
  • 网络mechanical memory;rote memory;rote memorization;rote learning
  1. 基于机械记忆的词汇学习研究

    A Study on Words Learning Based on Rote Memory

  2. 在字形与字音策略当中,机械记忆始终占有重要地位。

    For characters shape and sound learning , rote memorization strategies remain the most important status throughout all the level .

  3. 机械记忆式语文学习记忆媒体尚未格式化。

    Rote memorization of verbal learning Save device Is unformatted .

  4. 小学生抽象思维能力较差,主要以机械记忆为主。

    Primary school students have poor ability of abstract thinking .

  5. 机械记忆式语文学习

    Rote memorization of verbal learning phenomenology of memory

  6. 建构主义英语教学可以改变传统的学生被动学习,机械记忆的学习状况。

    Constructivist English teaching can help change the traditional curriculum emphasizing on passive learning and mechanical memorizing .

  7. 结果,阅读教学就只是教师重点讲授语言点、句法结构,而学生机械记忆教师讲授的内容。

    As a result , teachers concentrate on new words , language points and sentence structures , while students try to memorize them mechanically .

  8. 要想认识这种机械记忆的情形,并不需要进一步去研究力学,况且力学的研究对于心理学本身也不能有什么推进。

    To be cognizant of this aspect of mechanical memory requires no further study of mechanics , and the study of mechanics cannot advance psychology as such .

  9. 儿童在这种教学中获得的是社会暗示性、机械记忆和表面的知识,失去的是率性、独立思考和对问题的理解。

    What they get from this kind of teaching is some social hints and mechanically-acquired knowledge at the cost of naivety , independent thinking and comprehension of problems .

  10. 一项独立研究也表明当人们学习分心的时候,比如看电视,他们就会使用与机械记忆而不是意义记忆相联系的那部分大脑。

    A seperate study found that when people are distracted while they learn , for example by the television , they were using the part of the brain associated with habit other than declarative learning .

  11. 在词汇习得观念上,大多数高职学生认为词汇是从运用中或在情境中自然习得的,但也有一部分学生认为是通过机械记忆而习得;

    Vocabulary learning belief : most vocational college students firmly hold the beliefs that words should be learned by using or by acquiring from context , and some of the participants also believe in memorization ;

  12. 从研究的结果上看,概念图作为先行组织者能够支持学生的有意义学习,能够为学生建立起新旧知识的有意义连结,使学生不必采用机械记忆的方式学习。

    Through the results of research , and as an advanced organizer , it can sustain students'meaningful learning , and make a meaningful combination with old and new knowledge inorder to avoid students ' mechanical memory .

  13. 由于教师所采取的方法比较教条僵化,使得学生们对大多数知识都知其然而不知其所以然,他们只有通过机械记忆的方法来学习。

    For the methods the teachers adopted were relatively dogmatic and rigescent , facing the majority of the knowledge , the students knew its result but not knew its reason , they had to learn by mechanical memory .

  14. 学生学的更是僵硬,往往是对单个汉字的机械记忆,只记住字音或字形,把原本是音形义三者于一体的汉字分裂开来记忆。

    Students learn more rigid , often mechanical memory on a single Chinese character , just remember the pronunciation or shape , was originally a sound form and meaning to the three characters in one split off from memory .

  15. 当前,许多初级中学的地理课堂教学仍以教师讲授为主、以机械记忆为主,导致学生形成了以听讲、记忆、模仿、练习等为特征的接受型学习,学习兴趣不断被抹杀。

    At the present , however , teaches , mechanical memory and books content are still the main parts of the geography classes teacher in many junior schools in Nujiang . The teaching method forms an acceptance learning which brings a characteristic of listening , imitation and practice .

  16. 传统教学中,把介词的搭配看作是固定的,约定俗成的,忽视了介词各义项之间的内在语义联系。多采用结合词义,机械记忆的方法教学,学生不堪其重,教师也疲惫不堪。

    The collocation of prepositions is thought to be fixed and conventional which should be remembered rigidly according to the traditional teaching notion , so that the internal connection among their semantic items and different prepositions are neglected . Both students and teachers are tired of the old acquisition method .

  17. 它们不仅不能考查出学生的能力,还导致学习形成一种机械的记忆方式。

    They not only can 't test students'ability , but lead to mechanical memorizing .

  18. 然而,长期以来,学生们养成了一种机械反复记忆单词的习惯。

    However , the students have formed a habit of memorizing vocabulary in a repeated mechanic way .

  19. 一开始。我以为这门课程是进行机械的记忆。

    At first , I thought this course is a kind of mechanical memorizing matter of things .

  20. 当学生自己开始吸收知识时,教育才算开始,而不是机械地记忆教授给学生的知识,这一点是不可否认的。

    Also , it is undeniable that education begins when students start absorbing rather than mechanically memorising what they are being taught .

  21. 任务教学法对于改善学生的学习方法有非常积极的影响,让学生由机械地记忆英文转变为灵活地习得语言。

    In this way , task-based language teaching approach has a good impact on changing students ' learning method , from mechanical memorizing to flexibly acquiring from teachers .

  22. 传统的单词记忆大多采用的是机械式记忆,通过死背强记进行单词记忆,这种记忆方式总是使得单词背了又忘,忘了又背的情形。

    In the traditional ways of memorizing words , most of people adopt mechanical memory , that is to say , remembering words by rote . But this mean of memorizing words always makes us forget the words frequently .

  23. 用于微机械的形状记忆合金薄膜工艺研究

    Technology of Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films for MEMS

  24. 对合金系进行了机械性能及记忆性能研究,发现加锆后合金的机械性能和记忆性能都获得提高;

    Through studies of mechanical properties and shape memory properties , it was revealed that they all increase with increasing Zr content .

  25. 通过不同变形量的弯曲试验,结合X射线衍射对相结构的分析,研究了热机械循环对Fe-17Mn-5Si-9Cr-4Ni记忆合金记忆效应的影响。

    This paper deals with the effect of thermomechanical cycles on the shape memory effect of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni alloy by bending experiment method on different deformation magnitude , combined with microstructure analysis using X-Ray diffraction .

  26. 预变形量和机械训练对形状记忆合金回复率的影响

    Effect of Degree of Predeformation and Mechanical Training on the Restoring Ratio of Shape Memory Alloy

  27. 如果我们结合通用机和“机械过程与纯记忆过程是同义的”这个事实,

    If we take the properties of the universal machine in combination with the fact that machine processes and rule of thumb processes are synonymous ,

  28. 又如,由记忆得到的只是也可以说是机械的,因为记忆的那些字眼对我们没有意义,而是外在于感官、表象和思维的。

    Our knowledge is said to be mechanical or by rote , when the words have no meaning for us , but continue external to sense , conception , thought ;

  29. 如果一个人纯粹依据机械定律去解释记忆的性质,并径直运用机械定律去研究灵魂,那么,他将会是一个笨拙的心理学家。

    It would betray bad psychology , however , to have recourse to mechanism for an explanation of the nature of memory , and to apply mechanical laws straight off to the soul .