
bǎi jiā xìng
  • A hundred surnames;the Book of Family Names;various families surname
百家姓 [bǎi jiā xìng]
  • [various families surname] 中国旧时私塾所使用的初学读本,据说是北宋年间编写的,故以赵姓为首,每四字为句,有一定的韵律

百家姓[bǎi jiā xìng]
  1. 因为宋朝的皇帝姓赵,所以“赵”成为《百家姓》中的第一个姓。据说,后面的姓也是按照当时的政治地位来安排的。

    It was said that the arrangement of the family names in the book is in a particular way , because they were related to the political status .

  2. 为了让我们家儿子以后可以叫王子,我私自决定把王姓赐给布安达同学了,并且告诉他王是国王皇帝的意思,在中国算得上是百家姓里第二个了。

    In order to be able to name our son in the future Prince , I personally decided to give him the king 's family name and told him the meaning which is the top2 in all the100 ones .