
  • 网络Baidu Search;seo;app
  1. 经济危机包含于金融。两者都可能由多方面因素引起!最好答案可由百度搜索得知!

    Economic crisis is included at finance . Both may be caused by many sided element ! Best answer can is informed by Baidu search !

  2. 简介了百度搜索引擎的功能特点,探讨了其服务特点并进行了评论。

    This paper introduces briefly the function features of Baidu search engine , and probes into service features of Baidu search engine and comments on these features .

  3. 然而,这些数据信息只能通过动态查询响应来获取,不容易被传统的搜索引擎如Google、百度搜索到,因此并未得到充分的利用。

    However , these data sources can only be acquired by dynamic query responses . Hardly can they be indexed and searched by traditional search engine such as Google and Baidu , and thus they are not fully utilized .

  4. 他经常通过谷歌、雅虎或百度搜索信息。

    He often searches for information through Google , Yahoo or Baidu .

  5. 李彦宏是中国互联网企业家,也是百度搜索引擎的创始人之一。

    Robin Li is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur and a co-founder of search engine Baidu .

  6. 就在上周,“林书豪”成为了百度搜索引擎的最热门搜索项。

    Last week , Lin rocketed to the number-one most searched item on Baidu , the Chinese search engine .

  7. 一些用户抱怨百度搜索结果中的推广太多,有的搜索结果第一页全部是推广。

    Some users complain that Baidu carries so many paid items that the first page of results for some searches is entirely promotions .

  8. 如果您的网站的首页在百度搜索不到,则可能是由于您的网站不稳定使首页被判别为死链接导致丢失。

    If your site 's home page in the Baidu search less , it may be because your site instability Home sentenced to death another link to cause loss .

  9. 他正豪赌其所谓的“框计算”,该技术会让百度搜索框变为一个面向各种应用与服务的窗口。

    He is making a big bet on what he calls " box computing ", which turns Baidu 's search box into a window to all kinds of applications and services .

  10. 在坚实的粉丝群拥护下,通过百度搜索引擎可以找到1.9亿条与小说相关的新闻、评论及其他内容。

    With a solid base of fans , up to 190 million pieces of news , reviews and other content related to the novel can be found through the search engine Baidu.com .

  11. “国羽球取消资格”以31000次搜索量在百度搜索风云榜上排名第二。

    The term ' the national badminton team lost games on purpose ' ranked No.2 on the hot topic list of Chinese Internet search service Baidu.com , with more than 31000 searches .

  12. 企业运动会不仅蕴含着大量企业、社会变迁的信息;而且在全国范围内开展的如火如荼,百度搜索百万条记录即是明证,因此非常有必要对这一庞大的社会现象进行专题研究。

    Business games not only contains a large number of enterprises , social change information ; and nationwide the like a raging fire , Baidu search millions of records is clear , so it is very necessary to this huge social phenomenon to undertake special subject studies .

  13. Google与百度图书搜索比较研究

    Comparative Research on Google Book Search and Baidu Book Search

  14. 现在常用的方式是基于文字的图像检索(TBIR),如谷歌、百度等搜索引擎。

    Text-based image retrieval is a popular way , such as Google , Baidu and other search engines .

  15. 这家中国互联网巨头复制了谷歌在互联网搜索市场的主导地位。据网络分析公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据,按流量计算,一季度百度在搜索市场占有85%的份额。

    China 's Internet giant has managed to replicate Google 's dominance of Internet search , with 85 % of the market by traffic in the first quarter , according to web analysis firm iResearch .

  16. 百度针对搜索排序提供竞价排序服务。

    Baidu 's paid search service is known as Ranking Bid .

  17. 两个月之后,我在百度上搜索了他的名字。

    Two months later , I searched his name in Baidu .

  18. 百度的搜索结果比较含糊。

    The baidu results page is a pretty murky prospect .

  19. 它还指责百度的搜索结果中含有无执照的医药网站。

    It also criticised Baidu for carrying unlicensed medical websites among its search results .

  20. 许多中国用户经常使用百度地图搜索理想的旅行路线。

    Many Chinese users often search for an ideal travel route using Baidu Maps .

  21. 你曾经在世界最大搜索引擎百度上搜索过问题吗?

    Have you ever typed questions into the world 's largest search engine , Baidu ?

  22. 目标是让人们越来越依赖百度的搜索框,他表示。

    The goal is to let people become increasingly dependent on the Baidu box , he said .

  23. 来这里之前,我在中文搜索引擎百度上搜索关于伊顿的信息,得到6.8万条结果。

    Before coming here , I searched Eton on the Chinese search engine Baidu and it produced 68,000 search results .

  24. 央视记者的调查显示,劣药、假名医出现在百度的搜索结果中,且排名靠前。

    The investigation of CCTV reporter shows , cure of bad medicine , anonym appears in the search result of Baidu , and before the rank leans .

  25. 我说,来这里之前,我在中文搜索引擎百度上搜索关于伊顿的信息,得到6.8万条结果,气氛一下子就活跃起来了。

    So , my opening eventually started like this : Before coming here , I searched Eton on the Chinese search engine Baidu and it produced 68,000 search results .

  26. 他还补充:但这并不代表我们不会在未来某天重开百度日本搜索引擎,或是将我们的搜索技术用在日本的其它平台上。

    But that doesnt preclude the possibility that we will bring it back one day , or introduce our search technology services through other platforms in Japan , he added .

  27. 他的父母表示,他曾在百度上搜索替代疗法,并支付了20万元人民币(合3.1万美元)接受北京一家医院提供的“生物免疫疗法”。

    His parents said he used Baidu to search for alternative treatments , and paid Rmb200000 ( $ 31000 ) for " biological immunotherapy " offered by a Beijing hospital .

  28. 来这里演讲前,我在百度上搜索“中国民主政治改革”,不到一秒钟就找到139万个搜索结果。

    Before coming here , I searched through Baidu , a Chinese search engine " China 's democratic political reform , " I got 1.39 million results in less than a second .

  29. 第二,正如我们知道谷歌尽管在世界上发展的很顺利,但它不能很好的适应中国市场因为中国本土的百度正在搜索市场打败谷歌。

    Second , as we know despite smooth development worldwide , Google failed to adapt to the Chinese market because Baidu which is native in China has been killing Google in the search market anyway .

  30. 康罗伊女士表示,双方的协议将使中国歌迷得以合法访问百代的中文歌曲库,但不会阻止百度的搜索服务帮助用户找到并下载盗版的百代音乐作品。

    Ms Conroy said the agreement would give Chinese fans legal access to EMI 's Chinese catalogue but would not stop Baidu 's search service from helping users to find and download pirated EMI tracks .