
  • 网络Identification system;kks;signage;signage system
  1. 本课题是针对在特定环境&办公建筑内的标识系统研究。

    This subject is a research on signage system in the special environment , office building .

  2. 通过分析研究,初步形成办公建筑内标识系统的一套设计理论,并运用于设计实践。

    I summarize a design theory on signage system in office building based the analysis and research .

  3. id属性唯一标识系统上的卷影副本。

    The ID property uniquely identifies the shadow copy on the system .

  4. KKS标识系统在桐柏抽水蓄能电厂信息化建设中的应用

    Application of KKS to informatization construction of Tongbai Pumped-Storage Power Plant

  5. 电站KKS标识系统的探讨与应用实例

    Discussion and application of KKS labeling system in power stations

  6. KKS电厂标识系统的应用

    KKS power station marking system application

  7. 在Linux内核中,时间由一个名为jiffies的全局变量衡量,该变量标识系统启动以来经过的滴答数。

    In the Linux kernel , time is measured by a global variable named jiffies , which identifies the number of ticks that have occurred since the system was booted .

  8. 利用视觉传达设计中城市CIS的概念,及人机工程的相关知识对太原城市公交汽车导向标识系统的人性化设计提出拟解决方案构想。

    Visual Communication Design in the city using the concept of CIS , and the ergonomics of the relevant knowledge of the identity of guiding sign of the bus transport system in Taiyuan , human-oriented design solutions proposed by the proposed concept .

  9. 本文在建立葡萄酒产品的可追溯系统时,引入全球统一标识系统(EAN·UCC系统),对葡萄酒进行产品标识。

    The paper argues that we should give the wine product identification by introducing the Global Identification System ( EAN · UCC System ), when we create the wine product traceability system .

  10. 论述了集团式发电企业完整的标识系统的组成及基本设计原则,介绍了国际上比较著名的几种标识系统,如KKS、CCC、EIIS等;

    The composing , design principles of identification system for information management in power generation group are presented . The famous identification system such as KKS , CCC , EQS are introduced .

  11. 公共空间标识系统设计的基本理论与评价方法

    The Basic Theory and Evaluation Method of Public Space Sign System

  12. 西安城市历史文化标识系统初探

    Study on the Historical and Cultural Sign System of Xi'an City

  13. 抓主要矛盾以科学方法改进门诊流程和标识系统

    Improving outpatient procedure and label system by dealing with key problems

  14. 北京奥运会场馆设施标识系统研究

    Research in logos of venues and facilities of Beijing Olympic Games

  15. 浅谈电子标识系统在燃气管网上的设计

    Briefly Discussion on Electronic Identification System Designing in Gas Pipe Network

  16. 大学校园环境标识系统与校园形象的探讨

    University Campus Environment Logo System and the Study of the Campus Image

  17. 空间导向标识系统可用性研究

    A Study on Usability of Sign Orientation System in Space

  18. 住区空间导向标识系统的调查与研究

    Survey and Research on Spatial Sign System in Residential Districts

  19. 无线式可变信息标识系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation on Wireless and Variable Message Display System

  20. 管窥城市历史文化遗迹标识系统的创立与构建

    Restricted View to Establishment of Historical Cultural Relic Logo System of City

  21. 旅游景区标识系统设计浅析

    A Study of the First Step About Scenic Regional Marking System Design

  22. 浦东新区主要道路标识系统设计研究

    The Design Research about Main Streets ' Sign System in Pudong Area

  23. 电厂标识系统在管理系统环境下的应用

    Application of Power Station Marking System in the Management System

  24. 文章首先从城市标识系统开始研究。

    Firstly the thesis studies the urban sign system .

  25. 国内外轨道交通车站标识系统的比较研究

    The Compared Study of Sign System for Metro Station

  26. 火电厂危害辨识与安全标识系统开发研究

    Research on Development of Hazard Identification and Safety Mark System in Power Plant

  27. 基于寻址信息的城市公共空间静态导向标识系统

    Researching the Static-oriented Identification System of Urban Public Space Based on Addressing Information

  28. 电站标识系统在我国电力行业的应用

    Application of Identity System of Power Station to Electric Enterprises in Our Country

  29. 公园景点导向标识系统设计的问题及对策

    Design of Guiding Sign System for Park Scenic Spots

  30. 华清池风景名胜区标识系统规划设计研究

    Study on the Plan and Design of Huaqing Hot Spring 's Sign System