
jī xiè xué
  • mechanics;mechanology
  1. Wilson元&在三维有限元应用中,也称为Wilson砖,被广泛地应用于计算机械学与结构工程学中。

    The Wilson finite element , known as Wilson 's brick in the three-dimensional finite element applications , is widely used in computational mechanics and structural engineering .

  2. 在系统融合传动机械学和电磁学理论的基础上,提出了一种新型的磁力传动机械&磁力金属带传动(MMBT)。

    Based on transmission mechanics and electromagnetism , a magnetic transmission machine & magnetic metal belt transmission ( MMBT ) is presented in this paper .

  3. 本文结合包装机械学课程的特点,对其CAI课件进行了研究和开发。

    This paper is on the basis of the characteristics of the packing machine courses , to research and exploit the software of the packaging machine CAI .

  4. 温度对口腔科全瓷基底用可切削3Y-TZP瓷块机械学性能的影响

    Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical properties of Machinable 3Y-TZP blanks for dental all-ceramic substructures

  5. STM和AFM凭借其原子量级的精度,使其在材料科学、生物学、纳米机械学和小分子结构领域得到了广泛的应用。

    STM and AFM are widely used in many fields for their atomic-level resolution , especially in material science , biology , nano-mechanics and small molecule structure .

  6. 立方氮化硼(c-BN)是一种新型的人工合成宽带隙半导体材料,它具有许多优异的机械学、热学、电学和光学特性,有广泛的应用前景。

    Cubic boron nitride ( c-BN ), a fascinating material with many promising applications , has raised extensive efforts to synthesize thin films of c-BN and to study the nucleation and growth of c-BN since 1930 because of its desirable mechanical , thermal , electrical , and optical properties .

  7. 学生将练习从机械学及电子学的角度来评估产品。

    Students will practice evaluating products with mechanical and electronic aspects .

  8. 关于机械学的,由其控制的,或与机械学一致的。

    Relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics .

  9. 不,我只是在看“普通机械学”

    No , I just read " popular mechanics . "

  10. 生产实践性教学在农业机械学中的必要性

    The Necessary of Yield Practice Teaching in Mechanics of Farming

  11. (机械学)周转变化的速率。

    ( mechanics ) the rate of change of velocity .

  12. 随着年龄的增长,科学与自动车机械学也成了她的爱好。

    As she grew older her hobbies included science and automobile mechanics .

  13. 这样就产生了机械学哲理。

    And so you get the ideal of mechanical philosophy .

  14. 以创新能力培养为目标的农业机械学课程改革实践

    The Reform of Agricultural Machinery Course for Culture the Innovate Ability of Students

  15. 《农业机械学》多元化教学模式的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Diversified Teaching Mode on " Agricultural Mechanics " Course

  16. 那些是日常生活的机械学。

    And those are the mechanics of everyday life .

  17. (机械学)周转变化的速率。渐变折射率光学纤维

    ( mechanics ) the rate of change of velocity . graded-index optical fiber

  18. 在机械学方面,阿基米德没有留下什么文字论述。

    In mechanics aspect , Archimedes did not leave any literal dissertation behind .

  19. 农业机械学教学改革初探

    Study on the Teaching Reform On Agricultural Machinery Course

  20. 农业机械化专业农业机械学课程的教材研究

    A Study on the Teaching Material of Agricultural Machinery Curriculum in Agricultural Mechanization Speciality

  21. 本科或硕士学位,主修机械学,航空学,应用机械或相关学科。

    BS or Master in Mechanical , Aeronautical , Applied Mechanics or related discipline .

  22. 《农业机械学》多媒体教学方法的研究

    Study on multimedia teaching method for Agricultural Mechanics

  23. 弩机机械学性能研究和受力分析

    Research on the Characteristics of Crossbow - Mechanism

  24. 农业机械学统编教材中几个理论问题的质疑和探讨

    Querying and discussing on several theoretical questions carried on the textbooks in agricultural machinery

  25. δ-函数及其在机械学中的应用

    Dirac δ - function and applications in mechanics

  26. 空间机构;机械学;运动学;动力学;数值方法;软件工程;

    Spatial mechanism ; Mechanics ; Kinematics ; Dynamics ; Numerical methods ; Software engineering ;

  27. 微型机械与纳米机械学研究

    Research on Micro-Machine and Nano - Mechanics

  28. 《农业机械学》课程教学改革思路

    Considerations of Teaching Reform about Agriculture Mechanics

  29. 这个图表是关于因果关系的标准思想,内容都与机械学相关。

    The paradigm is sort of a standard thought about efficient causation is a mechanical contact .

  30. 硅微电子机械学进展

    Progress of the Silicon Micro electromechanism