
  • 网络marker gene;gene marker;genetic marker
  1. 基于双基因分析的结肠癌标志基因选择

    Marker Gene Selection of Colon Cancer Based on Two-gene Analysis

  2. 观察受体小鼠造血的重建,并对造血重建后受体鼠的脾及骨髓细胞进行标志基因的检测。

    The hematopoiesis reconstitution was observed and the marker gene in spleen and BM cells of recipients after hematopoiesis reconstitution was examined .

  3. 成骨细胞、软骨细胞以及脂肪细胞特异相关或标志基因的表达用RT-PCR检测。

    Expression of osteoblast specific genes , chondrocyte specific genes , and adipocyte specific genes were confirmed by RT-PCR .

  4. 利用荧光显微镜观察GFP标志基因在皮肤的表达情况。

    Observe the GFP mark gene expression in the skin through fluorescence microscope .

  5. 同时也检测了成骨标志基因骨桥蛋白(OPN)的表达变化。

    Expression of osteopontin ( OPN ) was also examined .

  6. 结论cMyc作为一种致癌基因可能是肝癌的启动基因和维持基因,其表达量也是一种肝细胞癌的恶性程度和进展期的标志基因。

    Conclusion C-myc may be a promotor gene and phenocopy gene of hepatocellular carcinoma , and its expression can indicate the hepatocarcinogenesis process .

  7. 这种细胞表达ES细胞和成体干细胞标志基因,体外诱导可分化为包括三个胚层的细胞,且通过了功能测试。

    HAFS cells that express embryonic and adult stem cell markers can differentiate into cell types of three embryonic germ layer and display specialized functions .

  8. DNA芯片技术的出现,不仅为同时对大量基因进行大规模研究提供了强有力的手段,也为运用大量胃癌阶段特异性和组织学特异性标志基因对大量高危人群进行预警诊断带来了希望。

    The emergence of DNA chip technology not only provides a strong tool for analyzing genes on a large scale , but also brings hope for diagnosing a number of possible patients by using gastric carcinoma stage-specific and histology-specific marker genes .

  9. 结论:CaN及ERK信号通路共同参与激活胚心标志基因,在心肌肥大的病理过程中可能起重要作用。

    CONCLUSION : Both CaN and ERK1 / 2 pathways activate fetal heart gene expression of cardiomyocytes , which may play some important roles in the pathogenesis of myocyte hypertrophy .

  10. 通过与正常型和各连锁群标志基因系杂交,进行遗传分析和连锁检索,结果:h斑油为第20连锁群的隐性突变;

    Crosses were made between the mutant and the normal type or the lines with the marker genes for various linkage groups to study its genetics and linkage . The results showed that mottled translucent oh resulted from a recessive mutation in the 20th linage group .

  11. sul1和qacE△1基因可以作为1类整合子的标志基因。

    Sul 1 and qacE △ 1 genes may be the marker genes of class 1 integron .

  12. 结论:细胞内钙信号的变化可能通过影响CaN及ERK信号通路,增加心肌细胞胚心标志基因的表达,在心肌细胞肥大的病理过程中起重要作用。

    CONCLUSIONS : The changes of intracellular calcium signal affect calcineurin and extracellular signal regulation kinase singal pathways , and up-regulate fetal heart gene expression in cardiomyocytes , which may play important roles in the pathogenic process of myocyte hypertrophy .

  13. 结果提示:100ng/ml的TAT/LMP-3与hMSCs共孵育,可诱导人骨髓间充质干细胞Ⅰ型胶原、碱性磷酸酶、骨钙素等成骨细胞标志基因的表达,培养14天后可观察到钙结节形成。

    The results suggested that 100ng / ml TAT / LMP-3 can induce hMSCs to express the marker genes of osteoblasts such as type I collagen , alkaline phosphatase , and osteocalcin . Calcified nodules were observed after 14d of culture .

  14. 对作者培育的NJS小鼠进行了生化标志基因测试、免疫标志基因测试、毛色基因测试、皮肤移植试验、下颌骨形态分析等多项遗传监测。

    Various methods of genetic monitoring were used in NJS mouse line , including searching for biochemical marker , searching for histocompatibility 2 complex , test in coat color , skin grafting and analysis of the mandibular shape .

  15. 施用硫酸锌后,病程相关蛋白PR-1和PR-2a基因的表达量迅速上调,但作为茉莉酸信号途径的调控基因和标志基因&调控因子MPI和LOX基因无明显变化。

    The expression levels of pathogenesis-related protein PR-1 and PR-2a gene are up-regulated rapidly but no evident change of regulatory factors MPI and LOX genes , which are as regulatory genes and marker genes of the JA signal pathway while corn inbreds treated with zinc sulfate .

  16. 基于机器学习方法的胃癌分型标志基因提取

    Selection of Gastric Cancer Subgroups Marker Genes Based on Machine Learning Methods

  17. 脂质体介导骨髓细胞双标志基因转移与体外扩增研究

    Liposome mediated gene transfer into bone marrow cells and its in vitro expansion

  18. 2(M期)等三个标志基因的表达也呈现减弱趋势。

    2 ( M phase ) were also decreased .

  19. 逆转录病毒载体介导的标志基因转移研究

    Retroviral-Mediated Reporter Gene Transfer in Human Leukemic Cells

  20. 基于标志基因的系统发生学研究极大地加快了人们对微生物多样性的认识。

    Phylogenetic studies based on marker genes have dramatically accelerated our understanding of microbial diversity .

  21. 核心结合因子α1对骨髓间充质干细胞成骨细胞标志基因表达的影响

    Effect of core-binding factor α 1 on the expression of osteoblast gene marker mesenchymal stem cells

  22. 家蚕赤蚁突变基因作为标志基因在遗传分析、连锁检索和基因定位研究中发挥了重要的作用。

    The chocolate mutant of silkworm is important to inheritance analysis , gene localization and gene cloning .

  23. 卡那霉素抗性基因是转基因植物中广泛使用的一类标志基因。

    The neomycin phosphotransferase gene has been widely used in transgenic plants as a type of marker genes .

  24. 随着基因芯片技术的日臻完善,使得大规模分析肺癌基因表达谱,寻找肺癌的标志基因成为可能。

    Thanks for technical of gene chips perfectly , it is possible to analysis large-scale lung cancer gene expression , looking for lung-cancer-related gene .

  25. 然而病毒没有核糖体基因,并且聚合酶、衣壳蛋白等标志基因的序列保守性差、甚至难以确定。

    Viruses do not contain a ribosomal gene . And genetic markers such as polymerase and capsid genes are rare and difficult to be identified .

  26. 目的研究多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌中1、2类整合酶基因及1类整合子标志基因的携带情况。

    Objective To investigate the carrying situation of 1 and 2 class integrase gene and 1 class integron marker genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( P.aeruginosa ) drug resistant strains .

  27. 毛色基因及生化标志基因测试结果同时表明DXB/c系小鼠的遗传背景组合了两亲代品系的遗传基因。

    In addition , the genetic background of DXB / c mouse is composed of the genes of its progenitors DBA / 2 and C57BL / 6 as shown by coat colour gene testing and biochemical marker gene examination .

  28. 通过对突变系统进行杂交分析,连锁检索和三点测验定位,构建了完善的家蚕连锁检索标记体系,含全部28个连锁群的标志基因有230个;

    Through hybrid analyses , linkage tests and three-point gene location tests , the marker strains for linkage analyses and searching has been established , which includes 230 marker genes covering all the 28 linkage groups of Bombyx mori .

  29. OA患者关节软骨组织中细胞分化的标志性基因BMP-2、COL-X和MMP-13的表达水平显著增加。

    Expression of chondrocyte maturation marker genes , such as BMP-2 , COL-X and MMP-13 were significantly increased in articular cartilage of OA patients . 3 .

  30. DDB还能明显增加Bel/7402细胞环化腺苷酸(cAMP)的含量,并抑制癌基因c-myc及肝癌标志AFP基因的表达,增强了P53抑癌基因的表达。

    DDB at the concentration of 10-4M could significantly increase the content of cAMP in Bel-7402 cells , and also suppressed the expressions of oncogene c-myc and hepatocarcinoma marker AFP gene and enhanced the anti-oncogene p53 expression .