
rǎn sè tǐ diū shī
  • Chromosome loss;chromosome elimination;chromosome lose
  1. DNA分析发现有染色体丢失和移位。

    Chromosomal analysis shows chromosome loss and translocation .

  2. 在非整倍体检测实验中,X或Y染色体丢失率明显增加,也有明显的剂量反应关系。说明TNT对果蝇生殖细胞具有明显的致突变作用。

    In aneuploidy detection test TNT did not induce X and Y chromosomal nondisjunction , but induced the loss of X or Y chromosome with a good dose-response relationship .

  3. 荧光原位杂交分析胰腺癌Y染色体丢失

    Detection of Y chromosome loss by fluorescence in situ hybridization in pancreatic cancer

  4. 因此当互补染色体丢失时,就会产生恶性分离子。

    Malignant segregants may , therefore , arise when complementing chromosomes are lost .

  5. Y染色体丢失与其它染色体畸变在急性髓性白血病中的意义

    The Significance of Y Chromosome Loss and Other Chromosome Aberration in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

  6. 14、22、3及15号染色体丢失和额外19号的出现频率较高反映了染色体数目畸变的非随机性。

    19 and the losses of No. 14 , 22 , 3 , 15 indicated non-random change in numerical aberration of chromosomes .

  7. 目的探讨12例伴有性染色体丢失的t(8;21)急性髓系白血病患者的临床和生物学特征。

    Objective To explore the clinical and biological characteristics of 12 cases of t ( 8 ; 21 ) acute myeloid leukemia with sex chromosome loss .

  8. 3例患者出现17号染色体丢失但却伴随有21号染色体结构的变化[t(12;21)],1例患者既有4号染色体三体(获得)同时又有17号染色体单体(丢失)。

    Three of the patients had a loss of chromosome 17 and also had t ( 12 ; 21 ) and one had a gain of chromosome 4 . Eighteen out of the twenty-one patients with chromosome numerical changes had the numerical changes of 21 chromosome .

  9. 既往认为抑癌基因失活有两条途径:基因内突变和染色体物质丢失(杂合性丢失LOH或等位基因丢失)。

    It was thought formerly that two pathways by which tumor suppressor genes became disabled were intragenic mutations and loss of chromosomal material [ ( loss of heterozygosity ( LOH ) or homozygous deletion ) ] .

  10. 观察到再生株中个别细胞染色体的丢失现象。

    Chromosome deletion was observed in some cells of haploid or double haploid plants .

  11. 结论染色体9p的丢失及7号染色体的获得可能与脑节细胞性胶质瘤的发病机制有关。

    Conclusion Loss of genetic materials on chromosome 9p and gain on chromosome 7 may be associated with the pathogenesis of this neoplasm .

  12. 原发性肝细胞癌1号染色体杂合子丢失的初步研究

    A preliminary study of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 1p in primary hepatocellular carcinoma

  13. 结论中国人胰腺癌细胞18号染色体长臂部分丢失,并有18号染色体与其他染色体的重组发生;

    Conclusions Partial loss of chromosome 18q and recombination of chromosome 18 with other chromosomes are specific in Chinese pancreatic carcinoma cell lines .

  14. 目的:分析神经鞘瘤22号染色体杂合子丢失(CHR22LOH)及其与临床行为之间的关系。

    Objective : To analyze the loss of heterozygosity for markers on 22 chromosome ( CHR22 LOH ) and the relationship between it and clinic behavior .

  15. 在甲醛胁迫下,植物细胞核向外突出并延伸或者有丝分裂期间染色体片段的丢失与断裂是微核产生的主要原因。

    Under the formaldehyde stress , nuclear plants prominent and extend outward , or loss of chromosome fragments and fracture during mitotic were the primary cause of micronucleus .

  16. 双链断裂得不到修复,细胞将会死亡或发生染色体断裂、丢失,若是错误修复将导致基因突变或基因组不稳定,增加癌症的风险度。

    If not repaired , the breakage can result in lethality or chromosome breakage , and if misrepaired , it can cause mutation , gene instability and the increased rate of tumorigenesis .

  17. 75号三体传递率低的可能原因为:减数分裂过程中额外染色体落后、丢失造成n+1配子比例降低;

    The factors led to the low transmission of trisomic 5 were probably as followes : The lagging and loss of extra chromosome led to the reduction of n + 1 male gamete ;

  18. 脑胶质瘤中EGFR基因扩增和10号染色体杂合性丢失的研究

    Amplification of EGFR Gene and Loss of Heterozygosity on Chromosome 10 in Human Gliomas

  19. 目的:探索表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)基因扩增及10号染色体杂合性丢失(LOH10)与胶质瘤发生、发展的关系。

    Objective : To identify the EGFR gene and the loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 10 in human gliomas .

  20. 本文用改良方法直接制备染色体,减少染色体丢失现象,获得较满意效果。

    Our modified method for preparing the chromosome obtained a satisfactory result .

  21. 睾丸肿瘤染色体杂合性丢失及微卫星不稳定性研究

    Loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite alteration in testicular tumors

  22. 肝细胞癌及肝局灶性结节性增生染色体杂合性丢失的研究

    The Study of Loss of Heterozygosity on Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Nodulars of Altered Hepatocytes

  23. 一例带有两条9号染色体次缢痕丢失的患者及其家系的细胞遗传学研究

    Studies on Cytogenetics of A Patient with Two Chromosomes 9 Secondary Constriction Deletion and Pedigree

  24. 原发性肝细胞癌多染色体杂合性丢失研究

    Study of loss of heterozygosity ( LOH ) on multiple chromosome arms in hepatocellular carcinomas

  25. 不同的小麦品种在培养中的细胞稳定性在品种间存在着一定的差异,1RS/1BL易位系的染色体在培养中丢失较多。

    The cultivars or lines with1RS / 1BL translocation chromosome exhibit more instable than the cultivars which do not contain this translocation .

  26. 研究发现:缺乏基因重组的Y染色体不但不会逐渐丢失其重要基因,更不会逐渐消亡,而且也处于不断进化中;

    Though the genes of Y chromosome lack of meiotic recombination , Y chromosome did not disappear , but also it is being in evolution .

  27. 结果显示,在贲门癌中染色体8p21-p23的总丢失频率高达63.2%(12/19),单一标记的丢失频率为25%~55.6%。

    An overall LOH frequency of 63.2 % ( 12 / 19 ) was observed and the LOH frequency for individual markers varied from 25 % to 55.6 % .

  28. 来自诸葛菜的6条染色体可被全部丢失或部分进入末期核,也可在后期Ⅰ运动至细胞一极。

    The six chromosomes appearing as 3 bivalents probably from O. violaceus were totally lost or partially included in telophase nuclei , and also passed to only one pole at anaphase I.

  29. 如果只利用两个在进化上非常相近的基因组进行简单的配对,将很难区分由于染色体的重排与丢失而造成的基因获得与丢失。

    However , it is difficult to use the simple pair-wise alignment of two relative genomes to distinguish the loss and the gain due to the rearrangement or loss of chromosome .

  30. 高级别肿瘤是7号染色体三体、10号染色体单体和Y染色体丢失。

    In high grade , trisomy 7 and monosomy 10 are frequently common aberration .