
  • 网络gun;Cannon;Machine Gun;Autocannon;autocannons
  1. 今年上半年我们为英国多斯克公司MK3掘进机炮头进行大修。

    First half of this year we have many UK companies MK3 LANDesk cannon boring head overhaul .

  2. 该机装备多管机枪或机炮,可以发射反坦克导弹或用其他弹药打击地面目标。

    It is armed with a multi-barreled machine-gun or cannon and it can fire anti-tank missiles and deliver other munitions against ground targets .

  3. 如果你在A-10上装上2台机炮,油门全开并同时向前开火,那么机炮会赢过引擎,飞机将会向后加速。

    If you put two of them in one aircraft , and fired both guns forward while opening up the throttle , the guns would win and you 'd accelerate backward .

  4. 空-空机炮模态的综合火力/飞行控制系统设计

    The design of integrated fire / flight control system for air-to-air gunnery

  5. 格里亚泽夫-希普诺夫GSh-6-30加特林机炮的重量只有GAU-8的一半,但射速更高,它的推重比接近40。

    The Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 weighs half as much as the GAU-8 and has an even higher fire rate .

  6. 二者择一地,直升飞机可以为近距离空中支援任务携带制导火箭吊舱或机炮吊舱。

    Alternatively , the helicopter could carry guided rocket pods or machine gun pods for close air support role .

  7. 悬停攻击一般在没有重大威胁或防空武器时由反坦克导弹或机炮完成。

    Stand-off attacks are used when there is no significant threat of enemy return fire or anti-air defense and cannons or anti-tank guided missiles ( ATGMs ) need to be employed .

  8. 提出了飞机中性稳定的直接力控制模态。将这一模态应用于综合火力/飞行控制中的空-空机炮攻击,着重研究了中型稳定模态的抗垂风性能。

    In this paper , the authors try to apply neutral stability mode of the aircraft direct force Control technology to the air-to-air gunnery mode of the integrated flight / fire control system .

  9. 歼击机攻击机动目标时,用于空对空机炮快速射击的过去历程示迹线(热线)和基于前置计算光学瞄准具的多次重复计算的一种阻尼示迹线的瞄准计算。

    During the attack of the fighter on a maneuvering target the historical tracer line ( hot line ) and a version of the damped tracer line based on multiple Lcos computations are adapted in the computation for air-to-air gun snap-shot .