
jí quán zhǔ yì
  • totalitarianism
极权主义[jí quán zhǔ yì]
  1. 等级制度在原则上并不等同于极权主义恐怖。

    The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror .

  2. 文章将奥斯维辛(Auschwitz)作为例子,描述启蒙运动(Enlightenment)是怎样孕育出极权主义的。

    The article cited Auschwitz as an example of how the Enlightenment had " given birth " to totalitarianism .

  3. 从软性威权主义(softauthoritarianism)过渡到极权主义需要3个先决条件:民众支持、精英阶层的默许,同时经济没有出现过快恶化。

    The transition from soft authoritarianism to totalitarian rule depends on three preconditions : popular support , the acquiescence of elites , and an economy that is not deteriorating too quickly .

  4. 一些政客也极度恐惧暴力或极权主义。

    Inflating fears of violence or totalitarianism may also suit some politicians .

  5. 俄罗斯正处于走出苏联时代纯极权主义的转型期;

    Russia is in transition from the pure totalitarianism of the Soviet era ;

  6. 外部大国应该讨论协调行动,在第一线摧毁这个极权主义威胁。

    Outside powers should discuss co-ordinated action to destroy this totalitarian menace on the ground .

  7. 极权主义的时代正在逝去,其过时观念就像一棵古老衰朽之树的叶片,已随风飘零。

    The totalitarian era is passing , its old ideas blown away like leaves from an ancient , lifeless tree .

  8. 这不仅仅是两个拳击手之间的对抗,还象征着极权主义与民主制度之间种族主义与非种族歧视社会之间的较量

    These are not just two boxers , they 're symbols of totalitarianism against democracy , supremacy against a nonracial kind of society .

  9. 夹在两个极权主义国家之间的波兰人口减少了16%,其中约一半是犹太人,那是希特勒的“最终方案”要解决的部分目标。

    Squeezed between two totalitarian neighbours , Poland lost 16 % of its population , about half of them Jews who were part of Hitler 's final solution .

  10. 在我的小办公室,我看到了人们匆匆写的信件,它们是从极权主义政权被偷送出来的。那些人冒着被监禁的危险,告知外面的世界他们那里正在发生的事情。

    There in my little office I read hastily scribbled letters smuggled out of totalitarian regimes by men and women who were risking imprisonment to inform the outside world of what was happening to them .

  11. 科恩预言道,政治信仰与霍布斯鲍姆相同的人士会在讣告中赞美他的工作,而与霍布斯鲍姆持不同政见的人士可能会说,“他对极权主义的忠诚使他的作品变得丑陋”——这两个阵营对他的评价会非常不同。

    Those who shared Hobsbawm 's political commitments would laud his work , Mr Cohen predicted . Those who did not would say " his loyalty to totalitarianism disfigured his writing . " There would be little agreement between the two camps .