
bǎi shì kě lè
  • PepsiCo;Pepsi Cola;Pepsi-Cola;PEP;pepsicola
百事可乐 [bǎi shì kě lè]
  • [pepsicola] 英语 pepsi-cola 的译音,美国生产的一种饮料

  1. 济南百事可乐面对的碳酸饮料市场更是存在这个问题。

    Jinan Pepsi Cola is facing such a problem in its Carbonated Soft Drink ( CSD ) market .

  2. 价值型管理是一种被世界先进企业,如美国电话电报公司、百事可乐公司、联合碳素、非亚特等广泛应用的管理模式。

    VBM is world-widely used by many advanced companies , such as AT & T , Pepsi Cola , United Carbon , FIAT , and so on .

  3. 百事可乐公司2015年的研发预算为7。54亿美元。

    PepsiCo 's research and development budget in 2015 was $ 754 million .

  4. 她表示,百事可乐公司的贡献是生产出更健康但味道依然很好的零食。

    She said PepsiCo 's contribution was to produce healthier snacks that still tasted good .

  5. 百事可乐公司没有准确说明该计划需妥投入多少资金才能实现这一目标。

    PepsiCo did not say exactly how much it planned to invest to reach its goals .

  6. 百事可乐公司董事长英德拉·努伊表示,使其产品更健康的计划对公司的发展很重要。

    Indra Nooyi , PepsiCo chairman , said the plan to make its products healthier was important for the company 's growth .

  7. 百事可乐公司的食品和饮料计划是基于世界卫生组织的指导方针而制订的。上周,该组织支持对气泡饮料征税,以减少糖消费。

    PepsiCo 's plan for its foods and drinks is based on guidelines from the World Health Organisation , which last week backed using taxes on sparkling drinks to reduce sugar consumption .

  8. 随着消费者需要更健康的选择,监管压力增强,加之肥胖病的流行,这些都促使百事可乐公司花费数十亿美元研发饮料和零食,并且对当前的产品进行了重新调整,采用了低糖、低盐和低脂肪的配方。

    PepsiCo is to spend billions of dollars to develop drinks and snacks and reformulate existing ones with lower sugar , salt and fat , as consumers demand healthier options and regulatory pressure intensifies amid an obesity epidemic .

  9. 不过,该公司首席科学家马哈穆德·康恩博士表示,在过去5年中,百事可乐公司的研发支出增加了一倍,并称该公司将“继续保持投资”。

    However , Dr Mehmood Khan , chief scientific officer , said the company had doubled research and development spending in the past five years and was " committed to sustaining investment " , adding that companies cannot cost-cut their way to increasing sales .

  10. 这家生产山露和佳得乐的公司在该行业中率先推出含有较少不健康成分的产品——百事可乐公司称,现在一包著条的含盐量比一片白面包还低。

    The maker of Mountain Dew and Gatorade has been one of the earlier movers in the industry to offer products with reduced levels of unhealthy ingredients — PepsiCo claims a packet of its chips now contains less salt than a slice of white bread .

  11. 百事可乐高管4月15日表示,他们预计随着疫情的缓和,小包装将会重回市场。

    Pepsi executives said on Thursday that they expect smaller packaging to come back as the crisis subsides .

  12. 但在疫情之前,可口可乐和它的竞争对手百事可乐一直在推出更小的罐装和瓶装饮料,这些包装通常对消费者来说单价更高,对制造商来说更有利可图。

    But before the pandemic , Coke and its rival PepsiCo had been pushing smaller cans and bottles , which usually carry a higher price per ounce for the consumer and are more profitable for the manufacturer .

  13. 百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)前营销总监吉尔o贝劳德在2011年底当上了LivingProof的CEO,帮助弗林特聘请一线明星给产品代言。

    Former PepsiCo Chief Marketing Officer Jill Beraud became the company 's CEO in late 2011 and helped Flint recruit the A-lister .

  14. 当可口可乐(Coca-Cola)价格升高时,理性的可乐爱好者就会去喝更多的百事可乐(Pepsi)。

    When the price of Coca-Cola rises , rational cola-lovers drink more Pepsi .

  15. 这种众包技巧对于母公司百事可乐(PepsiCo)来说并不新鲜。

    This crowdsourcing technique is nothing new to parent company PepsiCo .

  16. 你要是穿着一件宣传百事可乐(Pepsi)的T恤,有可能会惹上牢狱之灾。

    Wear a T-shirt advertising Pepsi and you could be sent to the slammer .

  17. 该股分拆后即刻走低,目前的股价是每股现金流的13倍,而可口可乐(coke)和百事可乐(pepsi)为18倍。

    The stock immediately traded down and now trades at 13 times cash flows versus 18 times for coke and Pepsi .

  18. 因此他和另外四名合伙人在纽约和华盛顿两地发动了人际网络,争取到了百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)这样的企业用户和人力资源管理学会(SocietyofHumanResourceManagement)这样的团体客户。

    He and his four partners , based in New York and Washington , D.C. , tapped their network to sign corporate accounts like PepsiCo and associations such as the society of human resource management .

  19. 百事可乐还通过在广受中国人喜爱的肯德基(kfc)餐厅售卖而获益。

    Pepsi has also benefited from being sold at KFC restaurants , which are popular in China .

  20. 百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)的员工流动率也相当高。

    PepsiCo is also known for having a high churn rate among employees .

  21. 和去年的百事可乐(pepsico)一样,可口可乐(coca-cola)将把北美装瓶业务收归麾下。

    Coca-Cola , like PepsiCo last year , is to bring its North America bottling operations in-house .

  22. 可口可乐和百事可乐(pepsico)也作出了承诺,将加强塑料瓶的回收工作。

    Coke and PepsiCo are promising to increase their recycling of plastic water bottles .

  23. 与很多州一样,加州的销售人员须签订区域合同——例如,鲍勃(Bob)在洛杉矶郡(LosAngelesCounty)卖百事可乐,南希(Nancy)在橘子郡(OrangeCounty)卖百事可乐。

    California is one of many states in which salespeople have regionalcontracts - for instance , Bob sells Pepsi in Los Angeles County and Nancy sellsPepsi in Orange County .

  24. 可口可乐在中国的销售量大致达到了其全球竞争对手百事可乐(pepsico)的两倍。

    Its volume sales in China are roughly double those of PepsiCo , its global rival .

  25. 与此同时,百事可乐(Pepsi)的数字沟通主管巴特·卡斯(BartCas)在布鲁克林大桥上跑步。

    Meanwhile , Bart Cas , his opposite number at Pepsi , went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge .

  26. 百事可乐本月曾求助于twitter,此前用户开始发帖批评pepsimax的广告,广告描绘了卡通人物“卡路里”自杀。

    PepsiCo turned to twitter this month after users began posting criticisms of a Pepsi Max advertisement , which depicted a cartoon calorie committing suicide .

  27. 目前已有多家大公司与Identified签约,包括百事可乐(PepsiCo)和传媒集团康泰纳仕(CondeNast)。

    PepsiCo ( PEP ) and Conde Nast are among the major companies that have already signed on with identified .

  28. 特朗普每晚只睡四小时,就像撒切尔夫人、彼得雷乌斯将军、雅虎CEO玛丽莎•梅耶尔、和百事可乐CEO卢英德那样。

    Like Margaret Thatcher , General David Petraeus , Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Pepsi 's Indra Nooyi , Mr Trump sleeps only for four hours a night , his butler said .

  29. 同时,百事可乐(PepsiCo)和可口可乐(CocaCola)可能在担心自己的俄罗斯业务,近几年二者在俄罗斯扩张迅速。

    Meanwhile , PepsiCo and Coca Cola could both be worried about their own Russian operations , which have expanded rapidly in recent years .

  30. 有计划收购SAB的安海斯布希英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)拥有大量百事可乐(Pepsi)资产,这是一种令人不安的契合。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev , which aims to acquire SAB , has considerable Pepsi assets - an uneasy fit .