
  • 网络TREEHOUSE;The Tree House
  1. 黄色树屋造这个书屋是为了和外星人接触。Nelson写道“在树冠中一颗闪亮的豆子,很容易想象圆顶屋肩负和外星生命接触的使命。”

    This treehouse was constructed with the express purpose of communicating with outer space . " A sparkling beacon among treetops , it is easy to imagine the dome succeeding at its mission to make contact with alien life , " writes Nelson .

  2. 这种特殊的创新靠的是一种名叫“卡尼尔枝翼”(GarnierLimb)锚栓的树屋技术(迈克尔·卡尼尔[MichaelGarnier]是俄勒冈的一位树屋建筑师,他自己也住在树屋里,有时他被誉为现代树屋运动之父)。

    That particular innovation depends on treehouse technology , an anchor bolt known as a Garnier Limb . ( Michael Garnier , an Oregon based treehouse builder - and treehouse dweller - is sometimes known as the father of the modern treehouse movement . )

  3. 我能看看你的树屋吗?"

    Can I have a look at your tree house ? "

  4. 我也会想念我的树屋。

    I 'm also going to miss my tree house .

  5. 他将不得不在假期搬家,离开他的朋友和他的树屋。

    He would have to move during the holiday , leaving his friends and his tree house .

  6. 树屋是扎克想独处时最喜欢去的地方。

    The tree house was Zach 's favorite place to go to when he wanted to be alone .

  7. 几乎快7点了。Bear家的树屋一片安静。

    All is quiet in the Bear family 's tree house .

  8. IslandWoodBogwon树屋

    Island Wood Bogwon Tree house

  9. HapukuLodge酒店的三幢树屋就位于海岸边,散布于高山与大海之间。

    Just up the coast , the tree houses of Hapuku Lodge appeared between the mountains and sea .

  10. 在建的牛津康复中心由建筑师克里斯维尔金森(chriswilkinson)设计,这是一座树屋,坐落于丛林树巅的高脚屋中。

    A centre under construction at Oxford by architect Chris Wilkinson is a tree house , elevated on stilts so that it sits in the wood at the level of the leaves .

  11. 而今,你可以在茅草覆顶的CasaBonita客栈感受宁静的生活,或者下榻在棕榈林中的树屋客栈RanchoPlaton。—

    For now , you can experience the quiet life at the thatch-roofed Casa Bonita , or at Rancho Platon , which has a tree house raised between the palms . -

  12. 这个小女孩急忙爬上梯子进了树屋。

    The little girl scurried up the ladder into tree house .

  13. 没准儿你光着从树屋掉了下来。

    Or maybe you fell out of a tree house naked .

  14. 云杉树屋是最早的有人游览的悬崖窑洞。

    Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit .

  15. 一定会是座很了不起的树屋的。

    That 's gonna be a hell of a tree house .

  16. 空间大得能放10个树屋了

    It g room for , ke , 10 tree houses .

  17. 树屋共构空间模式研究

    Study on mode of space formed with tree and architecture

  18. 树屋的建造费用高达25万英镑!

    The building of the tree houses alone would cost 250000 pounds !

  19. 獾:别买这树屋,阿狸。

    Badger : Don 't buy this tree , Foxy .

  20. 本来在树屋中后来消失了

    It was in the wardrobe , and then it was gone .

  21. 我怎么不知道我们家有个树屋呢

    How did I not know we had a treehouse ?

  22. 树屋的角度,那棵树是嫌疑犯吗

    The tree 's point of view ? Is the tree a suspect ?

  23. 我爸爸曾经建了一个树屋给我们。

    My dad built a tree house for us .

  24. 有一个故事,树屋。

    There is a story about house and trees .

  25. 跟你说,你会喜欢上这个树屋的。

    I 'm telling you , you are gonna love this bad boy .

  26. 树屋&私人住宅,巴里,意大利

    Treehouse & private house , bari , Italy

  27. 香港迪士尼乐园泰山树屋钢结构工程制作安装技术

    Manufacture and erection technologies of tarzan ′ s treehouse steelwork project of Hongkong Disneyland

  28. 我要回到我的树屋去了。

    I will go to my tree now .

  29. 树屋肯定是个老少皆宜的乐园。

    The tree house is definitely a fun fair for both young and old .

  30. 你进树屋去就能逃脱咒语

    You 'll go in there , and you 'll be safe from the curse .