
rǎn sè tǐ chónɡ fù
  • chromosomal duplication;chromosome duplication
  1. 选用18、X着丝粒探针及21号染色体特异重复序列探针分别对未培养的羊水和绒毛细胞进行了间期荧光原位杂交。

    Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed on uncultured amniocytes and chorionic villi cells by using 18 and X α satellite probes and 21 specific repeated sequences probe .

  2. 水稻基因组第4号染色体简单重复序列的遗传分析及比较基因组学研究

    Genetic and Comparative Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats on Rice Chromosome 4

  3. 152对自发流产夫妇的染色体研究重复追问策略;

    Chromosomal analysis in 152 couples with repeated spontaneous abortions of repeated questioning ;

  4. 结果Y染色体长臂重复序列的存在与染色体核型一致;

    Result : The repeat sequence in the long arm of Y chromosome was corresponding with chromosome karyotype ;

  5. 4号染色体部分重复和缺失一例

    Partial Duplication and Deletion of Chromosome 4 in an infant of a Carrier of Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 4

  6. X染色体短串联重复序列基因座的遗传多态性

    Genetic polymorphism of X chromosome short tandem repeats locus

  7. 第10号染色体上CA重复序列的多态性与阿尔茨海默病的相关性研究

    Correlation Study on the CA Repeats Polymorphism on Chromosome 10 with Alzheimer 's Disease

  8. 目的:端粒酶是一种核糖核蛋白复合物,能以自身RNA成分为模板催化染色体末端端粒重复序列的延伸,使细胞得以持续增殖甚至永生化。

    Objective : Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that synthesizes telomeric DNA onto chromosome ends using its RNA component as template , enabling extension of cell lifespan and even immortalization .

  9. 目的探索X染色体短串联重复序列(STR)在无创性产前诊断中用于胎儿细胞鉴定、性别判断及遗传病诊断的可行性。

    Objective To evaluate the applicability of X-specific short tandem repeats ( X-STRs ) in identification of fetal cells , the fetal sex and the common sex chromosome aneuploidy in noninvasive prenatal diagnosis .

  10. 目的调查4个Y染色体短串联重复序列(ShortTandemRepeat,STR)基因座的遗传多态在海南岛黎族群体中的分布状况。

    Objective The study was conducted to reveal the distribution of genetic polymorphism of four Y chromosome specific short tandem repeat ( Y specific STR ) loci in Li ethnic groups in Hainan Island , China .

  11. 目的:获得X染色体短串联重复序列DXS16遗传多态性在河南汉族人群中的分布状况。

    Objective To obtain the distribution of genetic polymorphism of X chromosome specific short tandem repeat loci DXS16 in Han groups of Henan province .

  12. 目的调查DYS508、DYS516两个Y染色体短串联重复序列基因座的遗传多态性在成都汉族群体中的分布。

    Objective To reveal the distribution of genetic polymorphism of two novel Y chromosome short tandem repeat ( Y-STR ) loci ( DYS508 , DYS516 ) in Chinese Chengdu Han population .

  13. 结论上述12个Y染色体短串联重复序列基因座构成的单倍型在潮汕人群中具有较高的遗传多态性,适用于法医个体识别和亲权鉴定、遗传学及人类学的相关研究。

    Conclusion The 12 Y-STR loci are highly polymorphic and suitable to forensic casework , population genetics and anthropology studies .

  14. 结论:染色体异常是重复流产、智力低下、闭经及胎儿畸形的主要原因之一,具有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusions : The abnormality of chromosome is one of the basic rea-sons of recurrent abortion , mental retardation , amenorrhea and fetal abnormality .

  15. 其二是由于轮回选择的超多次杂交,使减数分裂受到更多干扰,形成较多的染色体缺失、重复和倒位等染色体畸变,从而出现新的性状。

    The second is that in the recurrent selection extra-crossing interferes the meiosis and causes more chromosome deficiency , duplication and inversion , all of these chromosomal aberrations produce new phenotypes .

  16. PCR扩增禽类W染色体特异性的重复序列发现,2只嵌合体公鸡的性腺都嵌合了供体异性的细胞。

    Hetero-sexual cells were found in the gonads of both chimeras by PCR amplifying the W-specific repeating sequences .

  17. Y染色体特异短串联重复序列初步研究

    A preliminary study of human Y chromosome specific short tandem repeat loci

  18. 端粒是位于染色体末端的串联重复核苷酸序列。

    Telomere locates on the terminal of DNA containing repeat DNA sequence .

  19. 在芸薹属基因组演化过程中发生了大量的染色体变异,如重复、缺失、重排等,从而造成了现在不同基因组之间的差别。

    A lot of chromosome variations were taken place in the evolution of Brassica genomes , such as duplication , deletion and rearrangement , resulting in the difference of genomes .

  20. 染色体结构和数目异常引起的遗传病,包括染色体的重复、丢失和重排等。

    Chromosome disorder & A clinical condition caused by an abnormal chromosome constitution in which there is duplication , loss , or rearrangement of chromosomal material .