
  1. 极涡对我国同期及后期气温和降水均有重要影响。

    Polar vortex significantly impact the contemporaneous and subsequent air temperature and rainfall in China .

  2. 从增长极理论看我国区域经济的梯度开发&兼论西部大开发的推进策略

    Gradient Development of Regional Economy From the Prospective of Development & Some Comments on the Pushing Strategy of Western Development

  3. 我国经济目前过度依赖间接融资,而直接融资发展较慢,比重有进一步下降的趋势,这种融资结构极不利于我国金融风险的分散,有着天生的脆弱性。

    Chinese economy depends on indirect finance excessively , and indirect finance develops slowly . Such financial structure impairs the ability to diversify financial risk in our country , and has inherited fragility .