
  • 网络extreme minimum temperature
  1. 夜间极端最低温度的增加也是很明显的,并且南方地区的升温要比北方地区显著。

    The temperature of extreme minimum temperature events at night was significantly positive trend and the trends in the southern china were stronger than that in the northern china .

  2. 感冒就诊人数高峰期出现在夏秋季,其发病与月平均最低温度和月极端最低温度有关。

    However , the influenza is more likely to occur in summer and autumn and its occurrence is related to the month mean minimum temperature and the month 's lowest temperature .

  3. 本文选取了西北干旱区21个代表站点1961-2000年逐日气温和逐日降水量资料。用百分位阈值法分析极端年最低温度、年最高温度和极端降水量变化特征及其各分区极端气候变化趋势。

    Based on the precipitation data of 21 representative stations during the period from 1961 to 2000 , used percentile threshold method to analyze the trends of minimum temperature , maximum temperature , extreme precipitation and extreme climate changes in each subarea .

  4. 由此可见两地温度的显著差异在于极端最高和最低温度的差异。

    It can be concluded that the apparent difference of the temperature between the two places lied in the maximum and minimum temperature .

  5. 筒身部分计算功能:软件可以对钢筋混凝土烟囱筒身进行极限承载能力计算、正常使用极限状态计算、裂缝控制计算,并给出:沿筒身高度,各层各点极端最高、最低温度工况;

    This software can calculate the limit state of normal use , the controlling of the cracks of the tube body , and gives out the result of extreme condition temperature of the different parts along the height of the tube body ;

  6. 首先从总体上,分析极端最高和极端最低温度变化趋势的空间分布:北方地区极端最低温度普遍上升,且幅度较大,是近年来暖冬盛行的一个数值化特征;

    At first , analysis of extreme temperature 's spatial distribution of variety trend shows that the minimum temperature in the North are going up while the maximal temperature in East China declining widely , which is a numerical characteristics of prevailing warmer-winter in recent years .

  7. 通过讨论温度平均值与极端值变化之间的关系,发现粤北地区的平均温度上升使得极端最低温度显著上升;

    By studying relationship between the extreme and the mean and variability of daily temperatures , the results reveal that in the north of Guangdong the increase of mean value cause the increase of extreme low temperature ;

  8. 各月极端最高气温、极端最低气温均呈升温趋势,除4月、11月和12月外,其他月极端最低温度的升温趋势均大于极端最高温度。

    The monthly extreme low temperatures showed a tendency of increase , the increase of monthly extreme low temperatures exceeded that of extreme high except April , November and December .