
  • 网络Running for Governor;Run for Governor
  1. 《竞选州长》是美国著名作家马克·吐温早期作品中难得的讽刺小说。

    Running for Governor is a rare satirical short story of Mark Twain 's early works .

  2. 听我说,妈,我要竞选州长

    Listen , ma , I 'm running for Governor .

  3. 2005年他竞选州长失败。

    He made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2005 .

  4. 你前两次竞选州长都输了

    You lost the first two times you ran for Governor .

  5. 宣布竞选州长一事吗

    to announce your gubernatorial run , isn 't it ?

  6. 我要竞选州长不久就要宣布了

    I 'm running for governor . I announce soon .

  7. 该党的忠诚分子提名曼哈顿区的领导人竞选州长。

    The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship .

  8. 我连谁在竞选州长都不知道

    If I can 't find out who 's running for governor ,

  9. 即使如此,你让他去竞选州长

    Even so , you run him for governor ,

  10. 你看过《竞选州长》这篇故事吗?

    Have you read the story Running for Governor ?

  11. 真希望爸爸不竞选州长

    I wish dad wasn 't running for Governor .

  12. 怎么帮,我们打算让他竞选州长

    How ? We 're running him for Governor .

  13. 辛西娅?尼克松要竞选州长的传闻如今已成为事实。

    Those rumors that Cynthia Nixon was running for governor have now become truth .

  14. 难怪他再次竞选州长时,得了三分之二的高票。

    When he ran for reelection he got about two thirds of the vote .

  15. 他竞选州长并轻易获胜。

    He ran for governor and breezed in .

  16. 现在康拉德在竞选州长

    Now that Conrad 's running for governor ,

  17. 他被共和党提名和赫斯特竞选州长职位。

    He was nominated by the Republicans to fight Hearst for the post of governor .

  18. 本周,佛吉尼亚和新泽西州竞选州长。

    This week , two American states , Virginia and New Jersey , elected governors .

  19. 如今,他正为竞选州长而争取资金支持。

    He is now working to obtain public funding to join the race for governor .

  20. 他会竞选州长

    He 's gonna run for governor .

  21. 她竞选州长的受挫之举保护的;

    her frustrated attempt to become governor .

  22. 彼得·罗素竞选州长一事

    about Peter Russo running for Governor .

  23. 我叔叔在竞选州长的时候,新闻媒体就把他作为重点报道的对象。

    My uncle ran for state governor so he was fair game for the press .

  24. 一旦你公布要竞选州长的计划

    Once you announce your gubernatorial plans ,

  25. 那个曾经营过一家小店的市长准备去竞选州长。

    The mayor who used to run a small shop will run for the Governer .

  26. 议长告诫议员们在竞选州长时要严守党的路线。

    The chairman warned the senators to toe the party line while running for the governor .

  27. 他会竞选州长吗?

    Will he run for Governor ?

  28. 伊利诺斯州,共和党企业家布鲁斯·劳耐尔与在任的民主党员泰·昆恩竞选州长一职。

    Illinois picked Republican businessman Bruce Rauner to face incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn in the race for governor .

  29. 我决定改变公开我要竞选州长一事的日期不如今晚吧

    Well , I 've decided to change the date of my gubernatorial announcement to , uh ... this evening .

  30. 夏威夷州参议员大卫·伊及于六个月前加入竞选州长的行列,在参议院选区之外,很少有人知道他。

    The state senator David Ige entered the race for governor six months ago , barely known beyond his senate district .