
  • 网络Limoncello
  1. 还有一些清酒是用日本柚酿制的,这种柑橘属水果又称香橙,味道就像是意大利柠檬酒(limoncello)的浓郁版。而梅酒则仿佛是梅子味的匈牙利甜酒托卡伊(Tokaj)。

    Some other sake uses yuzu , a Japanese citrus , making the drink a tangy cousin of the Italian limoncello , while umeshu is kind of a plummy version of the Hungarian dessert wine Tokaj .

  2. limoncello:柠檬酒连杯柠檬酒都没喝。

    and didn 't even have one limoncello .

  3. 柠檬酒的研制

    Development of Lemon Wine

  4. 乐,是因为我知道,几乎所有我品尝到的美味,从清晨第一杯娴熟萃取的意大利浓缩咖啡,到晚间意大利餐厅里的柠檬酒,都会让我极度难忘。

    The sweetness comes from knowing that virtually everything I taste - from the morning 's first expertly pulled espresso to the sip of limoncello in the trattoria at evening 's end - will be intensely memorable .

  5. 按个人口味将适量柠檬汁、柠檬甘露酒、冰伏特加酒倒入调酒器进行调制并且调制均匀。

    Pour the lemon juice , lemon cordial and vodka into a cocktail shaker and shake well .