
  1. 阐述杨度的君主立宪思想的具体内容及特点。

    Clarify detailed content and characteristics of Yang Du 's constitutional monarchy idea .

  2. 对杨度的君主立宪思想进行总体评价。

    Overall evaluate Yang Du 's constitutional monarchy idea .

  3. 杨度宪政思想研究

    A Study on Yang Du 's Thoughts of Constitutionalism

  4. 全文的要点主要有:(1)探讨杨度君主立宪思想形成的原因。

    The main ideas are : 1.Make a research on reasons why Yang Du 's constitutional monarchy forms .

  5. 评杨度民国初年的君主立宪主张

    A Comment on Yang Du 's Proposition of Constitutional Monarchy in the Early Years of the Republic of China

  6. 杨度眼中的中国立宪&以《君宪救国论》为分析范本

    Constitutionalism of China in the Eyes of Yang Du-Taking On Saving China via Constitutional Monarchy as the Sample of Analysis

  7. 杨度家族人才辈出,大多旅居海外,在一些领域均取得突出成就。

    Yang 's family fostered lots of outstanding talents , most of which live overseas and gained remarkable achievements in certain fields .

  8. 作为君主立宪派的中坚,杨度对清末民族问题有比较系统的认识,并曾以民族问题向革命派发难,宣传君主立宪。

    As the backbone of the Constitutional Monarchy Group , Yang Du held systematic views on the problems in the late Qing dynasty .

  9. 杨度的政治理想是通过君主立宪,把灾难深重的中国改造成可与列强角逐于世界的经济、军事大国。

    His political ideal was to rebuild the calamity-ridden China into an economic and military power which could compete with imperialist powers through constitutional monarchy .

  10. 所以佛学实际上是杨度寻找救国之路的理论工具,是他政治思想的重要内容之一。

    So Buddhism was actually the theoretical tool of his seeking salvation road . It is one of the important contents of his political thought .

  11. 其具体表现是作家对曾国藩、张之洞、杨度等被传统认知所定格的否定性历史人事,在历史维度上实行同情性评判,在价值层面上追求同理性思考。

    The specific expression was the writer who achieve sympathetic judgment in the historical direction and pursue in harmonious thinking in respect of value to historical human affairs with negativity settled by traditional cognition .

  12. 前者以兴义刘氏为主体,以地缘、亲缘关系来联结;后者则包括梁启超、杨度、戴戡等具备共同政治理念的同志。

    The former is mainly formed by the Liu Family of Xingyi and linked with geographical relations and kinships . The latter includes Liang Qichao , Yang Du , Dai Kan and some other comrades with a common political ideal .

  13. 作为深谙立宪理论并投身于立宪实践的时代先驱,杨度以其君主立宪理论独步于近代中国,为方兴未艾的中国立宪建言与践行。

    As a pioneer of times versed deeply in constitutional theories and dedicated to constitutional practices , Yang Du was known for his theory about constitutional monarchy ; he gave advices and practiced for constitutionalism of China in the ascendant .

  14. 不同助剂组合对黑杨APMP浆白度稳定性的影响

    Studies on Brightness-Stability Improvement of Poplar APMP with Additives Combinations

  15. 制浆流程对杨木SCMP白度和物理强度的影响

    Effect of Improved Process on the Brightness and Physical Properties of Poplar SCMP

  16. 并得出了新立油田扶杨油藏合理沉没度和合理下泵深度的范围。

    The ranges of rational submergence depth and pump setting depth are presented for Fuyang reservoir of Xinli oilfield .