
  1. 15岁的李婷来自上海,她正在准备一场有关西方节日的讲座。

    Li Ting , 15 , from Shanghai , was preparing a talk on some western festivals .

  2. (李婷和孙甜甜去参赛希望不大,但她们获得好成绩出人预料。)bringhomethebacon意思是获得成功。

    Li Ting and Sun Tiantian went to the game without much hope , but they surprised us and brought home the bacon .

  3. 李婷重新拿起手帕,缘于一项关于环保的调查。

    The reason why Li Ting began to use handkerchief again is an environmental protection research .

  4. 这次放假,和李婷两人去景德镇呆了两个星期,乐天陶社的冬天果然很冷。

    For this winter holiday , I went to the pottery workshop in Jingdezhen again with Summer .

  5. 安迪:郭晶晶和李婷获得了女子双人3米板跳水冠军。

    Andy : guo Jingjing and Li Ting won gold in the women 's synchronized3m springboard diving final .

  6. 复旦大学学生李婷就是一位手帕不离身的“帕客”。

    Li Ting , a student in Fudan University , is a handkerchief user who carries a handkerchief everywhere .