
tà bù
  • step;mark time;be at a standstill
踏步 [tà bù]
  • (1) [mark time]∶迈步;两脚仅做交替踏动的动作而不迈步向前

  • (2) [be at a standstill]∶停顿不前或暂不进行

  • (3) [step] 〈方〉∶台阶

踏步[tà bù]
  1. 班长命令战士们原地踏步。

    The squad leader ordered the men to mark time .

  2. 中国自加入WTO后,世界性的挑战日益增多,国内企业无论是跨出国门,还是原地踏步,都面临着全球化竞争的考验。

    Since china has been joining WTO , the world challenge has increased day by day , no matter domestic enterprises step out the gateway of a country or mark time , will face the test of the competition for globalization .

  3. 利润原地踏步。

    Profits have stagnated .

  4. 我要么原地踏步直到获得晋升(这看来得是几年以后的事了),要么改变现在正做的事情。

    I could either tread water until I was promoted , which looked to be a few years away , or I could change what I was doing .

  5. 热连轧卷取机踏步系统鲁棒H∞控制研究

    Robust h_ ∞ control of step-by-step system for Coiler of hot continuous mill

  6. 为适应卷取机卷取厚带钢的要求,开发了踏步控制(StepControl)卷取技术,出现了全液压卷取机。

    For meeting the requirements of coiling thick strip onto the coiler , the step control coiling technique was developed and the fully hydraulic coiler was applied .

  7. 二级踏步LPG单燃料城市客车底盘的开发

    Development of LPG City Bus Chassis with Two Steps

  8. CRT技术也不是在原地踏步。

    Nor is CRT technology standing still .

  9. 论述骏威公司二级踏步LPG城市客车底盘的开发、产品结构特点及主要技术性能参数。

    This article mainly discusses the development principles , structure , characteristics and function parameters of the LPG city bus with two steps .

  10. 如果研究机构高德纳公司(GartnerGroup)的预言者值得信赖,那么惠普即使是要成为平板电脑市场上的重要一员,希望也很小,更别提赶超大踏步前进的苹果了。

    If the prognosticators at the research outfit Gartner Group are to be believed , HP has little hope of even becoming a major player in the tablet market , much less of leapfrogging apple .

  11. 有关数据表明,OEM制造方式正大踏步进入中国,尤其盛行在IT业、服装业和机电业。

    The data concerned indicates : manufacturing method of OEM was entering China in great strides , especially IT trade , clothing trade and mechanical and electrical trade .

  12. 只有牢牢掌握我们的薪水、升职机会,才能决定最终是原地踏步、黯然离开还是成为下一任CEO。

    Only we are in control of how much money we make , how far up the ladder we traverse , and ultimately whether we stay , go , or become the next CEO .

  13. 就在Facebook蒸蒸日上的时候,Myspace却基本上在原地踏步,直到去年新闻集团以区区3500万美元把它卖给了包括汀布莱克在内的一个投资集团为止。

    As Facebook ascended , MySpace basically remained the same until last year when News Corp. sold it for a paltry $ 35 million to an investor group including Timberlake .

  14. 当一些公司开始提供蓝光光驱或者HDDVD作为计算机的一个可选件时,苹果还是保持原地踏步,只提供再普通不过的DVD格式支持。

    While some companies have begun to include Blu-ray Disc or HD DVD drives as options in their computers , Apple has stayed on the sidelines , preferring the ubiquitous DVD format .

  15. 术后3W,C组及D组开始恢复后肢运动功能,术后6W出现协调踏步动作。

    At the week 3-4 post-operation the hind limb motor function of C and D groups began to recover , at the week 6 post-operation the two groups showed concordant stepping action .

  16. 论文介绍了踏步控制(QOC)原理,并深入分析研究了其影响钢卷卷取质量的主要原因。

    The theory of QOC ( quick open control ) is introduced and the cause of roll quality is deep analyzed .

  17. 这些产品是个人电脑行业为逆转出货量两位数的下降趋势所做努力的一部分。有人担心,在苹果(AppleInc.)和三星(SamsungElectronicsCo.)迅速进入智能手机和平板电脑市场之际,个人电脑产业仍然原地踏步。

    The products come as part of the PC industry 's efforts to reverse double-digit shipment declines amid worries that they have sat still while mobile companies such as Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. were quick to jump into the smartphone and tablet markets .

  18. 品赏生活需要踏步不同心情,CORRAS为懂得的人而精心准备

    The article appreciates ghe life hte demand marks time different mood , the CORRAS is the person who know but prepare with meticulous care

  19. 首先用运动学方法建立跑步运动机械能消耗分项计算模型和总机械能消耗模型,然后用仿真和实验的方法讨论了一个踏步的机械能消耗、并且模拟了100m运动员的全程机械能消耗过程。

    According to kinematic method , the sub-models and total model about the mechanic energy loss of running are established . The mechanic loss during one step and the function of mechanic energy loss within the distance for 100m are discussed on the basis of simulation and experiment .

  20. 日本三巨头:在本田的美国化管理团队将新品投放市场之前,该公司还会原地踏步,尤其是它的讴歌NSX超跑,这款车型已经在各大车展上亮相好几年了,但至今仍未上市。

    Japanese Three : Honda treads water while it waits for bold new designs from its Americanized management team to reach market , particularly the Acura NSX super car , which has been on the auto show circuit now for several years .

  21. 热带钢卷取机助卷辊的踏步控制技术

    Step control technique of the wrapper rolls on hot strip coiler

  22. 那位军官让士兵们原地踏步以示惩罚。

    The officer made the soldiers mark time as a punishment .

  23. 很多人在生活的某一阶段原地踏步停滞不前。

    Many people are , at some point in their life .

  24. 卷取机助卷辊液压踏步位置控制系统动态特性分析

    Dynamic characteristics analysis of automatic position control system in hydraulic AJC

  25. 数十年来美国的中值收入一直原地踏步。

    Median incomes in the US have been stagnant for decades .

  26. 她在不断前进而我在原地踏步。

    She keeps proceeding while I stamp on the same ground .

  27. 国民经济一定要向前发展,不能原地踏步

    The national economy must necessarily advance , and cannot stand still

  28. 卷取机电液伺服踏步控制系统仿真及试验研究

    Simulation and Test Research of Electro-hydraulic Servo System in Coiler

  29. 将军来之前,我们原地踏步已有五分钟。

    We had marked time for five minutes before the general came .

  30. 热轧带钢地下卷取机踏步系统的应用研究

    Application Research on Automatic Jumping Control System Used in the Hot-rolling Mill