
bǎi huò dà lóu
  • department store;KaDeWe
  1. 借光,去百货大楼怎么走啊?

    Excuse me , but can you direct me to the Department store ?

  2. 本文采用MATLAB软件对某百货大楼的全空气空调系统进行了运行及控制的动态仿真。

    In this paper , the MATLAB software is introduced to simulate the operation and control of a central air-conditioning system of a department store in Baoding city .

  3. 但环保组织野生救援(WildAid)驻香港的野生动物保护活动人士亚历克斯·霍福德(AlexHofford)称,该百货大楼已在当天早些时候,撤下了陈列货品中的象牙。

    Alex Hofford , a Hong Kong-based wildlife campaigner for the conservation group WildAid , said the store had removed its stock of ivory from display earlier in the day .

  4. 该百货大楼的售货员托尼·吕(TonyLui)周六下午表示,陈列的货品都是由可合法交易的猛犸象牙雕刻而成。

    Tony Lui , a salesman at the store , said Saturday afternoon that the items on display were carved from mammoth tusk , which can legally be sold .

  5. 其次,通过研究薪酬基础理论和薪酬激励理论,结合合肥H百货大楼的实际,明确了薪酬激励的原则、完善薪酬制度的理论依据并进一步分析了企业的薪酬激励体系。

    Secondly , through studying salary basis theory and salary stimulation theory , combining the fact of Hefei H Department Store , confirming the principle of designing the salary regime , the theory basis of perfecting the salary system , and further analysing the salary design regime of the enterprise .

  6. 下个月我将在这个百货大楼里上班。

    I will be working in the department store next month .

  7. 这件新风衣是在百货大楼买的。

    The new dust-coat is bought in the Department store .

  8. 昆明百货大楼是个购物的好地方。

    Kunming Department Store is a good place for shopping .

  9. 您本周什么时间有空能陪我去百货大楼一趟吗?

    Could you accompany me to the department store some time this week ?

  10. 在路的一边是一个百货大楼。

    Side of the road is a departmental store .

  11. 你说你们将巩固在北美百货大楼内的蔻驰门店。

    You say Coach will enhance its locations inside North American department stores .

  12. 天津百货大楼扩建工程的地下围护工程设计

    The Design for the Underground Protection Construction for the Development Project of Tianjin Department Store

  13. 警方说窃贼们显然对百货大楼的报警系统非常了解。

    Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the Department store .

  14. 百货大楼、药房和各种各类的店里的陈列柜台就表示了一种成就。

    Display counters , department stores , drugstores and other kinds of shops show one kind of success .

  15. 在实证上以北镇市百货大楼广宁分店为样本,进行计算。

    Demonstration research makes the Guangning branch office of Beizhen department store as a stylebook , and calculations are made .

  16. 他上百货大楼时,总喜欢靠在柜台上和女店员像老熟人一样聊聊,问些套近乎的问题。

    If he visited a department store it was to lounge familiarly over the counter and ask some leading questions .

  17. 重庆百货大楼股份有限公司(简称重百公司),目前是我国西部地区规模最大的商业上市公司。

    Chongqing department store CO. , LTD ( shorted forCBDL ) is the greatest listed business company in the west of China .

  18. 他起诉了那家百货大楼,要求对其在店内滑倒所受到的人身伤害进行赔偿。

    He sued the department store for his personal injury he had suffered when he slipped on the floor inside the store .

  19. 那里竞争不激烈,而且项目非常多不仅仅是房地产,还有收费公路、基础设施和百货大楼。

    There wasn 't much competition and so many projects not just real estate but toll roads , infrastructure and department stores .

  20. 在百货大楼里的这家金饰品专柜,目前千足金饰品的价格为每克305元。

    For instance , the price of articles in pure gold is305 yuan per gram at the jewelry counter of Hefei Department Store .

  21. 记者在四牌楼左近的的百货大楼一楼看到,固然黄金饰品价钱曾经到达411元每克,但是前来选购的市民依然可以说是热忱高涨。

    Our reporter sees one department store near Sipailou crowded with enthusiastic buyers purchasing gold jewelry though the price has jumped to411yuan per gram .

  22. 明年,我们会在50家百货大楼门店内部署内部蔻驰员工。再过两年,这个数字将增加至150家。

    Coach will have its own staff at 50 shops inside a department store next year , and triple that in another 2 years .

  23. 这一传统已传了几百年。在百货大楼周围散发了广告传单。

    The tradition has been passed down for hundreds of years . Advertisement papers were sent around the department papers were sent around the department store .

  24. 德国翻译官同意把我们带到百货大楼的地下室里,但同时他提醒我们说在大楼门口有地雷。

    German translator agreed to lead us to the cellar of the department store , but warned that there is a minefield in front of the building .

  25. 为何要美化一个穿连帽衣的英国小混混破坏百货大楼窗户的行为,将其与甘冒生命危险争取自由的利比亚人相提并论?

    Why dignify the actions of a British hoodie caving in the window of a department store , by comparing him with a Libyan risking his life for freedom ?

  26. 霍福德称,一名记者尝试拍下该百货大楼销售象牙制品的执照,但遭到一名男子唐突无礼的驱赶。那名男子可能供职于一家象牙批发商。

    A journalist who attempted to take a photo of the store 's license to sell ivory was briefly grabbed by a man suspected of working for an ivory wholesaler , Mr. Hofford said .

  27. 这几个骨瘦如柴的军官告诉他,所有向德军南部集群下达的继续抵抗的命令,都来自于位于烈士广场上的百货大楼的地下室。

    They told us that all orders for the German South Group originated from the cellar warehouse of a department store , located on the Square of the Fallen Fighters ( Germans called it Sch ö nesplatz ) .

  28. 介绍了内部控制系统和内部管理控制系统的含义,分析了内部管理控制系统的三大子系统,阐述了日照百货大楼有限公司内部管理控制的现状及其影响。

    This paper introduces the connotations of internal control system and internal management control system , analyzes on three sub-systems of internal management control system , and expounds the present situation and influence of internal management control of Rizhao Department Store Co. Ltd.

  29. 拥有大型商店、百货商店及高耸大楼的购物商厦就如你们市区中心一样具有放射性。

    Shopping malls with large department stores along with grocery stores and high-rise apartment buildings are as radioactive as your inner cities .

  30. 那大百货,多数人管那百货大楼叫大百货,被人们夸作这条街上橱窗收拾得最富于创造性的铺家。

    The Big E , as the Emporium was called by most , was boasted some of the most creative window displays on the avenue .