
  • 网络facility management;FM-Facility Management
  1. “该州的设施管理项目组正在生成其商业理由,预计将在二月底完成并提供给公众,”马丁说道。

    The state 's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February , Martin said .

  2. 武汉市排水设施管理GIS项目实施经验

    Discussion on Experience of GIS Project for Wuhan Urban Drainage Facilities Management

  3. 田纳西州的技术学院和社区学院不会将其设施管理外包给一家私人公司,该决定被一份各所高校的出分析报告所支持,一位领导说道。

    Tennessee 's technical and community colleges will not outsource management of their facilities to a private company , a decision one leader said was bolstered by an analysis of spending at each campus .

  4. 利用GIS技术创建校园设施管理系统

    Building A Campus ' Facility Management System by GIS Technology

  5. 地理信息系统(GIS)在市政设施管理养护中的应用

    Application of Management and Maintenance for GIS in Municipal Facilities

  6. GIS在国内广播电视设施管理中的应用探讨

    Discussion on GIS Applications in Broadcasting and Television Facility Management in China

  7. GIS在校园设施管理系统中的运用

    The Application of GIS in Campus Facilities Management System

  8. 基于GIS与工作流技术的设施管理系统

    Facilities management system based on GIS and workflow technology

  9. 结合重庆邮电学院设施管理系统开发的实践经验,介绍了一种将GIS技术应用到校园设施管理系统中的方法。

    The paper introduces a method of how to apply the GIS technology to the campus ' facility management system .

  10. 分布式RFID设施管理技术研究

    Research of Distributed RFID Infrastructure Management Technology

  11. 通过建立输变电设施管理信息系统(MIS),真实地反映出油田电网输变电设施的运行管理现状,为网络可靠性计算提供可靠的计算依据;

    It reflects the true operating status of the electric equipment , and gives evidence for power reliability calculation .

  12. 本文致力于研究RFID设施管理技术解决方案和以RFID设施管理为总线的RFID中间件架构。

    This paper focuses on the RFID infrastructure management technology solution and the RFID middleware architecture based on the RFID infrastructure management bus .

  13. GWT使用让人回想起EnterpriseJavaBeans(EJB)技术的多接口基础设施管理RPC,但是谢天谢地简单了很多。

    GWT manages RPCs with a multiple-interface infrastructure somewhat reminiscent of Enterprise JavaBeans ( EJB ) technology , but thankfully a lot simpler .

  14. SAE提供了一组轻量级虚拟承载环境,从而消除了SA构建人员的基础设施管理职责。

    The SAE provides a set of lightweight virtual hosting environments that remove SA builders'responsibility for the infrastructure management .

  15. 简要介绍一门新兴产业&物业设施管理(FM)的发展背景、内容和现状,并提出发展物业设施管理行业的几点看法。

    Introduce the development background , content and current situation of facility management which is the new industry today then put forward some viewpoints of facility management .

  16. 文章作者介绍了校园设施管理系统的功能与实现,着重讨论了GIS技术的系统实现,简析了该系统的主要特点。

    The article introduces the function of campus facilities management system and how to put into execution , discuss the realization of this system to use the technology of GIS mainly , analysis the main feature of this system .

  17. Steve对WebSphere、Web服务和企业服务总线进行了广泛的研究,并花了大量的时间来研究如何通过新兴的标准、产品和技术来创建、自动化或改进服务、网络和集成设施管理流程。

    Steve works extensively with WebSphere , Web services and the Enterprise Service Bus and spends his time figuring out how emerging standards , products and technologies can create , automate or improve Service , Network and Infrastructure Management processes .

  18. 将ISO9001∶2000质量管理标准正确地应用于基础设施管理,是船舶企业创造先进微观生产力的“绿色通道”。

    Applying ISO 9001 ∶ 2000 quality managing standard correctly in managing basic facilities means the Green Passage for shipping industies to create the advanced microcosmic productive forces .

  19. 针对目前城市道路工程管理中存在的问题,结合先进的信息技术,简要阐述了GIS的发展以及在相关行业中的应用,并对城市道路设施管理系统进行了规划和功能实现。

    According to the problems existed in urban road engineering management at present , combined with advanced information technology the development of GIS and its applications in related areas are briefly introduced as well as the design and function realization of urban road facilities management system .

  20. VMControl可以自动执行虚拟基础设施管理、提高工作负载弹性(高可用性)和减少虚拟服务器的部署时间。

    VMControl automates virtualized infrastructure management , improves workload resiliency ( high availability ) and reduces deployment time for new virtual servers .

  21. 针对水利行业信息化管理和电子政务建设的目标,以深圳市防洪设施管理处为例,介绍了基于LOTUS的网络OA系统的技术实现方法。

    According to the aim of water conservancy departments of informationization management and E - government construction , the technology schemes to construct OA network system based on Lotus are provided , following the example of Shenzhen flood control installations management office .

  22. 面向服务的IT基础设施管理模式及其应用研究

    Service-Oriented Information Technology Infrastructure Management : Model Development and Empirical Study

  23. 设施管理,资产跟踪,平面布置图,空间布置图

    Facilities Management , Asset Tracking , Floor Plan , Space Plan

  24. 线性参照系统在上海市公路设施管理地理信息系统中的应用

    The Application of Linear Referencing System in Shanghai GIS-Highway Infrastructure Management System

  25. 加强国防交通工程设施管理初探

    On the Strengthening of the Management of Communication Engineering Facilities for National Defense

  26. 浅谈现代消防设施管理与维护保养的措施

    Management and Maintenance Measures for Modern Fire Fighting Facilities

  27. 应用程序设计中引入了有关由基础设施管理的安全与由应用程序管理的安全的决策。

    The application design introduces decisions to be made about infrastructure-versus application-managed security .

  28. 城市公用事业设施管理AM/FM/SS/RM解决方案初步研究

    Urban Public Undertakings ' Facilities Management Solution-AM / FM / SS / RM

  29. 政府部门在城市基础设施管理中的主要职责和任务

    Role Played By Municipal Government In City Infrastructure Management

  30. 地理信息系统在我市道路排水设施管理应用初探

    Application of Geographical Information System to Road Drainage Establishment Management in Taiyuan City