
róu dào
  • judo;soft approach
柔道 [róu dào]
  • [soft approach] 起源于日本的一项体育运动。二人徒手相搏,类似摔跤

柔道[róu dào]
  1. 他用柔道摔法把我摔倒在地。

    He threw me to the ground with a judo throw .

  2. 她是柔道黑带高手。

    She 's a black belt in judo .

  3. 他是练柔道的。

    He does judo .

  4. 他是一名柔道黑带选手,但他说自己强烈反对暴力。

    He 's a judo black belt but he says he deplores violence

  5. 要他们尽打哈哈,别来柔道。

    They 'll make with the jokes and save the jujitsu .

  6. 我爱好柔道。

    I go in for judo .

  7. 但入住该酒店的巴西奥运代表团处于“气泡防疫模式”下,与其他客人分开,没有被感染。该支代表团共有31人,其中包括柔道运动员。

    But a 31-strong Brazilian Olympic delegation athletes , are in a " bubble " in the hotel and separated from other guests and have not been infected .

  8. 美国柔道运动员NickDelpopolo被伦敦奥组委驱逐出奥运村。

    American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from Olympics in London for doping .

  9. 伊朗国有的英语新闻电视台PressTV报导称,伊朗国家柔道青年队成员在坠机事件中遇难,其中有8名运动员、2名教练。

    Members of Iran 's Junior Judo squad , including eight athletes and two , were among those killed in the crash , the state-run , English-language news service Press TV reported .

  10. 本周二,普京发布了他的柔道教学DVD,片中有一个他将对手摔倒在垫子上的片断。

    On Tuesday , he presented an instructional judo DVD that bears his name and shows him throwing an opponent to the mat .

  11. 方法:对少年柔道运动员进行1周的大运动量训练,在不同时段测试血清CK、LDH、BUN、T、C和免疫球蛋白等指标。

    Method : During one week 's high volume training the judo athletes had tests on the indexes of CK , LDH , BUN , T , C and Ig in each period of training .

  12. 从俄罗斯电视台播放的DVD片断可以看到,片中的普京身着黑衣,讲述柔道的历史和哲学内涵,还有他身穿白色柔道服与陪练演示动作的内容。

    But portions shown on Russian television depicted a black-clad Putin talking about the history and philosophy of judo , as well as a white-robed Putin demonstrating moves against a practice partner .

  13. 由此可见,男女柔道运动员血清Mb、CK及其同工酶存在性别差异,大负荷运动可扩大这一性别差异。

    In conclusion , there was a difference of serum Mb , CK and CK isoenzymes 's activation between male and female judo players , and heavy load training may augment the difference .

  14. 通过分析Zachary柔道俱乐部网络和南方女士网络,我们验证了本方法可以有效地发现社团结构。

    We apply the proposed community detecting method to two social networks , Zachary karate club network and Southern women network .

  15. 运动员组中,女性ACL损伤发生率高于男性,多见于篮球、足球、摔跤、柔道、体操等项目。

    In athlete group the ACL injury incidence in female was significantly higher than that in male and had higher incidence in basketball , football , wrestling , judo , gymnastics and other events .

  16. 葡萄适(Lucozade)对跆拳道、柔道、摔跤项目运动员运动能力影响的研究

    The Research on Effect of Lucozade on Motor Ability of Taekwondo , Judo , Wrestling

  17. 国际奥委会(ioc)同意本月在奥运会进行的同时举行一场武术比赛,但明确表示,这和为柔道和跆拳道赢得奥运会身份铺平道路的表演活动完全不同。

    The International Olympic Committee granted permission for a Wushu competition to be held alongside the games this month but has made clear it is nothing like the demonstration events that paved the way for judo and Taekwondo to win Olympic status .

  18. 埃及柔道选手伊斯拉姆•苏哈比(IslamElShehaby)拒绝跟来自以色列的对手奥尔•沙森(OrSasson)握手,是在遵循其祖国的行事标准——而奥林匹克官员显然并不认可这种标准。

    The Egyptian judoka Islam El Shehaby , who refused to shake the hand of his Israeli opponent Or Sasson , was following his nation 's standards - one that Olympic officials expressly reject .

  19. 1984年洛杉矶奥运会,BjarniFridriksson在90公斤柔道级别赛中为冰岛赢来了一枚铜牌。

    In the1984 Olympics in Los Angeles , Iceland won a bronze medal from Bjarni Fridriksson in the90 kg judo division .

  20. 森本诚说,日本能在柔道赛场上夺得4枚金牌;男子体操队有望在团体赛中夺冠,并靠内村航平(KoheiUchimura)在单项比赛中夺金。

    Morimoto says Japan can win four goldmedals in judo , and the men 's gymnastics team is looking for gold with Kohei Uchimura in theindividual event and in the team event .

  21. 结果发现不同性别角色类型柔道运动员在16种人格因素中有7种因素存在非常显著差异(P001);有2种因素存在显著差异(P005)。

    Results show that of 16 personality factors , seven have very significant difference , two have significant difference among sex role styles , which is inconsistent with past investigation on personality difference between gender .

  22. 哪个国家在世界柔道锦标赛中首次战胜了日本?

    Which country first defeated Japan in the karate world championship ?

  23. 2004年的《柔道龙虎榜》入围展映单元但未入围竞赛单元。

    In2004 , his film'Throw Down'was screened but did not compete .

  24. 瑞安·里色尔第一次接触柔道,只有五岁。

    Ryan Reser first got involved in judo at age five .

  25. 柔道运动中,力量和技术哪个更重要?

    Which is more important in judo , strength or techniques ?

  26. 略论柔道战术的特点及其训练方法

    Touching on the Tactics Features of Judo and Its Training Ways

  27. 小女孩向一位年长的日本老师学校柔道。

    The girl began lessons with an old Japanese judo instructor .

  28. 没有我也要每天练习柔道。

    With or without me , you can still learn jujitsu .

  29. 浅论柔道运动基层训练中的科学选材

    On the Talent Scientific Choosing in the Basic Training of Judo

  30. 他是英国大学柔道冠军,是个运动狂人。

    He was British Universities judo champion and sport mad .