
  1. 我的小妹和李岩在云台山。

    My sister and Miss Li Yan were in Yuntai Mountain .

  2. 我和李岩关系一直很好,我把他当作我的最亲密的朋友。

    I have been on good terms with Li Yan and I look on him as my closest friend .

  3. 明末农民起义军的重要将领李岩,崇祯十七年被李自成冤杀。

    Li Yan was the main general of peasant uprising troops in the last years of the Ming Dynasty .

  4. 在制作专辑《盖世英雄》的时候,我也请来了电影里的京剧唱将&李岩,来配唱部分背景音乐。

    In making " Heroes of Earth ," I included the film 's opera singer , Li Yan , whose singing formed part of the background music .

  5. 把京剧名角李岩(霸王别姬)的声音放在歌曲中,虽然不如陈升的北京一夜中的效果。

    Veteran opera singer Li Yan ( Farewell To My Concubine ) lends his vocals in the title track , though the effect is not as stunning as Bobby Chen 's One Night In Beijing .

  6. 李岩:浙江大学人文学院传播研究所教授,主要从事广播电视学、广播电视文化及传播批评理论研究。

    Li yan : professor , communication research institute , humanities college , Zhejiang university , mainly interested in theory of broadcasting and television , culture of broadcasting and television , and critical theory of communication .