
  • 网络Association of American Universities;The Association of American University;American Association of Universities;aau
  1. UB是美国大学协会成员,在全美公立研究性大学排行中名列前茅。

    UB is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and stands in the front rank among the nation 's research-intensive public universities .

  2. 布法罗大学成立于1846年,是美国大学协会的会员。

    Founded in1846 , the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities .

  3. 美国大学教授协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityProfessors)不建议高校禁止这种关系,但该组织指出,他们有很多潜在的利用机会。

    The American Association of University Professors does not recommend that colleges ban such relationships , but the organization has noted that they are fraught with the potential for exploitation .

  4. 美国大学教授协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityProfessors)不建议高校禁止这种关系,但该组织指出,他们“有很多潜在的利用机会。”

    The American Association of University Professors does not recommend that colleges ban such relationships , but the organization has noted that they " are fraught with the potential for exploitation . "

  5. 美国大学教授协会(AAUP)与终身教职

    American Association of University Professors ( AAUP ) and Tenure

  6. 美国大学教授协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityProfessors)当地分会的成员,与大学的行政部门之间的一些电子邮件讨论可以追溯到2011年,其中教授们曾反复询问聘请了哪家公司做合规监督,采用的是怎样的标准。

    An email thread between members of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors and the university administration , in which the professors repeatedly asked which firm had been hired to monitor compliance and what standards it would employ , dated to 2011 .

  7. 北卡罗来纳大学以89比72战胜密歇根州立大学,夺得的今年美国大学体育协会(NCAA)男篮锦标赛冠军。

    And they trudged home in the biting cold of night . The University of North Carolina grabbed this year 's NCAA title winning 89-72 .

  8. 1915年美国大学教授协会(AAUP)的成立是学术自由发展史上的重要里程碑,不仅是学术自由原则制度化的开端,而且是美国学术职业走向自觉的标志。

    The establishment of the American Association of University Professors ( AAUP ) in 1915 was a significant event in the development of academic freedom .

  9. 高等教育系统中的专业性协调力量&以美国大学教授协会为例

    The Professional Coordination Force in Higher Education System & Taking American Association of University Professors as an Example

  10. 美国大学教授协会统计,博士的平均年龄是33岁。

    According to the American Association of University Professors , the average age of a PhD graduate is33-years-old .

  11. 美国大学教授协会说,现在美国大学中68%的教师是辅助教授。

    The American Association of University Professors says sixty-eight percent of all teacher appointments at American colleges today are adjuncts .

  12. 美国大学女性协会同时指出,女性只能获得同等学历的男性同事82%的收入。

    The AAUW also found that even women with the same level of education make 82 % of what their male counterparts make .

  13. 据所达成的和解协议,使用大学橄榄球运动员和篮球运动员的肖像要支付的赔偿总额为4千万美元,而美国大学体育协会则会授权该游戏的运行。

    A 40-million-dollar settlement paying college football and basketball players for the use for their likeness and NCAA granted video games is now complete .

  14. 美国大学教授协会所确立的学术自由与终身教职之间的内在联系,使得终身教职成为保证美国大学教师学术自由的制度性工具。

    The relationship between academic freedom and tenure which was established by AAUP made tenure an institutional guarantee of the academic freedom in American University and college .

  15. 20世纪,为了保证学术自由,在美国大学教授协会的努力下,美国大学普遍实行了终身教职制度。

    To ensure academic freedom , under the effort of American Association of University Professors , the tenure system has become a common practice in American universities .

  16. 美国大学妇女协会的丽沙。玛耶兹也说,像现在这样经济不好的时候,受害者经常很怕挺身而出。

    Lisa Maatz from the American Association of University Women also says in difficult economic times , like now , victims are often afraid to come forward .

  17. 尽管在实施中的落实情况不一,美国大学教授协会提出的有关终身教职后评估的实施建议为确保终身教职后评估的顺利进行不可或缺。

    Although the proposals concerning the conduct of post-tenure review that were put forward by AAUP are being observed differently , they are still indispensable for post-tenure review .

  18. 为了保障学术职业的安全,美国大学教授协会积极制定和推行学术职业的原则标准,并逐步得到联邦法院的认可。

    In order to safeguard the academic profession , Association of American University Professors set down the principles and standards of academic profession , which were approved of by the Federal Court of the United States .

  19. 美国大学和雇主协会(TheNationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers,NACE)收集了关于大学就业市场的信息。

    The National Association of Colleges and Employers collects information on the college job market .

  20. 美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers,NACE)表示,只有四分之一的求职者找到工作。

    The National Association of Colleges and Employers says about one-fourth of those who applied for a job have found one .

  21. 美国大学和雇主协会(nationalassociationofcollegesandemployers)的数据显示,与去年相比,预计雇主聘用的2009届大学毕业生人数将减少22%。

    Employers expect to hire 22 per cent fewer new graduates from the college class of 2009 than the previous year , according to the National Association of colleges and employers in the US .

  22. 根据美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)的调查,2012届毕业生的起薪中位数达42569美元,比2011届毕业生的起薪中位数高出4.5%。

    According to the National Association of colleges and employers , the median starting salary for class of 2012 grads is up 4.5 % ( to $ 42,569 ) from that of the class of 2011 .

  23. 美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)表示,公司今年计划招聘的毕业生仅比去年多出2%,与去年秋季雇主们13%的增幅预测相差很大。

    Companies plan to hire just 2 % more grads than last year , says the National Association of colleges and employers , a startling drop from the 13 % increase those same employers projected last fall .

  24. 不过也有好消息,美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers,NACE)年度招聘经理调查的初步结果显示,2013年,雇主招聘的应届毕业生预计将比2012年增加13%。

    On the bright side , however , employers expect to hire 13 % more new grads in 2013 than in 2012 , according to preliminary results from the National Association of colleges and employers ' annual survey of hiring managers .

  25. 那所大学真地为她提供了一份全面资助的奖学金,并且她进入了美国全国大学体育协会其中一个女子甲组篮球队。

    She was indeed offered a scholarship , a full ride , to a Division I , NCAA women 's basketball team .

  26. 她真的获得了奖学金,一个全面资助的奖学金,并且进入美国全国大学体育协会其中一队女子甲组篮球队。

    She was indeed of freed a scholarship , a full ride , to a Division I , NCAA women 's basketball team .

  27. 你知道吗?根据美国大学及雇主协会,2009年,预期未来一年大学毕业生的雇佣率将下降7个百分点。

    Did you know ? According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers , in 2009 , hiring was expected to be down 7 percent for the following year 's college graduates .

  28. 美国国家大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)的研究发现,在有报酬的实习生中,60%获得了工作邀请,而在没有报酬的实习生中,获得工作邀请的只有37%。

    Research by the US 's National Association of Colleges and Employers discovered that 60 per cent of paid interns received a job offer , compared with 37 per cent of unpaid .

  29. 在许多学校里,财务问题会影响录取决定。美国全国大学招生咨询协会(NationalAssociationforCollegeAdmissionCounseling)最近的一份报告发现,大约有一半的院校表示,申请人的“支付能力”在招生决定中至少“有一定重要性”。

    On many campuses , financial concerns affect decisions about whom to admit . A recent report by the National Association for College Admission Counseling found that about half of institutions said an applicant 's " ability to pay " was of at least " some importance " in admissions decisions .

  30. 美国大学注册及录取协会(AACRAO)助理执行董事杰弗里彼德鲁奇(JeffryPetrucci)表示:二三十年前,大部分来美国留学的中国学生即使不是全部的话都是学术精英,但现在范围扩大了很多。

    Most , if not all , of the Chinese students who came here a few decades ago were the academic elite , but it has now broadened a lot , says Jeffry Petrucci , an associate executive director at the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers .