- clear width

Calculation Method of Clear Width of Bridge on Bend Navigable Waterway
Research on navigation clearance of a river-crossing bridge on a special channel in plain river net region
Possible future changes in the physical or functional clear roadway width of the bridge should be considered .
Water gate altogether are 10 hole , after all horizontal clearance is 150 M , design lockage 's flow-rate is 1020 M3 / sec .
One of the major engineering of the seawall renovation project is to build a 9-hole tidal gates with each hole in 24m width at the original location of the dock .
This mades it difficult to design its midship section as it shall meet rules ' requirements on longitudinal strength and shall in addition have larger hatchway breadth for larger container carring capacity .
To design a low-head control division project , the question deciding parameters will be met , such as : free flushing water levels , discharge per unit width of gates , net width of gates , elevation of gate sill , relative differences of heights of gates .