
jī yù
  • opportunity;chance;moment;luck;favourable circumstance;occasional;favourable opportunity;happenstance
机遇 [jī yù]
  • [occasional;favourable circumstance;favourable opportunity] 机会;有利的境遇

  • 千载难逢的机遇

机遇[jī yù]
  1. 中国建筑企业入世后的机遇与挑战及应对措施

    The favourable circumstances and challenge face the construction enterprise of China after entering WTO and the appropriate measure

  2. 实施西部大开发,为新疆发展经济注入了活力,带来了新的机遇。

    To implement Western development is emptying into vigour for Xinjiang developing economy and bringing favourable circumstances for Xinjiang .

  3. 她觉得人生所有的机遇和欢乐都与她无缘。

    She feels that life is passing her by .

  4. 美国是一个拥有自由与机遇的国度。

    America is the land of freedom and opportunity .

  5. 党的声誉比我当选的机遇更重要。

    My election chances are not as important as the good name of the party .

  6. 第一代美国人认为美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。

    First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity

  7. 卡里希望好好利用欧洲的新机遇。

    Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe

  8. 实业家们必须尽快采取行动,抓住东欧的新机遇。

    Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe .

  9. 贯穿这许多提案的主线是个人权力和机遇这一主题。

    The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity

  10. 他想建立一个充满机遇的社会,在这个社会里多数人都可以享受到社会福利。

    He wanted to create a society of opportunity where benefits became available to the many .

  11. 勤奋和机遇是他成功的两大因素。

    Industry and opportunity were the chief factors in his success .

  12. 一天清晨机遇来了。

    The opportunity came early one morning .

  13. 他的成功靠的是努力和机遇。

    His success was brought about by hard work and good luck .

  14. 他告诉我,大批客居海外的印度人回到印度,他们深知印度拥有无限的机遇。

    Indians are coming home in hordes , he told me , because they sense the opportunity in india .

  15. 正是由于信息缺乏,2013年,I'mFirst应运而生,最初是学生机遇中心的一个分支。

    It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of Tm First in 2013 , originally as an arm of its umbrella organization , the Center For Student Opportunity .

  16. 这个问题关系到平等、机遇和民族良知。

    This is an issue of equality , opportunity and national conscience .

  17. 电子垃圾也蕴含着巨大的机遇。

    Enormous opportunities also lie with e-waste .

  18. 美国教育体系与其说是获得机遇的阶梯,不如说是将不平等代代相传的组织结构。

    America 's education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next .

  19. 最近几年,很多中等规模的城市开始采取一种中庸之道,将大都市的刺激与机遇和小城市午夜后的静谥相结合。

    In recent years , many mid-sized cities have begun to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach incorporating the excitement and opportunity of large cities with small cities ' quiet after midnight .

  20. 2004年,“勇气号”和“机遇号”两个探测器被送往火星寻找水的迹象。

    In 2004 . two robot explores , or ' rovers ' , called Spirit and Opportunity were sent to look for signs of water .

  21. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  22. 夏季为打造人脉网络提供更多机遇。

    There are more opportunities for in-person networking . Summer is a social season .

  23. 中国和中东欧国家都坚信开放创造机遇、包容成就多元,这也是中国-中东欧国家合作保持旺盛生命力的根本所在。

    China and CEE countries share the conviction that openness brings opportunities and inclusiveness ensures diversity .

  24. 这将为各国共享中国经济高质量发展成果带来更多机遇。

    This will create more opportunities for the world to benefit from China ’ s high-quality development .

  25. 面对新的机遇和挑战,中非比以往任何时候都更加需要加强合作。

    Given the new opportunities and challenges we face , closer cooperation between China and Africa is needed , more than ever .

  26. 当前,中韩关系正面临大发展的机遇,给两国关系发展注入新动力是双方面临的共同课题,也是我这次访问的主要任务。

    China-South Korea relations are facing an opportunity of great development . To inject fresh impetus ties is an issue for both countries and a major task of my trip .

  27. 14.生活从不眷顾因循守旧、满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人们。

    Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo . Instead , life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate .

  28. 新科技革命和产业变革的时代浪潮奔腾而至,如果我们不应变、不求变,将错失发展机遇,甚至错过整个时代。

    If we do not move proactively to adapt to the surging tide of new scientific revolution and industrial transformation , we risk missing valuable opportunities or even falling behind the times . We should be good reformers and pioneers .

  29. 加入WTO后造价工程师的机遇及挑战

    Cost engineer how to face the challenge after joining the WTO

  30. 随着加入WTO,保险业发展既有挑战又有机遇。

    With joining WTO , insurance 's development has both challenge and opportunities .