
  • 网络American Aerospace;United States space activities;United States space exploration
  1. 美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。

    The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle

  2. 似乎没有人知道确切的情况,但是美国航天宇航局(NASA)的一位官员称,这个短语刚刚开始流行。

    No one seems to know for sure . But an official of the American space agency , NASA , says the expression just grew .

  3. NASA局长博尔登(CharlesBolden)说,莱德的翩翩风度与专业素养破除了重重障碍,可以说她的出现改变了美国航天计划的面貌。

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said that Ms. Ride ' broke barriers with grace and professionalism ─ and literally changed the face of America 's space program . '

  4. NASA的新的大学航天工程研究计划是重建美国航天研究和技术基础的国家政策的一部分,本文概述了这些计划的进展情况并且简要介绍了各大学航天工程研究中心的工作。

    NASA 's new university engineering Space research programs are an integral Part of national policy to rebuild the United States Space research and technology base . This article Summarizes the progress of these programs , the University Space engineering research Centers are also Presented here briefly .

  5. 欧洲太空局计划在2019年启动“欧几里德”项目,而美国航天航空局希望能在三年之后的2022年将wfirst望远镜送入轨道。

    The European Space Agency plans to launch Euclid in 2019 and NASA hopes to put wfirst in orbit three years later .

  6. 计算了以美国航天飞机为模型的再入走廊。

    The reentry corridor of American Space Shuttle is calculated .

  7. 他们还设法通过其他在火星上的美国航天机器检测它。

    They are also trying to detect it through other U.S.crafts at Mars .

  8. 美国航天技术全固态激光技术在航天领域的应用

    Application of all solid state laser in space

  9. 这两个平台上安放的备件将被用来在美国航天飞机退役后维护空间站运行。

    The platforms will hold spare parts to sustain station operations after the shuttles'retirement .

  10. 美国航天飞机可以多次使用,向太空运送有效负载。

    The American space shuttle can be used many times to put payloads in space .

  11. 这次任务需历时16天,是美国航天飞机项目的倒数第二次任务。

    This is a 16-day mission and the next-to-the-last mission for the space shuttle program .

  12. 本文介绍美国航天气象保障工作简况。

    The meteorological support of space activities in the United States is briefed in this paper .

  13. 独占鳌头的美国航天飞机

    Current Status of American Spacecraft

  14. 文中对德国、法国、印度和美国航天光学遥感器研制情况的一个侧面进行了简述。

    The paper introduces the development of space remote sensors in Germany , France , India and America .

  15. 这次飞行,将是奋进号的最后一次使命。也是美国航天飞机的到数第二次使命。

    This will be the last mission for Endeavour , and the second-to-last mission for the U.S. shuttle fleet .

  16. 但是在这之前,美国航天航空局就已经拍摄到了出现在南极上空的臭氧洞。

    Before that year , however , NASA had already taken pictures of the ozone hole that appeared over the Antarctic .

  17. 最后一架美国航天飞机在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射升空,从而结束了30年的航天飞机项目。

    The last US space shuttle has blasted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida , bringing an end to the30-year-old programme .

  18. 国家航空航天局的官员说,这次为期16天的太空之旅是自从国际空间站项目开始以来美国航天飞机访问空间站时间最长的一次。

    NASA officials say the16-day space mission will include the longest shuttle visit to the International Space Station in the program 's history .

  19. “哥伦比亚”号航天飞机的解体掀起了又一轮持续已久的有关美国航天计划是否明智的争论。

    The destruction of the space shuttle Columbia has precipitated another round in the long-standing debate over the wisdom of the US space program .

  20. 美国航天飞机奋力号因为该地区的雷电暴风天气第四次被推迟发射。

    The launch of the US space shuttle Endeavour has been postponed for a fourth time , because of thunder storms in the area .

  21. 利用美国航天飞机雷达遥感数据,进行穿透深度的实证分析。

    Using shuttle radar remote sensing data , some examples , such as old channels and old lake shore lines , of penetration are shown .

  22. 此城建于1836年,以山姆·休斯顿的名字命名,它是一个重要的工商业及金融中心,又是美国航天工业中心。

    Founded in1836 and named for Sam Houston , it is a major industrial , commercial , and financial hub , the center of the U.

  23. 诚然,尹致源不是一位普普通通的银行家,他曾是一名工程师,为美国航天飞机项目设计过卫星通讯网络。

    Admittedly , Mr Yoon is no ordinary banker but a former engineer who designed the satellite communications network used in the US space shuttle programme .

  24. 近年来,中国在航天发展方面进展迅速,而目前美国航天项目则面临一个困难的局势。

    In recent years , China is witnessing a rapid and amazing rise in space missions , while American space program is in a difficult situation now .

  25. 我将在适当的时候,努力减轻美国航天产品出口的贸易限制,并开拓新的市场。

    I will work to ease trade limitations , as appropriate , on foreign sales of U. s.space goods and will work to expand access to new markets .

  26. 以此为基础,作者概括、论证并分析了二十一世纪开始以来美国航天体现出来的新特点。

    On these bases , the author puts forward , discusses and analyses the new features that American astronautics has presented since the beginning of the 21st century .

  27. 火星观察者号将由一架美国航天飞机运载发射。在航天飞机发射和重返大气层期间,科学家们将和飞行人员一起乘坐在航天飞机的坐舱里。

    The Mars Observer is to be deployed from an America space shuttle . The scientists will ride with the crew in the shuttle cabin during the vehicle 's launch and re-entry .

  28. 为了激发青少年对科技、工程和数学的兴趣,美国航天公司“洛克希德马丁”开发出了一个新奇有趣的方式。

    American aerospace company Lockheed Martin has found a really cool way to inspire the young minds of today to pursue careers in Science , Technology , Engineering , and Mathematics ( STEM ) .

  29. 航天飞机的退役意味着美国航天放弃了逍遥自在的牛仔经济,转而采用以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心的飞船经济。

    The fact of space shuttle retirement shows the US has abandoned easygoing " cowboy economy ", and adopted the " spaceship economy " with a core concept of efficient use of resources and recycling .

  30. 接着根据美国航天飞机的飞行试验结果,研讨了研制航天飞机必须要解决的气动力和气动热问题。

    Based on the results of flight tests for space shuttle in USA , the aerodynamic problems and the aerothermal problems that must be sloved for the development of the winged space transportation systems are investigated respectively .