
  • 网络cleanroom;clean room;Clean-room
净室 [jìng shì]
  • [peace and quiet room] 清静、干净的屋子(多指和尚或尼姑的住室)

  1. 基于净室技术和HNC理论的自动程序设计体系的研究

    Auto-Programming System Research Based on Clean Room Technology and HNC Theory

  2. 矢流洁净室数值模拟与实验研究

    Numerical simulation and experiment of the vector flow clean room

  3. 净室软件工程在CMM中的应用技术研究

    Research on Application of Cleanroom Software Engineering in CMM

  4. 净室技术与CMM的融合研究

    Combined Research on Clean-room Technology and CMM

  5. 基于净室规则的CMM及其应用

    Cleanroom-based CMM and the Application

  6. 采用K-ε两方程紊流数学模型,对流线型散流器顶送洁净室的流场和污染物的分布进行了数值模拟。

    The flow field and the contamination distribution in the cleanroom with streamlined air-supply diffusers are simulated numerically based on the K - ε two-equation turbulence model .

  7. Ruby之类没有规范的语言给试图移植它的人带来麻烦,尤其当需要完成一个净室实现的时候。

    Languages without specifications such as Ruby are posing a particular problem for people trying to port them , especially when a clean-room implementation is desired .

  8. Kaffe虚拟机是一款能够净室执行的开源Java虚拟机,是需要执行Java应用程序的开源嵌入式系统的很好选择。

    Kaffe virtual machine was a clean-room and open source Java Virtual Machine , Which was good choice to execute Java application in open source embedded systems .

  9. 净室(cleanroom)软件工程是一种应用数学和统计学方法以经济有效的方式开发高质量软件的工程技术。

    Cleanroom software engineering is an engineering technology that apply mathematics and statistics to developing software efficiently and economically .

  10. 对当前较被关心的问题,如洁净室的气流速度的确定,FFU系统的应用及悬浮分子污染控制,进行情况归纳和分析。

    Some viewpoints on concerned cleanroom airflow velocity / Air exchange rate , FFU system and airborne molecular contamination are summarized and analyzed .

  11. 本文着重讨论了如何简化FFU系统,降低造价,以应用于乱流洁净室的问题。

    This paper has discussed how to simplify the system to lower the initial cost when FFUs are applied in turbulence clean rooms .

  12. 为了解释净室软件工程的功能,本文给出了一个国家地下水系统中心(NUSC),名称为自动化生产控制文档系统(APCODOC)的例子。

    In order to explain the function of cleanroom , a case for the Naval Underwater Systems Center ( NUSC ) named the Automated Production Control Documentation ( APCODOC ) system was studied in this paper .

  13. 垂直单向流洁净室速度场均匀性的影响因素

    The effect factors of velocity uniformity in a vertical unidirectional-flow cleanroom

  14. 软件净室技术在大型软件开发中的应用

    Application of Software Clear - room Technique in Large Software Development

  15. 保证擦净室、喷漆室有足够的长度;

    Both cleaning cabin and paint spraying cabin are ensured long enough ;

  16. 单向垂直流洁净室复合紫外线消毒效果观察

    Effect of Air Conditioning Room Combined with Ultraviolet Radiation Disinfection

  17. 高级别洁净室气流组织的优化

    Optimization of Airflow in High Cleanliness Level Cleanroom Tissue Engineering

  18. 全面垂直层流洁净室气流组织影响因素探讨

    Discussion of factors that effect air performance of unidirectional - flow cleanrooms

  19. 擦净室、喷漆室长度不足;

    Inadequate length of cleaning cabin and paint spraying cabin .

  20. 关于高级别洁净室回风口的设计应用

    Design & Application of Return Air Inlets in High-level Cleanroom

  21. 从建筑角度谈洁净室发展和设计

    Development and design of clean room view at the angle of Architecture

  22. 着重介绍了干表冷器在高级别洁净室应用的经济性、合理性。

    Especially introduces application of dry cooling coil system in high grade cleanroom .

  23. 非单向流洁净室气流组织的数值模拟与试验研究

    Numerical Simulation and Testing Study of Air Distribution in the Non-unidirectional Clean Room

  24. 软件过程前期的净室与复用

    Cleanroom and Reuse in the Prophase of Software Process

  25. 净室统计测试在银行凭证系统的应用研究

    The Researching of Cleanroom Statistical Testing in Voucher Management System of the Bank

  26. 组合导航系统软件的净室技术可靠性设计与研究

    Design and study of software reliability of cleanroom methods of integrated navigation system

  27. 净室技术与软件能力成熟度模型的融合

    Incorporating Cleanroom Methods into the Software Capability Maturity Model

  28. 准单向流洁净室不稳定涡流三角区分析

    Analysis of the unstable triangle eddy in the quasi - unidirectional flow clean room

  29. 结果表明该装置完全符合单向流洁净室的指标要求。

    The result indicated that the equipment conforms to requirement of uniflow cleanroom completely .

  30. 矢流洁净室气流组织的研究

    Study of Vector Flow Clean Room Air Distribution