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  • 网络Chai Rong;Emperor Shizong of Later Zhou
  1. 周世宗柴荣亲自率领军队在高平(今陕西高平县)打败刘崇。

    Cai Rong took the personal command of the Later Zhou ? s army and defeated Liu Chong at Gaoping ( now Gaoping County , Shaanxi ) .

  2. 柴荣个人领导着后周的军队与刘崇交战与高平(今山西高平县),在那里他使北汉的军队遭受重创。

    Chai Rong took personal command of the Later Zhou 's army and engaged Liu Chong at Gaoping ( modern Gaoping County , Shanxi ) where he exacted a heavy toll of the Northern Han army .

  3. 北宋的建立:五代后周显德六年(959),周世宗柴荣病死,七岁的恭帝继位时任殿前都点检、归德军节度使的赵匡胤掌握了军权。

    The Making of Song Dynasty : In the 6th year of Xiande ( 959 ) of the Later Zhou , Emperor Shizong , Cai Rong died of illness , so Emperor Gong , seven years old then , succeeded to the throne .