
rǎn sè tǐ duàn piàn
  • chromosome fragment
  1. 结果表明:电子流与γ射线、X射线一样,能诱发细胞染色体畸变,出现染色体桥,染色体断片,染色体粘连,环状染色体,以及微核等。

    The aberrations included chromosome bridge , chromosome fragment , chromosomal adherence , ring chromosome , micronuclei etc.

  2. PYM处理则以染色体断片为主。

    Fragment of chromosome was induced mainly by PYM .

  3. 在有丝分裂中,后期细胞也观察到无着丝点染色体断片和落后染色体,它们有可能形成微核。

    Acentric fragments of chromosome and late chromosomes in meta-and anaphase cells are also observed .

  4. calyculinA法染色体凝聚断片率与外照射剂量之间有良好的线性关系。

    The fragment rate of chromosome condensation induced by Calyculin A has a favorable linearity relationship with external radiation dose .

  5. NaN3-苯甲酰胺处理主要引起染色体桥加断片和染色体不等分裂的畸变类型;

    The main kinds induced by NaNa-Benzoyl were chromosome bridge + fragment and unequal division .

  6. 个别单株部分茎尖体细胞在有丝分裂后期出现染色体桥、断片和落后染色体等异常现象。

    Some abnormal phenomena , such as chromosome bridges , fragments and lagging chromosomes appeared at anaphase of stem tip cells in a few plants .

  7. 在中期Ⅰ发现染色体断裂和断片、易位多价体、性染色体和常染色体的单价体频率显著增高。

    The chromosomal breaks and fragments , univalents of auto - and sex-chromosomal type and translocation multivalents , especially a rare type , namely between an X chromosome and an autosome were increased at diakinesis-metaphase ⅰ .

  8. 后期Ⅰ及后期Ⅱ出现落后染色体、染色体桥及断片;

    In anaphase ⅰ and anaphase ⅱ cells , there were lagging chromosomes , chromosome bridge and fragment .

  9. 染色体畸变类型有:染色体桥、染色体断片、落后染色体、染色体不等分裂等。

    The kinds of chromosome aberration were chromosome bridge , fragment of chromosome , laggard and unequal division , ect .

  10. 质子束对染色体的致畸效应有微核、染色体桥、断片等。

    The effects showed micronuclei , chromosomal bridge , and chromosomal fragments .

  11. 结论秋水仙素诱导的微核主要由整条染色体组成,环磷酰胺诱导的微核则主要由染色体断片组成。

    Conclusion Majority of COL induced MN contain whole chromosome and that of CP induced MN mainly contain acentric fragments .

  12. 试验结果表明,混合粒子场辐照小麦种子可抑制根尖细胞有丝分裂,诱发染色体出现单微核、双微核、多微核、环状染色体、落后染色体、游离染色体、染色体断片等多种畸变类型。

    The results showed that the irradiation of mixed high-energy particle field inhibited mitoses and produced various chromosomal aberrations such as micronucleus , chromosome bridges , circular chromosomes and dissociative chromosomes in root tip cells of wheat with significant dose-effects .

  13. 研究用熟前染色体凝集(PCC)技术观察了~(60)Co-γ射线诱发人淋巴细胞熟前凝集染色体断片的剂量效应关系。

    The dose-effect relationship of premature condensed chromosome fragments in human lymphocytes irradiated by 60Co gamma ray was studied by PCC method ( premature condensed chromosome s ) .