偿管理信息系统

    Management Information Systems of Highway Equipment Compensated Based Machine Vision Technology

  30. 基于机器视觉道路识别算法的研究

    Research of the road recognition algorithm based on the machine vision