
liú lǎn qì
  • browser
浏览器[liú lǎn qì]
  1. 网页浏览器的高速缓存区里有你最近下载的网页文件。

    In your Web browser 's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded .

  2. 点击网页浏览器上的“刷新”按钮来刷新页面,显示最新的版本。

    Press the ' reload ' button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version .

  3. 结果就是,微软研发出了一款全新的浏览器,并于2015年推出了Edge。

    Instead , Microsoft developed a whole new browser , releasing Edge in 2015 .

  4. 微软承认,IE不是理想的网络浏览器。

    Microsoft acknowledges that IE isn 't ideal for web browsing .

  5. IE浏览器曾经是应用最广泛的网络浏览器,但近二十年来使用量一直不断下降。

    Once the most-used web browser for nearly two decades .

  6. 所以IE浏览器最终还是失去了用途。

    So IE has at long last outlived its usefulness .

  7. 大多数Windows10个人电脑用户很可能从未注意到自己的电脑安装了IE浏览器。

    Most Windows 10 PC owners probably never noticed that IE is installed on their computers .

  8. 2020年8月,微软自己的产品开始弃用IE浏览器。

    In August 2020 , Microsoft turned its back on IE for its own products .

  9. 在2002年的巅峰期,IE占据了95%的浏览器市场份额。

    At its 2002 peak , Internet Explorer commanded 95 % of the browser market .

  10. 但是Edge并没有在实际上取代IE。时至今日Windows个人电脑上预装的浏览器除了Edge外,依然还有IE。

    But Edge didn 't actually replace IE. Internet Explorer to this day is pre-installed on Windows PCs alongside Edge .

  11. 微软最新版本的Edge浏览器支持和IE兼容的网络应用程序,这样用户就不必在不同的浏览器之间切换。

    Microsoft 's latest version of the Edge browser supports web apps built for IE so customers don 't have to keep switching between browsers .

  12. 这就是为什么过去五年来微软一直在试图让IE浏览器退休,但是没有成功。

    That 's why , for the past five years , Microsoft has been trying — unsuccessfully — to kill Internet Explorer .

  13. Monitorshopping(字面意思为“浏览器购物”)是“只逛不买”(windowshopping)的另一种形式,只不过你闲逛的地方不再是实体商店,而是购物网站,即“只浏览不购物”。

    Monitor shopping is another form of window shopping , except that instead of wandering in stores , all you have to do is to log onto a shopping website .

  14. 去年秋天微软职场聊天软件Teams不再和IE浏览器兼容,明年仲夏起包括Office在内的微软365个应用也将不再支持IE浏览器。

    Workplace chat software Teams stopped working with IE last fall , and its 365 apps ( including Office ) will no longer work on IE by mid-summer 2021 .

  15. 在微软终止对IE的支持后,尚不清楚微软是否会停止在Windows个人电脑上默认安装IE浏览器,不过可能性比较大。

    It 's unclear if Microsoft will stop installing IE on Windows PCs by default once the company discontinues support for IE , although that would be likely .

  16. 微软基于谷歌Chrome开源代码的现代浏览器Edge近年来的受欢迎程度已经远超IE。

    Edge , Microsoft 's modern browser , is based on Google 's open source Chrome code , and has gained much more traction than IE in recent years .

  17. 微软的IE工程师曾在2014年承认,微软正在考虑更改浏览器的名字,以“摆脱人们对IE的负面印象”。

    Microsoft 's Internet Explorer engineers acknowledged in 2014 that the company was considering a name change to " separate ourselves from negative perceptions " about the browser .

  18. IE浏览器于1995年伴随着Windows95电脑推出,推出后曾轰动一时,成功干掉了网景导航者浏览器,并在21世纪初达到了实质性的垄断地位。

    Internet Explorer debuted in 1995 as part of Windows 95 and became an instant hit . It successfully killed off Netscape Navigator , and it achieved a virtual monopoly in the early 2000s .

  19. 2011年,试图复兴IE的微软终于推出了一款现代浏览器IE9。

    The company tried to revitalize IE : With Internet Explorer 9 in 2011 , Microsoft finally released a modern browser .

  20. 然而,时至今日IE依然不支持扩展程序,不能在非Windows设备上使用,而且默认不能和其他设备兼容,而这些都是谷歌和火狐浏览器的强项。

    Still , to this day IE still doesn 't support extensions , isn 't available on non-Windows devices and doesn 't sync with other devices by default — all mainstays of Chrome and Firefox .

  21. 在这份“死亡声明”中,微软表示,IE浏览器速度太慢,已经不适用也不兼容于许多现代网络任务,也远不如现代浏览器安全。

    In its death announcement , Microsoft said Internet Explorer is slow , no longer practical for or compatible with many modern web tasks , and is far less secure than modern browsers .

  22. 浏览器使用量追踪机构NetMarketShare的数据显示,2010年IE在浏览器市场的份额跌破50%大关,如今只剩下5%的份额。

    Its share of the browser market fell below the 50 % threshold in 2010 and now sits at about 5 % , according to browser usage tracker NetMarketShare .

  23. 解析范本,并传送到标准输出(浏览器)

    Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ) .

  24. 微软亲手为火狐和谷歌浏览器超越自己铺平了道路。

    Microsoft paved the way for Firefox and then Chrome to surpass it .

  25. 遵守并执行有关数据安全、浏览器兼容性,以及残疾人使用方便等方面的工业标准。

    Complies with industry standards for data security , browser compatibility , and accessibility .

  26. 在浏览器中看编辑的效果。

    View edits in a web browser .

  27. 谷歌浏览器是浏览器中的领头羊,占据了69%的市场份额。

    Google 's Chrome is the browser leader , commanding a 69 % share of the market .

  28. 另一个非常好的方法是干脆放弃浏览器,取而代之,创建一个不基于浏览器,但却是基于互联网的应用

    Another excellent approach is to abandon the browser entirely and , instead , create a non-browser-based , Internet-enabled application .

  29. 现在,您在大多数现代浏览器中具备了有用的Find功能。

    You now have a useful Find function on most modern browsers .

  30. Web服务浏览器使用这种方法来测试Web服务。

    The Web service Explorer uses this methodology to test Web services .