
  • 网络Net effect
  1. 据推测,与种群波动初始密度相关的种群死亡率的差异是由捕食者的净效应(Neteffect)决定的,调控两种群密度的因素均为非密度的其它生态学因子。

    Variation in mortality associated with initiation of a population fluctuation is presumed to result primarily from the net effect of a consortium of generalist predators , populations of each which are controlled by factors other than vole densities .

  2. 净效应就是当工作结束了,我们对产品bug修正或者UAT修正的反应时间得到了很明显的提高。

    The net effect was that when this work was complete our response times for production bug fixes or UAT fixes improved remarkably .

  3. 结论:一定浓度和时间作用下,Ang能不同程度地促进胶原合成,抑制胶原酶活力,使胶原沉积的净效应增加,从而加速心肌纤维化。

    Conclusion : Ang ⅱ enhances collagen synthesis of cardiac fibroblasts and inhibites collagenase activity , thus increasing net collagen accumulation and accelerating cardiac fibrosis .

  4. 这些手段的净效应是能够在几个星期内生成几年中才能度量出的MTBF数字。

    The net effect of these tricks is to be able to generate MTBF numbers measured in years in just a few weeks .

  5. 稻田CH4排放是稻田土壤中CH4产生、氧化和传输不同过程的净效应。

    Methane emission from rice paddy fields is the net result of the combination of many processes , i.e. , CH 4 production , CH 4 oxidation and CH 4 transportation in paddy soil .

  6. Matheson做出了如下结论:尽管大型体育赛事有显著的总体经济影响,但这种种损失意味着净效应基本可以忽略不计。

    Mr Matheson concludes that , though the gross economic impact of big sporting events is large , these losses mean the net effect is negligible .

  7. 过去一年里,无论是IASB还是FASB均被迫对其准则作出了修改,将抬高银行收益的净效应扩大了数倍。

    Both the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board have been forced to change their rules in the past year , both times with the net effect of flattering banks ' earnings .

  8. 最后的净效应就是粒子被向内推。

    The net effect is that the particle is pushed inward .

  9. 最终的净效应取决于政府部门的改革。

    The final net effect depends on government structure reform .

  10. 若想提供净效应为正的酌情性刺激,华盛顿方面就必须采取非常激进的行动。

    To supply net discretionary stimulus requires very aggressive action in Washington .

  11. 在这之前,科学家还不能确定这些颗粒造成的净效应。

    Until now , scientists were unsure of the net effect of these particles .

  12. 结角密度对产量的直接通径系数及净效应均为负值。

    The direct path coefficient and net effect of pod density on yield were negative values .

  13. 我国主要流域片水利基建投资后向净效应的计算

    Net backward effect calculation of water conservancy investment in capital construction in main river basins of China

  14. 净效应是全局的组件相对于他们的同等本地组件来说经常更加容易的实现。

    The net effect is that global components are often easier to implement than their local equivalent .

  15. 变暖的净效应将是水稻产量增长率变缓。

    The net effect will be a slowing down of the rate of growth of rice yield .

  16. 我们认为(对黄金需求的)净效应将是好的,他表示。

    We think the net impact [ on gold demand ] will be good , he said .

  17. 各性状对产量的净效应(相关系数)均为正值,但其来源不同。

    The net effects of the characters observed on yield were positive , though the influential manner were differ - ent .

  18. 这些因素的净效应就是使择期行胸科手术病人术后呼吸道并发症发生率升高。

    The net effect of this for patients scheduled to undergo thoracic surgery is an increase in the incidence of complications in the postoperative period .

  19. 单铃种子数通过铃容重和铃体积对铃重的间接效应较大,故其净效应居首位。

    However , the net effects of seeds per boll were the most remarkable , due to its indirect effects via boll density and boll volume .

  20. 净效应是应用程序开发人员可以更多地关注业务逻辑,而问题和解决方案之间的鸿沟减小了。

    The net effect is that the application developer can devote more attention to the business logic , and the gap between the problem and solution space is decreased .

  21. 条件遗传分析方法不仅可以估算特定时间段的净效应,且可将净效应分解为不同遗传分量,了解各效应分量的相对贡献。

    Conditional analysis method can not only estimate the net effects in a specific time interval , but also depose them into genetic components and help to appreciate the contributions of different effects .

  22. 市场势力不仅能促进创新,还能保障要素边际报酬递增,由此获取的社会收益率远高于私人收益率,所以,我们可以认为,市场势力对社会福利净效应有着正向的影响。

    Market power can enhance innovation and ensure increasing marginal returns , making social rate of return much higher than individual rate of return , thus having a positive net effect on social welfare .

  23. 尽管中国的确正通过鞋类或纺织品制造等劳动密集型产业向海外输出通胀,但随着中国制造更先进产品的能力不断提高,净效应依然是反通胀的。

    While China is indeed exporting inflation through its labour intensive export industries , like footwear or textile manufacturing , as China gets better at making more advanced goods , the net effect remains disinflationary .

  24. 总的来说,随着时间的推移,以美元衡量的市场波动的净效应往往会产生更大的经风险调整后的回报,尤其是对固定收益、房地产和现金资产类别来说。

    On balance , over time , the net effect of market movements when measured in US dollars has tended to yield better risk-adjusted returns , particularly for fixed income , property and cash spaces .

  25. 这意味着,如果减税举措部分是以减少对各州救助为代价去实施,而各州又被迫提高税收,那么对经济的净效应就很有可能是负面的。

    This means that if tax cuts come partly at the expense of state relief , and states are forced to raise taxes , the net effect on the economy is likely to be negative .

  26. 如果上述条件都无法满足,那么,生产率就要被重新定义为效率变动的净效应(或相对现有前沿的运动),及生产前沿的变化(或技术变革)。

    If these conditions do not hold , then productivity is redefined as the net effect of changes ( or movements relative to the existing frontier ) and shifts in the production frontier ( or technical change ) .

  27. 科技进步对就业的净效应如何,取决于这两个方面效应的相对大小,而后者又最终取决于经济增长与发展过程中的技术政策选择。

    How is the advance in technology to the employment effect only , decided by these two aspect effect relative size , but the latter finally is decided in the economic growth and the developing process technical policy choice .

  28. 在长期对我国出口商品结构产生正的优化作用,在短期内对我国出口商品结构短期的优化力度为负,但与其长期正的优化力度相比,净效应仍然为正。

    FDI has a positive effect of merchandise exports structure in the long - term and a negative effect in the short - term , but the net effect is positive . The results indicate the FDI has improved Chinese merchandise exports structure .

  29. 然而,考虑到城市集聚经济是收益减去成本后的净效应,并且微观经济主体往往是自利而非自制的,那么地方政府的城市政策重点就应该放在集聚成本的控制上。

    However if we take it into our consideration that urban agglomeration economies are net effects in which costs are excluded from returns , and economic agents are usually selfish but not self-restrained , local governments should strengthen the control of agglomeration costs .

  30. 我和我的同事约瑟夫加尼翁(JosephGagnon)一向认为,量化宽松是国内政策,目标着眼于国内,对其他经济体的净溢出效应并不明确。

    As my colleague Joseph Gagnon and I have consistently argued , QE is domestic policy with domestic goals , and has ambiguous net spillovers on other economies .