
  • 网络Levi's;levi's Levis;Levi;levi s
  1. 如果看到一条李维斯牛仔裤臀部没有口袋会让人感觉很奇怪。

    It would be odd to see a pair of Levi 's without hand-sized pockets on the hips .

  2. 蓝色牛仔裤越来越步出时代的潮流,即使是李维斯(Levi's)和GAP这样的业界大牌也注意到了这一趋势。

    Blue jeans are increasingly going out of style , and even industry heavyweights like Levi 's and Gap are taking notice .

  3. 没有多少产品能拥有像“李维斯”那么深入人心的品牌形象。

    Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi 's.

  4. 因为这个原因,乌兹别克斯坦失去了很多西方国家的客户,包括Gap和李维斯。

    Uzbekistan has lost several Western buyers who refuse to do business with them for this very reason , including Gap and Levi Strauss .

  5. 据彭博社报道:李维斯的CEO承认,该公司受到了穿着瑜伽裤的运动休闲潮流的威胁。

    Levi 's CEO has admitted that the company is threatened by the athleisure trend of wearing yoga pants , Bloomberg reports .

  6. 例如,李维斯(LeviStrauss)仍在美国以外生产牛仔裤。

    Levi Strauss , for example , still makes its jeans outside America .

  7. 在这个一次性或快速时装依然占主导地位的时代,李维斯公司(LeviStraussCo)多少有点另类。

    At a time when throwaway , or fast fashion remains dominant , Levi Strauss Co. is something of an anomaly .

  8. 在这个一次性或“快速”时装依然占主导地位的时代,李维斯公司(LeviStrauss&Co)多少有点另类。

    At a time when throwaway , or " fast " fashion remains dominant , Levi Strauss & Co. is something of an anomaly .

  9. 谷歌也是李维斯牛仔研发自行车手夹克外套的合作者,谷歌位于硅谷的前沿科技攻关小组与李维斯的研发团队(skunkworks)实现了珠联璧合。

    Google was alsoLevis " partner in developing the cycling jacket , bringing together Google'sAdvanced Technology and Projects team in Silicon Valley , with the brand'sin-house skunk works .

  10. 其中,乔治·艾略特因其以道德的严肃探讨及正视人生经验的开放胸襟而被当代英国批评家F·R·李维斯列为英国文学史上的伟大传统四大家之一。

    Among them George Eliot is listed by the contemporary English critic F. R. Leavis as one of the four " great English novelists ", for her serious discussion of morality , and her broad mind towards human experience .

  11. 布鲁克林丹宁经营着FirstStandard品牌,是在店内制作的,店内还销售李维斯(Levi’s)旗下的Made&Crafted、Tellason、Strom等品牌,以及BigJohn和JapanBlue等日本品牌。

    Brooklyn Denim carries the brand , First Standard , which is made in the shop , along with labels like Levi 's Made & Crafted , Tellason , Strom and the Japanese brands Big John and Japan Blue .

  12. 李维斯正在生产一款名为“无水”(Waterless)的系列产品,消费者现在可以在门店订购。

    Levi 's is producing a line of products called " Waterless , " which you can request in stores .

  13. 最古老的美国牛仔裤品牌李维斯(levistrauss)来到中国,推出了一款新的廉价牛仔裤品牌,将在全球范围销售。

    Levi Strauss , the oldest American jeans name , came to China to launch a new cheap jeans brand to sell around the world .

  14. 保罗.狄林格(PaulDillinger)站在牛仔装生产商李维斯(Levi’s)异常闷热的新装试验室里,正在试穿一件牛仔夹克新样装。

    Standing in Levi'ssweaty atelier , where the jeans maker experiments with new designs , just blocksfrom the San Francisco Bay , Paul Dillinger pulls on a new denim jacket .

  15. 她还能清晰地回忆起2001年接管李维斯(LeviStrauss)陷入困境的日本业务时,部分员工与客户拒绝与身为女性总裁的自己讲话的情形。

    When she took over the struggling Japanese operations of Levi Strauss in 2001 , she vividly recalls how some of her employees and clients refused to speak to a female president .

  16. 过去一年,从力拓(RioTinto)、李维斯(LeviStrauss)到先正达(Syngenta),每当我遇到企业高管,他们都会盛赞利用数字化提高“生产效率”的好处。

    Whenever I have met executives in the past year , at companies ranging from Rio Tinto to Levi Strauss to Syngenta , they have extolled the benefits of using digitisation to boost " productivity . "

  17. 当见到他们一家时,我的侄子大声说这不是李维斯。

    Upon seeing them , he exclaimed they were not Levis .

  18. 李维斯先生!我无法再保持沉默,打断了他。

    ' Mr Rivers ! 'I interrupted , unable to keep silent .

  19. 这个发生在加拿大的牛仔囧事传到了李维斯那里。

    Word of this denim dilemma in Canada got back to Levi 's.

  20. 这正是谷歌与李维斯正在展望的未来。

    That 's the type of future Google and Levi 's are envisioning .

  21. 不,你跟李维斯谈好了,跟我没有。

    No , you had a deal with reeves , not with me .

  22. 李维斯小姐,我能带我的小鸡去吗?

    Miss lewis , can I bring my chickens ?

  23. 时至今日,李维斯牛仔裤已经逐渐演变成一种举世公认的高级时装。

    Today , Levi 's jeans have evolved into a world-recognized form of haute couture .

  24. 那位死于1978年的李维斯?

    The F.R.Leavis who died in1978 ?

  25. 伯格说,李维斯也是二手服装店的头号品牌。

    Levi 's are also , Bergh said , the No. 1 brand in secondhand apparel stores .

  26. 此后的二十年内,李维斯牛仔,口香糖还有热狗相继出现,

    In 20 years , there 'll be Levi 's Jeans , chewing gum and hot dogs .

  27. 单宁镇售价将低于李维斯其它品牌,但比本土品牌贵10%至15%。

    The Denizen brand will cost less than other Levis , but 10-15 per cent more than local brands .

  28. 作为那段热血沸腾岁月的产物之一,李维斯牛仔裤已经成为美国流行文化的一部分。

    One product of those heady times has become a part of American popular culture : Levi 's jeans .

  29. 他那身李维斯501牛仔裤配黑色高领套头衫的经典着装在上世纪九十年代就是创新的同义词;

    His uniform of Levi 's 501s and a black turtleneck was synonymous with innovation in the ' 90s ;

  30. 电影主角包括尼奥(基努。李维斯),白天是个温文尔雅的软件工程师,夜晚是个令人生畏的黑客。

    The plot involves Neo ( Keanu Reeves ), a mild-mannered software author by day , a feared hacker by night .