
  • 网络young
  1. 杨格成了免费学校反对者的攻击目标。

    Young has become a target for opponents of free schools .

  2. 只有大人物才觉得当大人物不好过。&杨格

    No one think the great unhappy , but the great . - Edward Young

  3. 他父亲、已故杨格勋爵(lordyoung)是工党顶礼膜拜的人物,是思想家及热心社会的企业家,他的思想推动了战后英国社会的构建杨格对父亲感到非常自豪。

    His father , the late Lord young , is a Labour Party immortal , a thinker and social entrepreneur whose thoughts informed the construction of postwar Britain of whom young the younger is fiercely proud .

  4. 我在2007年五月的安阳杯比赛上认识了杨格,后来在英国的3D大师赛和波兰的F3C世锦赛上又在见面。

    I met Curtis Youngblood in AnYang China in May2007.We met again at the3D Masters in UK and F3C in Poland .

  5. 该中心主任鲁伯特杨格(rupertyounger)表示,过去两年来,企业对声誉的重要性明显加大关注。

    In the past two years there has been considerably more corporate focus on the importance of reputation , says Rupert younger , director of the centre .

  6. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。

    He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung .

  7. 从斯密&杨格定理谈区域一体化和区域协调发展

    On regional integration and regional coordinated development from Smith-Young Theorem

  8. 实际上艾杨格瑜伽特别注重三个方面。

    In practice Iyengar yoga focuses particularly on three aspects .

  9. 早熟无核葡萄杨格尔的胚珠可正常受精。

    The ovules of early-ripening seedless grape'Youngle'can be fertilized normally .

  10. 他毫不犹豫地接受了勃朗宁和杨格的邀请。

    He accepted the joint invitation to dinner without hesitation .

  11. 这导致艾杨格的另一个主题:在动作中冥想。

    This leads to another keynote of Iyengar yoga : meditation in action .

  12. 杨格夫妇将被拘留到调查官员到来为止。

    The Youngs are to be held until an investigating officer will come .

  13. 于是美国在1929年又一次通过杨格计划介入了德国的赔偿问题。但是由于美国国内外的环境发生变化,美国对德政策逐渐发生变化。

    So , America passed the Younger Plan to solve the reparation in 1929 .

  14. 杨格夫人把她的珠宝都锁藏起来。

    Mrs. Young locked up her jewellery .

  15. 杨格抱怨食物不好。

    Young complained about the food .

  16. 实际上艾杨格先生已经用体式说明这些纪律修养的复杂性。

    Indeed Mr Iyengar has used asanas as a way of illustrating the complexities of these disciplines .

  17. 这个倍受瞩目的项目让杨格成了参加英国教育辩论会的常客。

    It is a high-profile project that has made young a regular participant in debates about education in Britain .

  18. 伸展臀部的屈肌并打开肩部-阿杨格说s对于佝肩弓背的人来说是极好的体式。

    Stretches the hips'flexors and opens the shoulders-Iyengar says this is excellent for people with drooping shoulders or hunched backs .

  19. 在印度,我们有来自中国的一些瑜伽学生,艾杨格瑜伽教练到中国教学也已有些时日。

    We have several Chinese yoga students in India and Iyengar yoga teachers have been in China for a while now .

  20. 杨格同样遭到左派势力的攻击,原因就是他所谓的“变节工党分子”身份。

    Young also draws fire from the left because of his status as what he calls " an apostate labour princeling " .

  21. 我暗示杨格,兴办新式学校或许是他试图东山再起(他老父亲肯定也会赞同他这样做)。

    I suggest to young that perhaps the school is his attempt to recast himself into something of which his father would approve .

  22. 杨格说,使用弹道飞弹的好处,这种飞弹的速度可以到达很远的目标。

    Speaking of the benefits of using the ballistic missiles , Younger said that the speed of these missiles could reach faraway targets .

  23. 艾杨格瑜伽练习的强度和深度,在身体层面也会影响和改变思想和精神。

    The intensity and depth to which Iyengar yoga is practiced on the physical level does affect and change the mind and spirit .

  24. 对科技深为着迷的杨格开了一家公司,除了生产高科技玩具,也制造残疾人用品。

    Young , who is fascinated by technology , has started a company that makes devices for the disabled , as well as high-tech toys .

  25. 如上所述,你可能会得到这样的印象,艾杨格瑜伽仅仅是体操和深呼吸或只是体式和呼吸控制法。

    One may , from the above , gain the impression that Iyengar yoga is therefore just gymnastics and deep breathing or only Asana and Pranayama .

  26. 杨格车队是一支由德国人管理的丹麦车队,这是他们第一次参加勒芒赛道的竞逐。

    Young Driver , a Danish-backed team run by the German Fischer squad , takes in Le Mans in its first year in the big time .

  27. 斯密&杨格定理说明经济增长中的递增报酬并非来源于规模经济,而是来自于分工和专业化经济。

    Smith-Young Theorem indicates that the increasing return in the rise of economy does not originate from Economics of Scale , but from division of labor and specialized economy .

  28. 但是,保持和巩固这一局面最终需要解决赔偿问题。于是美国在1929年又一次通过杨格计划介入了德国的赔偿问题。

    It was important to solve the issue of reparation completely in order to keep and consolidate this good situation . So , America passed the Younger Plan to solve the reparation in 1929 .

  29. 分析结果证明了杨格一家在白人社会中尽管受到种种压迫和挫折,但他们以黑人文化作为他们的精神支柱,并很好地保存了黑人的尊严。

    Through analyzes it confirmed that the Black culture is the spiritual support of Black people , although the Youngers suffered many oppression from White society . They preserved their Black Dignity in this process .

  30. 改革开放后,我国农村地区取得了综合发展,而经济发展的轨迹是斯密定理和杨格定理交替作用的过程,不断地重复着“分工深化市场扩展分工深化”的循环。

    The economy of Chinese rural area has been greatly developing since 1978 . The process of economic development is continuous cycle of Smith and Young Theorem , which is evolution of division-market extension-evolution of division .